Flashes of the Everyday: The House Search

By: M14Mouse

Summary: Looking into Chip and Vida's everyday life: House Search

Disclaimer: Don't own them

Theme: #8. Our Own World

Many Thanks to LttleDvl for betaing this for me and being patience. I am still waiting for the book to be thrown at me.

"Uhh…." Chip said as he looked at the house.

"Yes, I know. It looks better in the book" Vida said. She looked up from the booklet to the house again. In her opinion, the house was about to be swallowed up by the earth. The grass was mile high. The white paint was peeling off. The roof looked like it was going to cave in. She would hate to see what the inside looked like. The only positive thing she could think of that the house had a front and back yard.

"Well, we could fix it up. Isn't that was the booklet said? It is a good fixer upper and it is in our price range," he said.

"I am not living in a dump."

"After we fix it up, it won't be a dump anymore," he said as he continued to stare at the house. She groaned softly.

"No, Chip. You aren't allowed to fix anything…not after the sink incident."

"HEY…that wasn't my fault. Really? I just said the wrong words. I really didn't mean for the sink to turn into a possum."

"Uh huh….it took us hours to get it back and to say the reversal spell."

"We couldn't stop laughing at the reversal spell that sounded like it was a cross between the Lindbergh and a ho ho."

Both laughed at the memory before they returned to the conversation at hand.

"How about the house on Broad Street?" she said.

"No…it is near Xander's apartment. As much as I love Xander, his exs are creepy," he said.

"Tell me about it. One chick spray painted Xander is a bastard on our door."

"How about the girl who hanged a chicken head on your jeep's window…that was creepy."

"I know one…oh…the girl who stood outside of our window and screaming at us to call Xander because she wanted to marry him."

"We had to call the cops on her."

"Then we found Xander out that he gave out our number and address in case of something happened."

"He was so dead."

"Oh yes…I never seen him run that fast but I caught him. It took him a few days to remove the spell."

"At least, he had no one hitting on him for a few days exet that worm woman," he said with a smirk.

"Maddie got that on camera. Trust me, I have copies," she said with a smile. He threw his head back and laughed.

"I am glad that you never got that mad at me. Anyway, what about the two houses by your mom?" he said as he grabbed the booklet and started to flip through it.

"I am not living by my mom. She would drive us nuts. She would come over and start nagging us. When you are two going to get married? When are you two going to have kids? When are you two going to back to school? When are you two going to get better jobs? When…When…When!" she said in annoyance.

"Hey, I like being a teacher! The kids are great."

"I know. I know. What about any houses near the Rock Poruim?" She said as she patted his shoulder. He flipped through the book and shook his head no.

"Uhh…If you want an apartment again…," He said.

"Urgh…no thanks. I was really trying to avoid that from our last apartment," She said.

"The landlord wouldn't fix anything. I like animals…but gee…the rats in that place were huge.'

"Uhh…don't remind me."

"What about an apartment near Maddie?"

"No. I love my sis at all but it would be like having a mini-mom. She cleans way too much when she is upset. I like a few things on my floor."

"SO, I have Maddie to thank for the clear bathroom."

"Probably…," she said. For a moment, neither of them said anything.

"Damn it! It shouldn't be this hard! I just want a place that will be like our own world. No crazy friend's ex girlfriends, nagging moms, huge rats, and no cleaning sisters. AHHH!" She said in frustration. She felt his arm wrap around her and pulled her close to him. She smiled a little when she felt a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Don't worry, V. We will find a place. It just takes some time," he said.

"I am not patience, Chip. I want a place now. Not a hundred years from now."

"You know…there is more than enough land that we can add a room for you could practice your DJing in," he said as he stared at the house.

"You know…you are right."

"The roof doesn't look to bad. A new coat of paint will do wonders for it. We could borrow one of my uncle's lawn motors to cut the grass."

"But we haven't looked inside yet."

"True…Ready to look?"

She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the door.

"One more thing…if a huge rat pops out of the door, we are moving out of state," she said.

End of the Home Search