Well, here's a new story. However, I have already finished this so depending on the reviews I get I could post the rest of it by the end of the week. But here's the first chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own these lovely people. I'm just using them for a little to entertain myself. Lord knows, I need something in my life that makes me happy. Kidding…I'm perfectly happy. Just a little lonely on the love side of things. sigh I'll stop before I start rambling.

Thanks to Laura for being a great beta!! I love ya, babe!

Sleepless Nights

She started awake, her blue eyes blinking into the darkness and her breath coming in short, sharp gasps.

Soft, easy breathing in the bed a few feet away calmed her down but only slightly.

For the life of her, she couldn't remember what it was that had made her wake so suddenly.

A remnant of something that felt like fear lingered in the back of her mind but whenever she tried to hold onto that it would flit away, teasing her.

She turned over on her side, facing her roommate's bed. She could barely make out Elphaba's form in the darkness. But just the fact that the green girl was in the room with her helped.

Glinda slowly sat up, her blonde hair still seeming to bounce ever so slightly even in the middle of the night. With a soft sigh, the young woman put her face in her hands, still trying to gather herself.

No one knew. Not even Elphaba. No one knew what the blonde was like in the middle of the night. No one knew how she would sometimes only get an hour of sleep because of nightmares she couldn't remember. Every night she would wake up, her heart beating erratically, her body covered in sweat, and her mind filled with foggy images she couldn't make out.

This was a recent development. She used to sleep wonderfully, falling into a deep sleep the moment her head hit the pillow and not waking until morning. But now…

She was so tired. Great Oz, she was tired. And she had even noticed slight bags under her eyes this morning as she was getting ready. But the worst part…she wasn't too upset about how ragged she looked.

That's when she knew she was tired.

Her mind drifted to her most recent nightmare. There was something about it. Something that she could almost remember.

It came to her like a flash of lightening.

Elphaba had died.

A soft sob suddenly left her throat.

That was why she had jolted awake. That was why her heart had been beating so fast. And the fear…goodness, the fear. It had been overwhelming.

She didn't want to think about life without Elphaba. Sure, they had just recently become best friends (something that Glinda was very excited about, no matter her disdain for the green girl just months before). But for the blonde, there seemed to be something more. It was the little things.

She loved the way Elphie's hair looked down. Or the way Elphie would smirk at her right before she made some sarcastic remark. Or how one eyebrow would raise after Glinda said or did something stupid.

Glinda had actually fallen in love with Elphaba. And while that had come as a shock to the blonde when she had figured it out just last week, it wasn't too hard to get used to. It actually seemed natural to her.

And the thought of Elphie dying brought a new realm of fear to the blonde.

Wiping tears from her cheeks, Glinda glanced back over at Elphaba's bed. It seemed that her roommate was still asleep.

Quietly, Glinda slipped out of bed and padded the short distance over to the other bed. Kneeling down beside the bed, Glinda studied her friend in the darkness.

"You are so beautiful," Glinda muttered, not even realizing she had spoken the words aloud. "I wish you could see me for me and not my outer personality." Softly, ever so softly, she leaned down and placed a kiss on the smooth green forehead. "I love you so much."

She then stood up and slipped back into her bed, determined to get some sleep so she could have the energy to be her normal perky self.

Have to please the masses, she thought grimly as she shut her eyes and turned on her side.

She never noticed the brown eyes of her roommate watching her, a small smile etched on the green face.

To be continued…