Disclaimer: I don't own Code Lyoko.

Chapter 2

Jeremie paced the room back and forth, anxious. Where was the man? It wasn't like him to be late! Wait, it was exactly like him to be late. Jeremie groaned, he needed to talk to him now! He stopped pacing long enough to hear the door click open.

"Ah, Jeremie, sorry I'm late," said a man, walking in.

"Franz, I'm very nervous," said Jeremie, trying to be as respectful as possible.

"Jeremie, you've got no reason to be," said Franz, surprised. "You've known her for years!"

"But I never thought it would come to this," said Jeremie.

"What, marrying her?" asked Franz, chuckling her. "I always knew it would happen. Even though I can't say I was looking forward to it, I knew you were the best suited for her."

"Thank you," said Jeremie, gladly taking the compliment. "But I just don't know what will happen afterwards! What if our jobs move us away? What if we lose all contact with each other? What if Xana comes back?"

"Jeremie, stop worrying," said Franz sternly. "Pre-wedding jitters are getting the best of you! I watched you and her shut down that switch together, Xana is not coming back. That I can guarantee! As for your other troubles, I have no way to tell the future. But I know you two will get through it!"

"But she'd be devastated if we lost our friends," said Jeremie. "All I want is to make her happy!"

"Which is why I gave you my blessings to marry her," said Franz calmly. "Don't be bothered about what may or may not happen. For now, just get a grip!"

"Franz, I can't-" started Jeremie, but Franz sent him a piercing glare that made him lose the ability of speech.

"Jeremie, I'm going to give you instructions that you are to follow," said Franz wearily. "Go out to the altar. Listen to the music, then watch her walk down the aisle. Listen to the vows, put the ring on her finger, say 'I do,' then kiss her. Got it?"

"Yes, Franz, but-" said Jeremie, but he stopped again after receiving another glare.

"Jeremie, I don't let just anyone marry my daughter," said Franz. "And she wouldn't say yes to just anyone, either. You had the courage to kiss her, you had the courage to propose to her, you better have the courage to marry her!"

Jeremie had nothing to say to this. Franz was quick to anger, Jeremie knew that from working with him for many weeks. Jeremie hadn't seen a single smile on that man's face except when Franz was with Aelita, or when the supercomputer was finally shut down. Even now, years later, seeing a grin from that old genius was a rarity.

"I don't mean to be strict with you," said Franz, actually looking slightly apologetic. "But you said just now that you only wanted to make her happy. Marrying her will accomplish this. Do this for her, not anyone else. Understand?"

Jeremie nodded. He was nervous beyond belief, but he only wanted to make her happy. That's all he ever wanted. She called him her savior, but he wanted to be her husband.

"Good, now go!" said Franz, shoving him out the doors. Jeremie glanced at his watch to see he was already late because of his chat with his soon-to-be father-in-law. It was time.

"Cheers to the happy couple!" said Odd, lifting his glass to Jeremie and his wife.

"Odd, that's the fifth cheer in the last hour!" said Jeremie, laughing, but drinking to it all the same.

"I'm happy for you, is that so wrong?" asked Odd, shrugging.

"I guess not," said Jeremie.

He observed the crowd, grinning. He had finally done it. He had achieved his wildest dream, to be wed to the girl of his dreams. With some help, of course. He caught the eye of Franz, who motioned him to the corner.

"I'll be right back," said Jeremie, excusing himself.

"Hurry back," said his spouse, gazing at him lovingly.

Jeremie smiled and nodded, kissing her forehead, then leaving to meet with Franz.

"How's the married life going?" asked Franz, smirking.

"Wonderful," said Jeremie, almost dreamily.

"Think we're gonna need another father to son, heart to heart anytime soon?" asked Franz.

"Maybe someday," said Jeremie, smiling. "But not today."

"That's what I like to hear," said Franz. "Oh, and that threat still stands."

"Threat?" asked Jeremie, confused.

"If you ever hurt her, you'll know pain far worse than Xana could ever give," said Franz seriously.

"Right," said Jeremie, trying to stand his ground. It wasn't easy not to be intimidated by that man, though. "Well, I better get back to the others, Odd's probably conducting another toast."

Franz nodded and Jeremie slipped away, shuddering. Being around Franz had its perks, but it had its down sides, too.

Being around his friends again made Jeremie remember everything all over. A few weeks of communicating with Franz Hopper gave them the data to materialize him and William. Two months later Jeremie and Franz were able to destroy Xana and the supercomputer. Jeremie and Aelita had grabbed the switch and brought it down, starting the next chapter in their lives.

They finished school, but didn't leave it. Kadic was where they had all met, they couldn't bare to leave it behind. So, they taught there. Jeremie had taken science, like Franz. Aelita taught music, Odd instructed art, Ulrich in physical education, and Yumi in history, her favorite topic was Japan.

William had run off with Sissi after graduation, both seeing that Ulrich and Yumi were too close. Franz kept the Hermitage, saying it was time to retire. The gang frequently visited whenever they needed advice or company.

Odd, always the ladies man, was constantly going through girlfriends, some multiple times. Whenever questioned about it, he would reply, "I've got my art and Kiwi, I'm good!" By feeding Kiwi his own concoctions, the dog had lived an abnormally long time. Odd was nothing short of delighted at this discovery.

Ulrich was able to keep an almost steady relationship with his father over the years. They would never really get along, but well enough to be civil in public. Ulrich would never leave Yumi's side, though. Proposing to her well before Jeremie had the nerve to do with Aelita, Ulrich married Yumi three months after the engagement.

Yumi was thrilled to be Ulrich's bride, and they had a traditional Japanese wedding, put together under her parents' critical eyes. She was expecting a child now, and couldn't be happier. She and Aelita were always talking about raising children in their free time.

As for Aelita, she had retained her bubbly personality throughout the hardships she faced. She was ecstatic at being face to face with her father again. Aelita had to argue with him about where she would live. Franz had insisted on her moving back to the Hermitage, but Aelita stubbornly refused, saying she wanted to keep her dorm and be close to Jeremie. Franz gave in, but kept a watchful eye over the couple afterwards.

Jeremie had never stopped loving the pink-haired princess. He spoiled her whenever possible, trying to prove how much he cared for her. Even though it was pretty obvious to everyone else. His parents, while not exactly happy with his career, were excited that he had found a girl to spend his life with.

"Jeremie, are you going to help me finish off this cake or not?" asked Aelita devilishly, wiping frosting on his nose.

"I'll get you for that!" said Jeremie, wiping frosting on her cheeks. She squealed and kissed his nose, getting the sugary substance off. Jeremie did the same to her cheeks.

"Oh, too mushy!" said Odd, cackling. "Enough, I'm about to throw up!"

"Leave 'em be, Odd," said Yumi, punching him in the shoulder.

"You're just jealous because we've all got someone and you don't," said Ulrich, smiling.

"I've got my art and Kiwi, I'm good!" said Odd, scowling.

Jeremie and Aelita laughed with everyone else. They could always count on Ulrich's loyalty, Yumi's tranquil air, Odd's optimistic nature, and most importantly, each other.