"OH MY GOD GABBY!! YOU'RE THE SIZE OF A HOUSE" Chad bellowed as he walked into the Bolton household. Gabriella's pretty Filipino face screwed up in pain and she ran off sobbing her heart out. All eyes were now on Chad "Oh come on guys she's 8 months pregnant and we haven't seen her for 2 months what do you expect me to say!!" Things like this made people realize that Chad really was as dumb as he looked.

"Chad sweetie…it's comments like that that made Gabriella ill, that made having children almost impossible and did I mention that she's extremely hormonal at the moment and Troy looks like he's about to kick your arse?" Taylor said in an agitated tone. She loved her husband of 3 months but he was extremely embarrassing sometimes.

The whole gang from high school sat in the living room waiting for someone to come back. No-body spoke, everyone was pissed at Chad, and he was even pissed at himself. The gang consisted of Chad, Taylor, Sharpay, Zeke, Ryan, Jason, Emily and Kelsi. Everyone was married now and it had all had in the space of about two years. The only non high school gang member was Emily. She had met Ryan at stagecoach during high school and they were the first to get married. Then it was Jason and Kelsi a month later. Closely followed by Sharpay and Zeke three weeks after that. Troy and Gabriella had opted for a winter wedding and had waiting five months to get married on Christmas day. Chad and Taylor had got married in mid April four months later. They had a lavish honeymoon traveling to Turkey, Australia, Spain, England, and Italy and finished in Paris. They had been gone for two months and arrived back that morning. Troy and Gabby hadn't been able to meet them at the airport because she was finding it hard to stay on her feet for more than five minutes at a time.

About an hour later a very tired Troy and a tearstained Gabriella emerged from upstairs. Gabriella sniffled and looked down, not wanting to catch anyone's eyes. This kind of thing didn't happen often but when it did no one was really sure of how to act. Do you pretend it didn't happen? Or do you dwell upon it for hours? Chad opted for the embrace his baby sister in harms and apologize until she asked him for a cookie. He gently tickled her sides as everyone admired this extremely cute moment between to people who had been like brother and sister for what seemed like forever.

"Gabster want a cookie? Does my lil Gabby want a cookie?" Chad cooed in a baby voice. She could take it anymore. She burst out laughing while nodding her head. Chad tried to run away before he heard the most disgusting thing he had ever known.

"With tuna on top please" Gabriella smiled sweetly. Chad returned it and made his way into the kitchen trying not to gag as he prepared to foulest snack to ever grace a plate.

"I can't believe you still kiss her when she eats things like that!" Taylor exclaimed.

"Well you gotta do what you gotta do" Troy replied, receiving the death glare from his wife.

The gang chatted about the Danforth's honeymoon and the newest member of their huge family that would be arriving very soon. Ryan and Emily had an announcement to make.

Ryan spoke first, "Well we really didn't want to tell you this yet because we felt like we might be stealing someone's thunder but…erm…I…we…"

"SPIT IT OUT RYAN" the ever-impatient Sharpay squealed.

"I'M PREGNANT!!" Emily yelled excitedly. "And it's twins!!"

Everyone dove out of their seats to go and hug and congratulate the couple, but suddenly stopped when they heard someone whimpering in the corner.

"I'm so sorry Gabs it's just its twins and we couldn't hide it much longer" Ryan comforted the sobbing woman.

"NO! I want to hug you guys to but I can't get up!" Gabriella said as she failingly attempted to push herself up. Everyone began to laugh as the piled onto the sofa and hugged like one big (and ever growing) family. However the moment was short lived as Gabriella gasped out in pain clutching her stomach. Tears were in her eyes along with fear and excitement. "It's time"