Oh man you guys. This is it. This is the final chapter! I'm so proud how far I've gotten with this story! Oooh…I love it! And I owe it all to you guys. Thanks so much! This chapter took a while because I didn't know exactly how to end it. Doodlegirll gave idea and so kudos to her! Thanks so much Robin!

And now…for the final time…onto the reviews:

Doodlegirll: I know...its so adorable! Well…enjoy the last chapter!

AudacesFortunaJuvat: I'm glad you liked all those chapters. Yeah…it makes me sad knowing this is the last chapter. I'm going to miss writing this. Enjoy the last chapter!

Now…on with the show…for the last time (cries silently)


Chapter 30

Future Found


Mike, Al and Wilbur entered the building, only to find everyone dancing around. The entire Robinson family was dancing around like maniacs. Lucille and Bud were disco dancing around and Tallulah was dancing with Carl, waving at her parents as she did so. Ted ran up to them as he saw them enter.

"Hey Mike! You just missed…"

He froze once he saw Al and Mike holding each other's hands. Their fingers were laced. Ted gave Mike a huge smile.

"Um…never mind," he said. "I'm going to go home now. I'm beat."

"Okay," said Mike. "We'll see you there."

Ted flashed a grin at them both before leaving. Wilbur couldn't help but smile when he heard his mom start playing a new song…

There's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow
And tomorrow's just a dream away

Al and Mike looked at each other and smiled. Mike really wanted to invite her to dance, but didn't know how to do so exactly. Just as he was about to say something, Wilbur took Al's hand and did a small little bow.

"May I have this dance?" asked Wilbur. Al giggled.

"All right Wilbur."

And with that, Wilbur and Al went to the dance floor and began to dance hand and hand.

Man has a dream and that's the start
He follows his dream with mind and heart
And when it becomes a reality
It's a dream come true for you and me

Darn, thought Mike. How do I ask Al to dance with me? I'm still learning about this whole boyfriend/girlfriend business!

So there's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow
Shining at the end of every day
There's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow
Just a dream away…

As Franny's band began to play the instrumental part of the song, Wilbur and Al started to dance a little faster. Wilbur twirled Al like a toy top as he did some pretty slick moves. He then brought her back to him and they started to swing dance. Just as the song did its big finish, Wilbur did the splits, impressing everyone in the room. Applause could be heard all around as Al helped Wilbur up.

"Show off," muttered Carl as he continued to dance with Tallulah.

"Very impressive," said Al with a wink. Wilbur smiled coyly.

"Glad you liked it," said Wilbur. With a small bow and a kiss on Al's hand, he left her in the middle of the dance floor. He saw Mike standing not to far from her, staring at her with a nervous look on his face.

"Hey Mike! What seems to be the problem?"

"Oh…Wilbur…" said Mike. "…I'm just trying to see how I should ask Al to dance. I've never done it before and…"

Wilbur slapped himself in the face. "Mike…chill. You're going to marry this woman in the future…and you're worried about asking her to dance?"

Mike blushed.

"Just get out there!" said Wilbur, pushing Mike with great force. Mike was pushed so harshly that she bumped into Al just as a new song started up. Al looked at Mike and smiled. He returned it as she helped him up.

"Mike…" she began, her cheeks turning rosy red. "Would you like to dance?"

Mike nodded. "I'd love to Al. I really would."

Mike then took Al's hand and they started to dance slowly to the song that was being played.

You ask me over

And over and over

Have you seen my peacock feathered hat?

If it was under

A four-leaf clover

I'd be on the lawn, looking for that

Where is your heart at?

Nobody knows that

Even though you've him, her me

And an army searching

Mike nervously led Al, who was giving him a loving smile.

"Don't be so nervous Mike," she said. "Everything's okay…everything will be okay…"

Mike sighed. "I know…but…I can't help it…it's just the way I am…"

Al laughed. "Which is what I love about you."

I've got a feeling

You will be reeling

When you are bad

And the circus comes to town

And you see me leaving

Dressed up as a magician or something like that

Mike grinned. "And I love everything about you."

Al laughed. "Let's see you say that after 5 years of marriage!"

Mike sighed dreamily. "Marriage…being married to you Al…sounds like a dream come true."

Al blushed and they continued to dance, Mike now able to lead Al swiftly and steadily.

Your saddened flip-flops

Are hidden in the

Pockets of your velvet dressing gown

Your diamond cuff links

Are hidden in the

Ruffles of your silk white shirt from town

Al let her head rest on Mike's shoulder as they danced. Mike smiled as she did so, continuing to lead her.

Where is your heart?

Nobody knows that

Even though you've him, her, me

And an army searching

I've got a feeling

You will be reeling

When you are bad

And the circus comes to town

And you see me leaving

Dressed up as a magician or something like that…Hey!

Just as the music was picking up for the end, Mike twirled Al around and brought her back in time to dip her just as the song ended. Everyone around them cheered. Mike smile at Al, who wrapped her arms around him. He then brought her up to his level and kissed her…

…In front of everyone.

Everyone was just in complete shock. No one really expected that to happen. Silence fell through the whole area as they stopped kissing…though a few whispers could be heard among some. Suddenly, the silence was broken by the Robinsons, who applauded loudly.

"WHOOO!!! WAY TO GO!" yelled Gaston and Art.

"Soooo adorable!" said Tallulah as she hugged Carl.

"Just like us, eh Fritz?" asked Petunia. Fritz nodded and gave her a kiss on her wooden cheek.

"You're absolutely right honey," he replied obediently.

"Don't touch me!" shouted Petunia, slapping Fritz in the face.

"Aww…Happy endings always make me cry…"said Frankie the frog as he and his band members wiped their tears away.

"ITS SO BEAUTIFUL!" yelled one frog, who cried hysterically and hugged Frankie. Frankie pushed him off harshly, dusting himself off.

"Hey...watch the threads man," he said as his boys gave the frog threatening looks.

Al and Mike looked at each other with big smiles. Wilbur ran over to them.

"Way to go you two!" he said, giving them thumbs up.

"Thanks…" said Al.

Suddenly, both Al and Mike embraced Wilbur in a tight hug. Wilbur was somewhat surprised by it, but returned it gladly.

"If it weren't for you…I wouldn't be here with Al so…thanks Wilbur," said Mike with a small smile.

"My pleasure Mike," said Wilbur.

With a final wave and goodbye, Al and Mike left the party, hand in hand.


Al sighed so happily as she and Mike walked to Mike's house. She was still amazed over what has happened to them over the course of two weeks. It was not too long ago that her boyfriend dumped her. She would have never imagined that she would be having a family with one of the many respected inventors in Todayland.

Al giggled happily. Mike looked at her. "What?" he asked.

"Oh nothing," she said with a sly smile. "It's just…the future…looks so bright…"

"I know," responded Mike, squeezing her hand. "I wish it could all happen at once, but…I know we have to let time go by and let all these wonderful things happen to us slowly."

"It's just like that Jack and Sally song," said Al with a grin. She looked at Mike deep an the eyes and sang:

We'll stand together

Now and forever

Mike smiled. He knew this song all too well. It was one of his favorites:

For it is plain

As anyone can see

Al smiled. The both gazed into each others eyes and sung the last line:

We're simply meant to be…

They had finally made it to Mike's house. They both grinned, knowing what they were supposed to do next, thanks to that special pointy haired little kid.

"Welcome home Al."

"It's good to be home."

And they both kissed, knowing that they would be together for as long as time would let them. The song was right. They really were meant to be…

And Wilbur Robinson helped them both realize that.

The End


Oh my GOD…THAT'S THE END! Can you believe it? WOW! Well…I guess it's high time I thank all of you readers separately…

doodlegirll: You were the first one to review the story. And for that, I thank you! (hug) Your comments were always so kind and helped me to "keep moving forward" with the story. Hopefully, you've enjoyed the story and I hope you continue to write more MTR fics. You're an excellent writer and I'm honored to have you as one of my reviewers. Thanks for everything!

AudacesFortunaJuvat: You always had something nice to say about my chapters. Not only that, but you have me constructive criticism that helped to make the story more understandable. Also, even though I updated too quickly, you still were kind enough to review each chapter. You really are an amazing person. Thanks for everything!

Goobie Fan: Well, well, well…another Goob fan. You came in kinda late, but you are extremely sweet to take the time and read/review each chapter. You are an amazing writer and I love Morgan and all your Goob stories. I hope you continue to write your stories and I hope we can still be buddies. Thanks for being so awesome.

And as for everyone else who read and didn't reply, THANK YOU! I hope you've enjoyed this story. I plan write more MTR stories in the future, which will concern Wilbur growing up, Mike going through "parenthood", the story of Mildred and how she came to work for the orphanage, Wilbur taking Al to meet Goob as a 6 year old and a commentary of MTR by Bowler Hat Guy, which will be written by me and Goobie-Fan.

I hope you guys enjoyed it and keep moving forward with all of your stories! Peace out!
