Here it is…the last chapter for Sleepless Nights. Enjoy!!

Thanks to all reviewers! Y'all rock!

Disclaimer: See Part 1


Glinda didn't even think about what she was doing. She just saw a green blur through her tears so she launched herself at it, knowing instinctively that it was her best friend and the holder of her heart.

And her sobs got louder. But instinctively she knew not to get tears on her friend. So, she buried her face in Elphaba's chest and let the tears fall onto the green girl's shirt.

"Glinda?" Elphaba asked as she put her arms around the blonde, pushing her discomfort at having someone cling to her in desperation to the back of her mind.

"Oh, Elphie," Glinda sobbed into Elphie's shirt. "It was-" She gave a hiccupping sob then continued. "Horrible."

"What, my sweet? What happened? Was it a nightmare?"

She felt Glinda nod into her chest.

"Okay," she softly patted the blonde's back, getting used to the feel at having Glinda in her arms. This feels right, she thought. "What happened in the nightmare?"

"I watched…you…little girl. You pushed me…closet. Then…horrible scream. I felt your pain." Sobs came after almost every word, making it difficult for Elphaba to catch all of it. "Water…everywhere. It hurt. Great Oz, it hurt so much!!!!" The biggest sob as of yet followed that last sentence. And Glinda tightened her hold on Elphaba, as if she wanted to merge into Elphaba's body. "My heart…my heart was broken. You…you were…were dead!"

And the sobbing continued. Glinda tightened her grip around Elphaba's waist while Elphaba brought her hand up to stroke the blonde head nestled in her chest.

"Glinda, it was just a dream."

The blonde head shook. "No," Glinda said, her words muffled by Elphaba's shirt. "It can't be just a dream. I've been having this same dream for weeks, Elphie." She drew in a ragged breath, only to let it out in an equally ragged sob. "And every time it gets worse and worse."

"Worse? How?"

There were a few seconds of just sobs until Glinda slowly lifted her head off her best friend's chest. "I have to listen to you die every night, Elphie. Every single night. And there is nothing I can do to save you. Your scream tears me up inside. And then…" Tears fell down her cheeks and off her chin, landing on both of their nightgowns, soaking yet another part of Elphie's. "And when you die," Another ragged breath. "When you die, Elphie, you take part of me with you. It's like I'm losing half of my soul." She sniffed and slowly brought a hand up to Elphaba's cheek. Stroking it with her thumb she gave a small sad smile. "Think about it, Elphie. If you had to listen to the love of your life die every night, how would you feel?"

Elphaba's brown eyes slowly widened as Glinda bit her lip. The blonde knew she had taken a huge risk in revealing her feelings in that manner but her emotions had just been all over the place. She had to let something out.

The pale hand left the green cheek as blue eyes dropped to study a suddenly interesting pink blanket. Tears continued to fall. But the sobs had stopped.

"I'm sorry, Elphie," Glinda said softly. "I didn't mean to say that." She brought a shaky hand up to wipe away tears and gave a small sniff. "Let's just forget I said that, okay?"

Silence. And then…

"What if I don't want to forget you said that?"

Glinda's head snapped up so fast it was a wonder she didn't hurt herself. "What?" she asked, her voice raising an octave with just that one word.

Elphaba's eyes darted around the room as if looking for some sort of escape. But then they stopped. She took a deep breath and locked eyes with the blonde. "It has come to my attention, Glinda," she paused, as if gathering herself for some huge announcement. "That I have…actually…um…"

Glinda just stared at her roommate as the green girl stuttered around her words. I never thought I'd see the day when Elphie couldn't get out what she wants to say, Glinda thought.

"You see, I realized that…uh…"

"Oh for Oz sake, Elphie!" Glinda said loudly, exasperated with Elphaba's inability to form a complete sentence. "Spit it out already!"

"I love you!"

Blue eyes blinked in shock and brown eyes closed while their owner just sighed.

"Well, that was romantic," Elphaba muttered.

"Really?" Glinda asked, her voice back at its normal level.

"Really what?" Elphaba said opening her eyes.

"You really love me?"

A small smile formed on the green face at the excitement lurking behind hope in Glinda's expressive eyes.

"With all of my heart, my sweet."

The squeal that burst forth from Glinda's throat startled Elphie, but not as much as the blonde throwing herself into her arms and crushing their lips together. The added weight caused Elphaba to fall onto her back on the bed. And since Glinda refused to let go, with her arms or her lips, the blonde fell as well, her body fitting snugly against Elphaba's. Both girls let out a sigh of contentment as they continued the kiss.

This is where I belong, they both thought as the kiss deepened. I am home.

"Hide yourself!"


"Please, Glinda. Don't be seen."

"Elphie, no! You'll be killed."

A soft kiss and a small smile. "I love you."

Blonde curls shook as the head they were attached to gave a vicious shake. "Don't you dare die on me, Elphaba Thropp!"

The door closed with one last longing look from brown eyes.

"Elphie," a soft whisper. "I love you."


"Elphie!!!!" Glinda the Good screamed as she sat up. Sweat poured off her body, soaking her nightgown and sheets. Blue eyes darted around her room. Her heart finally stopped racing and she slowly lay back down.

"Just another nightmare," she said out loud. "Just the same horrible nightmare." She turned over on her side, facing the large window in her room.

Outside, the sky was bright with millions of tiny stars and one bright moon. Glinda closed her eyes and a tear leaked out from one and made a salty trail down her cheek. It landed with a soft plop on her pillow.

"Oh, Elphie," she whispered. "I miss you so much." She bit her lip as another tear escaped from behind tightly squeezed eyelids. "My life is nowhere near complete without you by my side. How can I possibly continue to live without you?"

She sighed and forced herself to relax. She had a huge speech to give to the citizens of Oz tomorrow. She needed her sleep.

Unseen by the fitfully sleeping Glinda or the ever vigilant guards, a figure hovered outside the large window to Glinda's room and watched her with soft loving brown eyes.

"Soon, my sweet. Soon."

The End