It's been a while since I wrote a story. Hopefully I am able to finish this one. This is about Goob and how he makes a name for himself. The story is supposed to have 5 parts. The 1st one will have Goob making a name for himself, the second will involve a new character, the third will involve Goob and his partnership with a new friend, the 4th will star Wilbur Robinson and the last one will have the battle with Doris and whatever. There will be an explanation to Doris' return, but she won't appear until around the part that stars Wilbur. Oh, and Wilbur will appear in the second part of the story too, for all those Wilbur fans out there. Sadly, there will be no past Lewis; just Cornelius. Sorry.

Okay, on with the show!

Disclaimer: I don't own Meet the Robinsons.

Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow

By Kimberley Diaz

Part1: Enter the Bowler Hat Guy

Chapter 1: Finding Your Future

A lonely figure walked across a big grass field towards the city on a beautiful day. As transporting bubbles held passengers with smiling grins, this man was different from the rest. The man walked slowly, back hunched, with a look of disappointment on his face. Anyone who watched him walk by would say he was just a very strange, mysterious man. In reality, he was just a lost soul in the big city of Today-Land. After walking for a few miles, he stopped suddenly.

He looked up at a very old building, different from the other buildings, which had bright shiny colors and wacky shapes and forms that defied the laws of science. No, this building was small, covered with mold and barricaded with wooden planks. The door stood open, inviting dust and other disgusting, yet misunderstood critters, inside. The man followed behind them.

He looked around the inside of the house and sighed deeply. He wrapped his arms around himself for comfort, as a few tears fell from his eyes. He spotted a staircase, which he climbed. And as he reached the top, he saw a bunch of rooms. As he went down the hallways, it was evident to see, by some of the papers on the walls, that children once inhabited the rooms. He stopped dead in his tracks when he passed a room, which looked…well, familiar. He went inside the room and saw two worn-out empty bunk beds, with a radio on top of a clothes-drawer. He hugged himself tighter, as he brought himself to sit on the bed. He wiped his eyes, which were red and puffy. His eyes caught sight of the radio. With a heavy sigh, he reached for the knob and turned it on. It buzzed with static, as he tried to find a station worth hearing. Finally, a station came up, clear with no static.

"This just in…" said a voice from the radio. "Cornelius Robinson, owner of Robinson Industries, has been nominated for 'Scientist of the Year Award.' After already winning a noble prize for his Memory Scanner, the title seems very miniscule compared with everything else he's won. We congratulate Dr. Robinson for a fantastic job, and our love goes out to his family. Now, back to…"

He turned the knob off, no longer willing to hear more. He buried his head in his hands.

"What have I done?" he asked himself. "I did such terrible things…just because I ruined my own future. Lewis was right…I did focus on the bad things too much. I let my hate and anger boil up inside me, which ruined my chances of getting, adopted…even my looks were ruined do to my hate and stress! And now. What is left of me? I thought I had a friend…someone to depend on, but…she was only using me…I, Michael Yagoobian, have no future."

He got up, and headed toward the door, but not before giving the room one last look before ran down the steps.

Mike sat on the steps, watching people go about their daily lives. He never had one of those. He really wished he could have had a nice life with a family.

"What can I do now?" asked Mike to himself. "I have no home, no money…and my clothes are disgusting…Geez, I look like something out of a bad 1940's film! I'd like to actually invent something, but… I'm not smart enough to do it. I wish I could practice my baseball skills, but I have no equipment or the money to get any…just this stupid old uniform…"

Suddenly, Mike's attention turned to that of a boy and his mother, skating on hover-skates. The mom glided with grace and agility, whereas the boy was wobbling left and right like a bobble-head. Finally, the boy last his balance and fell backwards, but his mother caught him just in time.

"You okay sweetie?" asked the mother in a sweet voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine," said the boy stubbornly as he edged away from his mom. He held on to a light post to help keep his balance. "I can't Hover-Skate! It's just too hard! Every time I try, I keep failing."

"Well, with failure, you learn about the mistake you shouldn't do," said the mother with a smile. "You just need some practice. You know what Cornelius Robinson says…"

"Keep Moving Forward," they both said in unison.

"Right," said the mother. 'And look at all the wonderful things he's created. That must of taken a thousand failures. I'm sure if you put you mind to it, you'll be skating in no time.'

The mother held out her hand. The boy looked around and grabbed his mom's hand with a smile. They both skated off, though the boy still wobbled. Mike looked on; their brief conversation made the wheels in his head turn.

"Keep moving forward…" Mike repeated to himself slowly. "Maybe if I focus on all the positives instead of the negatives, I could possibly make something of myself. Yes! But…I don't even have the tools to make inventions with…"

He walked into an alley, where cats roamed in trashcans. He saw a cat carrying what looked like a screwdriver. Curious, he looked inside the trashcan and found a bunch of old rusted tools, with some spare parts ad other weird miscellaneous items. Probably things Lewis threw out before moving in with his new family.

"Well…that is… convenient…now, if only I had a place to call my own…Hmmm…"

He looked around, trying to figure it out. What could the answer be? He looked at the old orphanage and stared at it intently as he wondered. Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"That's it! I'll use the old orphanage as my home. Just a little spring-cleaning and this old place will be looking like it did back in the… well, not necessarily the good old days but…oh, let's just say back when I was 8. Who knows? Maybe even better!"

Satisfied in his plan, he entered the orphanage and smiled brightly as he looked all around him. He rubbed his hands together as he giggled in excitement.

'Things just might turn out well after all…"

But just before he set out to do what he planned to do. He made a checklist. Mike really loved checklists. On a piece of pink paper with unicorns, he wrote down what he set out to do:

-Clean House

-Build Inventions

-Make a name for myself.

-Find a new Friend.

-Find My Future

Underneath the "Find a new Friend" one, he wrote down in bold letters:

A TRUE friend.

Hope You've enjoyed it so far!

-Kim (aka MidnightMoon14)