Naruto POV

I decide to get a taxi out to Kiba's to avoid the strange looks I'd undoubtedly get on the subway but I still have to deal with the taxi driver's badly smothered laughs. I scowl at him and tell myself I don't care. I've been looking forward to tonight for weeks and have been really excitable all day, so much so I got a good beating from a pissed off Sasuke. But it's finally here: Kiba's party.

His traditional Halloween party is always the best. His older brother started the tradition, then his sister carried it on and Kiba decided it would be criminal if he didn't keep it up. So each year he holds an open invitation Halloween party at his big house just outside of town.

The great thing is he's allowed to; his parents go away for the night each year and let him have free run of the house. I mean, sure, he's still finding empty beer bottles and peoples underwear weeks later but he says it's still worth the day-long clean up duty.

People tend to get really into the fancy dress side of it too. And I'm one of those people! But this year I think I really outdid myself!

I can hear the party before I even step out of the taxi; I bet Akamaru, Kiba's dog, is cowering in his kennel. It's okay for Kiba to make a lot of noise because he lives in the middle of nowhere. He always complains about the inconvenience of not living in the city but it doesn't seem to affect his social life; he's never had a party fail in his life. Everybody tells several other people to come along and a lot of the partygoers have left college. He usually has way too many people to fit in the house and this year is no exception. People in crazy costumes have spilled out onto the front lawn and I can barely get in the door.

As soon as I've pushed my way across the threshold I know I'm going to have a problem finding anyone I actually know. I wonder if Sasuke's here yet?

Taking a swig of the beer that's just been thrust into my hand I begin to elbow my way through the throng in search of Sasuke. I'm jostled from side to side in the heaving mess of teenagers. It strikes me that it might have been a good idea to ask what Sasuke was going to dress as but I doubt he'd have told me anyway.

I'm already on my second beer when I see a flash of red heading away from me through the crowd and feel a surge of relief; that could only be Gaara. I push through the grinding teens and head in the direction he was going. I've been over Kiba's house plenty of times so I know he's moving towards the smaller lounge at the back of the house.

The lounge is only slightly less crowded and just as loud. I see Gaara, dressed in red with flashing devil horns that clash with his red hair, and hurry forwards. But Gaara doesn't see me and strides confidently across the room with a smile on his face. A real smile. In Gaara's case that's a rare sight. Following his line of vision, I see a boy leaning against the far wall next to the patio doors.

The guy seems familiar, though it's hard to tell when he's in fancy dress, I feel as though I've seen him somewhere before. His name is on the tip of my tongue. He's wearing a black crop top that shows a toned midriff, heavy black boots, cat ears and a leather collar complete with lead. As Gaara reaches him he takes the drinks Gaara was carrying and sets them down on a nearby table. I watch as Gaara takes hold of the lead and pulls the black-haired boy closer with it.

As soon as they kiss I remember where I've seen him before; kissing against my locker preventing me from getting to it! He's Temari's ex-boyfriend: Sai!

I know I should probably just leave them to it but curiosity takes over and I march over to them. They don't notice immediately so I tap Gaara on the shoulder. He breaks away looking around in annoyance for the source of the interruption. When he sees me he blushes deeply.

"Hey N-naruto." He says with an attempt at casualness.

"Hey yourself! Since when are you and Sai here on such friendly terms?"

"Er… bit over a week?"

"Really?" I grin at him and he smiles sheepishly back. "Good one man!"

"Hang on a sec, how do you know Sai?"

"Come on dude, he's your sisters ex! I met him a few weeks back when their make out session was preventing me getting in my locker at school. I never forget a face!"

"Temari's… ex…?"

Gaara turns to Sai who looks just as puzzled as he does and I realise they didn't know of their connection via Temari. I bite my lip; did I just stick my foot in it?

"You're related to Temari?" asks Sai at the same time as Gaara asks, "You dated Temari?"

They both stare at each other for a second and I struggle to understand the messages shooting between their eyes. They nod together. Sai smiles a little, but Gaara frowns.

"Temari knew," he says just loud enough to be heard over the pounding music. "She told me to call you."

Sai lifts an eyebrow. "Temari always did like to have a hand in other people's affairs."

"This won't be weird, will it? I mean, you dated my sister…"

"I'd never have realised you were related though."

"I suppose…"

Suddenly they both grin and Sai pulls Gaara towards him with an arm around his waist. "It's kind of funny if you think about it."

"Yeah," agrees Gaara turning to give Sai a quick kiss.

I'm so happy for Gaara. He finally found someone and he looks really happy! It makes me kind of jealous…

Breaking away Gaara fixes me with a piercing stare. "Naruto, did you say they were making out in front of your locker?"

"Yeah. Why?"

Gaara turns that piercing gaze back onto Sai. "Why were you at Konoha West when you go to East?"

"I was taking a look around. I told you I live with my grandmother? Well… she hasn't been very healthy lately so she's going to move into a nursing home and my aunt, who lives over this side of the city, said I can stay with her. So I'm transferring to Konoha West Sixth Form." Sai smiles at Gaara's expression.

"You're going to be coming to Konoha West?"

"Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you befo- "

Sai is cut off as Gaara launches himself at the apologising boy. Sai holds onto Gaara tightly as Gaara wraps his legs around the other boy, kissing him heatedly.

Well now I'm extra happy for him! It doesn't look like I'll get much more conversation out of them so I turn around intending to resume my search for Sasuke.

I don't even reach the lounge door before my search is finished. Sasuke is standing in the doorway, framed in the flashing lights Kiba has set up in the main room. My jaw drops as I take in his outfit.

He just changed my mind; vampires can be hot and the proof is standing right in front of me.

Sasuke POV

I found him! I've searched this entire overcrowded house at least three times, since I arrived, for Naruto. But now I realise he must have arrived after I did because there is no way I would have missed him in that outfit! I smirk; only Naruto would wear a bright orange pumpkin suit!

He's gaping at me so I stride over and poke his costume. It's soft and slightly furry and I have to hold back the urge to hug him.

I've had more to drink already tonight than I have ever had before. I always hung out with 'the right people' before and to tell the truth this is the first real party I've ever been to. I know, sad, isn't it? But it's true. I have decided I never want to be a goody goody again. I have seen some things here, tonight, that will haunt me forever and some other thing that will bring me pleasant dreams for quite a while.

Naruto frowns and pokes me back. That's better.

I smirk at him. "What are you wearing, dobe?"

"What does it look like, teme?"

"It looks like a big fluffy pumpkin suit and orange leggings and… is your hair orange?"

"Glad to hear your eyesight is as perfect as ever. Though you might look quite good in glasses… And yes, my hair is orange. I used that dye Tenten bought me for my birthday, Iruka won't be happy when he sees the bathroom!"

He gives me a sheepish smile and I glance around the small lounge. I'm not entirely sure how much I've drank but the floor seems to sway a little as I catch sight of a disturbingly familiar face.

"What's he doing here?" I mutter.

"Who?" Naruto looks back over his shoulder at the boy dressed as a cat leaning up against the wall.

My vision has gone rather like a tunnel; all I can see is him. He turns his head as though sensing my gaze and I stare into strange yellow cat eyes. What's he doing here? Why is he on the Westside? It's obvious he recognises me even in this getup. Now he knows I didn't move as far as I let my classmates believe!

He smiles in that creepy way of his and walks slowly and deliberately over to me and Naruto. I fight the urge to back away.

"Oh, hey Sai!"

My head spins to face Naruto who is grinning at Sai. How the hell does Naruto know Sai?

"Hello Sasuke, I didn't realise I'd be seeing you tonight. What a pleasant surprise."

I glare at him but he just continues to smile his fake smile.

"Why are you here?" I ask letting the venom pounding in my veins seep through into my voice.

This guy is the reason I had to move again, it's his fault Itachi will always keep an eye on me to make sure I don't turn out 'that way'.

Before Sai can speak, someone steps between us.

"Because I invited him."

I stare at Gaara. Gaara invited Sai? No way, that can't be right; I think the alcohol is affecting my hearing.

"Come on, Sai, let's go dance."

I stare, horrified, as Gaara leads Sai towards the main room where everyone's dancing. This can't be happening, Sai and Gaara! How… creepy.

Naruto POV

"How do you know Sai, Sasuke?"

He doesn't answer me. I'm not even sure if he heard me. Sasuke doesn't look very good, he's really pale, or is that the makeup?

Oh my God! I just realised Sasuke's wearing makeup! Scary, vampire makeup, but still makeup.

"You're wearing makeup, aren't you!? You said you'd never wear makeup!" I laugh at him and lean in for a closer inspection. He's wearing heavy black eyeliner and I think it is the white powder that's making him so pale.

But this close up he does look kind of ill and he's spacing out. I poke him; normally he'd have hit me by now, or at least made some clever insult.


"I need some air…" He mutters still not looking at me.

I watch him leave through the patio doors and disappear into the dark of the garden.

What was that about?

At that moment someone grabs me around the waist from behind and I jump about a foot in the air. It's Tenten. She's dressed like a bat with a black cape attached to her wrists to look like wings. Ino stumbles up beside her and hands me a drink. She's dressed in possibly the shortest nurse's dress available with her long blonde hair down. They're both giggling hysterically having obviously had more than their fair share of the booze.

"Mmm… Naruto, you're cuddly!" slurs Ino, hugging me from the front.

"Thanks!" I grin at her and try in vain to shake them off.

Next second a bare-chested wolf-man is at my side.

"Hey man, having fun there?" he asks, grinning at the position I'm in sandwiched between a singing nurse and a very drunk bat.

"Kiba!" shouts Ino letting go of me to attach herself to Kiba instead. She runs a hand over his bare chest and smiles appreciatively. "Mmmm Kiba you should dress like this more often."

I smirk at the images of Kiba the Wolf-Man walking around our school that flash through my mind.

"Wanna dance?" she asks slyly.

Kiba, who it seems hasn't been left out of the partying immediately leads her away leaving me to deal with a very clingy Tenten.

"Tenten, can you let go for a second?"

"Only if you come drink with me! You're too sober!"


"Right! To the kitchen!" Tenten links her arm through mine and drags me through the crowds to the kitchen.

Kiba's kitchen is pretty big which is good because it means we can still move around even with the constant flow of people in search of beverages. Tenten points me to one of the stools by the counter and I sit down next to Temari who waves lazily at me.

Tenten returns from a quick search of the cupboards with several shots glasses, a bottle of vodka and a small red bottle. I pick it up and squint at the label: Tabasco!

"Hey Temari, want to join us for some Angels Tit's?" asks Tenten.

"Count me in!" Typical Temari: always up for anything.

I've always liked Gaara's big sister, she's great; really cool, smoking hot and a total party-lover!

Tenten pours us each a shot of vodka and adds a splash of Tabasco. "Come on, knock 'em back!" she shouts, downing her own.

I copy her and splutter as the drink burns my throat. Temari slaps me on the back whilst Tenten forces another one into my hand.

Several shots later Tenten and Temari have their arms around each other singing loudly and are too drunk to notice me making my escape. I head for the garden and find I'm rather unsteady on my feet. My head is buzzing and the flashing lights of the living room make me dizzy.

It's a relief to step outside onto the patio and I breathe deeply. I stumble across the patio and accidentally knock into someone dressed like a broccoli.

"Oi! Watch it!" slurs the broccoli and suddenly I realise who it is; I'd recognise those eyebrows anywhere! Trust that weirdo to dress like a broccoli, mind you I can't talk, I mean I am a pumpkin after all.

"Sorry man." I giggle trying to continue towards an empty bench.

"What the hell are you laughing at!?" he shouts suddenly, swaying towards me.

"Hehehe you're a broccoli! The Rock Lee Broccoli!" I giggle, I know I shouldn't have said that but the alcohol is overriding my common sense, not that I ever had much common sense.

His cheeks flush dark red and he gives me an almighty shove sending me stumbling off the patio. I lose my tedious grip on my balance and fall over, rolling, in my round pumpkin suit, down the hill and crashing through the bushes at the bottom.

When I finally come to a stop I lie still for a second checking for injuries, but my spongy outfit has protected me well. I let out a groan and stand up only to fall back down again; my legs feel like jelly.

I lie back on the grass and watch the stars spinning in the night sky above. I allow my eyelids to close to block out the unnatural sight.

Sasuke POV

I walk between the trees of Kiba's large garden struggling to calm myself down. I tell myself that it will be fine so many times I almost believe it. I mean why should it affect me? He has Gaara and I should be happy for them. But it's just such a shock to suddenly see him… and with Gaara…

Suddenly a crashing noise interrupts my freak out session. I listen as the crashing gets nearer before stopping a little way ahead of me. I can't see because of the trees, but it sounds like someone just rolled down the hill that I descended via the steps. What an idiot.

However they might be hurt so I would be kind of evil to leave them there. Hmm… To be evil or not to be evil, that is the question…

A groan reaches my ear and I sigh. Since I'm such a saint I guess I better go see who it is.

I battle my way through several bushes that tear at my cloak, to arrive in time to see a pumpkin collapsing on the grass. Naruto!

I panic and run over to kneel by his side. His pumpkin suit is torn and there are twigs in his hair. His eyes are closed! Has he passed out?! What if he's badly injured?

A million horrible scenarios involving me losing Naruto come rushing through my head at once.

I lean down and place my ear near his mouth. He's breathing! I expel a long breath that is immediately sucked back in as a hot tongue licks the shell of my ear. I turn my head slowly, still not moving away, and stare into deep blue eyes that stare mischievously up at me.

Did he just lick my ear?!

Naruto wraps his hand around the back of my neck and I allow him to pull me closer. When he presses his lips to mine I kiss him back and he tightens his grip on my hair. I move to prop myself up with my hands on either side of his head and we kiss passionately. One of his hands is splayed on my lower back pushing my hips towards his. Naruto thrusts his hips up to meet mine and I moan into his mouth.

I know there was a reason for holding back before and it occurs to me that we shouldn't be doing this when we are so drunk, but alcohol has a funny way of erasing such sensible thoughts.

I feel Naruto's hand loosen on my hair and look down at him questioningly, but he just gives me a sly smile and undoes the clasp on my cloak. His skilful fingers make light work of my shirt buttons and I soon feel the cool night air on my bare chest. Naruto runs his fingers gently across my skin leaving a trail of goosebumps.

I splay one hand on the front of his ridiculous costume and husk, "Off."

Naruto POV

I seriously regret the pumpkin suit as the seconds tick by and Sasuke still struggles with the zip. Of course I'm probably not helping; I can't keep my hands off him. I run my hands across his back letting my nails drag a little against his smooth, pale skin.

He gasps a little in my ear, an incredibly sexy noise, and I finally hear the hiss of the zipper. Shrugging out of the outfit I press against Sasuke, feeling the heat of his skin against mine.

He kisses me again, wonderful, hot kisses. So deliciously hot. I can smell him, feel him… taste him.


Even his name is sexy.

"Mmm..ngh… Naruto…"

My name sounds sexy when he says it.

He lifts his mouth from mine and leaves little butterfly kisses across my jaw line before settling on my neck. He sucks gently before biting lightly into my skin. I gasp, my breath forming swirling clouds in the night air. Electric pulses shoot through my body and blood rushes downwards. He licks the tender skin and moves slightly to nuzzle my collar bone.

I slip my hand from the bottom of his back to tug on his belt buckle. As I fumble with his jeans I know how he felt when he was stuck on the zipper; I just can't concentrate with his mouth moving over my neck.

He takes pity on me and deals with his jeans himself. He chuckles lightly smirking down at me, the noise surprises me, being such a contrast to the incomprehensible grunts filling the sheltered clearing. I look to see what he's laughing at and feel me face flush. I forgot I was still wearing an important part of my costume: the orange leggings.

Being incredibly tight, as they are, they don't leave much to the imagination and the large swelling at my crotch is all too obvious. I give him a hard shove in the chest to push him off me and onto his back, and remove the offending leggings before straddling him.

He's not smiling anymore. His eyes have a glazed kind of hunger about them and they have never seemed so black or so heated.

My gaze strays down his face, lingering on his swollen lips. I lean down and lick them lightly, pressing a finger to his lips as he tries to kiss me. He lets his head fall back to the ground and I admire how perfect he looks with his hair ruffled out of its usual gelled up style. Slowly I run my finger down his neck and along his collar bone causing him to shiver slightly.

I kiss him deeply as I run both of my hands across his chest. I pinch one of his nipples slightly as I let my other hand rest on his hip. He moans into my mouth and I do it again earning a glare. I smile and let go of his nipple only to suck on it instead. He really moans this time. It's such a sexy sound made even better by the fact he's normally such a stoic person.

I kiss him again and rock my hips against him. We both let out loud moans at the heat that flares in response and Sasuke holds me tighter to him, kissing me hard. I feel his fingers at the edge of my boxer briefs (the only thing I could wear with those bloody leggings). I'm sad to lose contact even for a few seconds but kneel up over him anyway.

He sits up and helps me pull them off. They catch on my erection and I hiss at the combination of pain and pleasure.

Then I turn my attention to him; I don't really fancy having the underhand by being completely but-naked whilst he's still wearing his boxers. I look again and chuckle slightly. Black, silk boxers; how Sasuke! Time to deal with them!

Both naked, we share a heated gaze. Nothing else exists, not the thumping music playing up at the house, not the fact we are hidden in the trees at the bottom of Kiba's garden, not even the fact that everyone I know is up at that house getting completely shit-faced. Right now, it's as though we are the only two people who exist. My attention is focused solely on the raven-haired teen sitting between my legs.

Sasuke leans in to kiss the spiral tattoo which adorns my abdomen, breaking our eye contact, and runs his hands up my thighs. I tense slightly as his thumbs brush the inside of my legs; his hands are cold, but at the same time, that just adds to the pleasure.

Sasuke POV

I feel Naruto's thighs quiver under my fingers and look up again. His face is flushed and he stares back at me with smouldering cerulean eyes. The look he's giving me takes my breath away. I follow his body down with my eyes. Perfect, tanned flesh leading down to that tattoo. In our first PE lesson I thought it was hot and found it incredibly intriguing.

I trace the inked spiral from the outside with my tongue giving it small kisses, slowly working my way towards the middle where it ends at his navel.

Naruto grunts with impatience and I smirk but agree this is going too slow. I turn my attention to his length standing proudly out from a nest of blond hair.

I hadn't even kissed a guy until tonight and in the back of my mind I know it is purely thanks to the alcohol I've consumed that I'm doing any of this. But at the same time it feels so perfectly natural to be here with Naruto, to show him this side of me, a side of me I've always been reluctant to reveal. But he's different, right from the start, he was different… special.

As I hesitate Naruto hooks a finger under my chin and lifts my face towards his. Then he kisses me. The touch of his lips tells me so much more than any words falling from them ever could; they convey passion, heat, need and understanding. Lips still connected with mine, he lowers himself onto my lap so that our erections brush.

Whilst I'm not one to relinquish control, Naruto is the outright gay one of us so I think I can let it slide just this once.

His skilled tongue dances over mine as we lie down and he presses his body flush with mine. Our bodies mould perfectly together as though they were always meant to be in this position. Heat flows between us as he begins to rock against me sending pleasurable waves through my body.

Naruto pulls his lips away from mine as the need for air arises and we continue to move together whilst we both attempt to catch our breath. Our grunts and moans fill the clearing and our breath forms hot clouds which mingle in the air between us. Panting still, I capture Naruto's mouth again; I don't ever want to lose those lips.

My head is spinning from a combination of alcohol and these new sensations. My heightened senses pick up every detail, our ragged breathing, his scent, his hand beside my head wound in my hair. I run my hands along his back, pulling him closer, urging him on.

I trail my hand across his hip and wrap it around his silky length. I feel him buck in my hand and smirk at the surprise that crosses Naruto's features, soon to be replaced by lust. He thrusts into my hand with an incredibly sexy moan.

Before long I feel heat curling in my belly and a second later Naruto comes into my hand with a loud moan. It's too much for me and I come too. We both ride the orgasm out before Naruto collapses on top of me and we lie panting in unison.

I'm exhausted and so completely satisfied. We lie in a tangle of sweaty limbs on… something furry? I open a sleepy eye and glance at what we're resting on: it's Naruto's pumpkin suit. I chuckle lightly and Naruto lifted his head from my chest to glance questioningly at me. I give him a quick kiss and wrap my arms tightly around him.

My practical side tells me we'll get cold if we sleep like this but I really don't want to move. I cast around for something to solve the problem and spot my cloak. I reach out and drag it over with my fingertips to drape it around the two of us.

Naruto snuggles close to me, his head on my chest. I rest my hand on his back beneath the cloak and feel his chest rise and fall with each breath. It's soothing and I soon find it impossible to keep my eyes open, much as I want to watch Naruto's content expression.

The last thing I hear, before sleep claims me, is a soft voice speaking to my chest, "Happy Halloween, Sasuke."

The End

A/N: Thank you so much everyone who reviewed/faved or anything that shows you liked it! It means a lot to me/-\ Halloween is over but this story is far from finished, please keep an eye out for the 2nd part of the story, 'Happy New Year'! And most of all HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!