Through the Eyes of the Byakugan

Hyuuga Neji POV:

Darkness…where is the light in this never ending aphotic equinox?

My eyes slowly open wavered at the continuous sleep. What happened to Tenten, and why is my body in so much agony. Fully widening my eyes, I realized my brain was not exactly in control of my body. First off…I was bare from the waist up which is not wise since I believe I was still in the dead of winter.

What happened to me? I finally sat up and braced myself against a tree, very familiar looking. A small kunai had dug its way into the frozen, lifeless bark. On the handle was a long white ribbon floating carelessly in the artic breeze.

That reminds me, I need to find a shirt or something pretty soon…

Once I found that I could still use my legs, I arose with a bit of a struggle. I think I had been knocked out for hours, days, perhaps even weeks…When I am in total dumbfounded-ness, is the time when I am most vulnerable…but I don't tell anyone my weakness. Well maybe this wasn't my only weakness…

Meditating for a few good moments my mind was refreshed once more and now it was time to find some answers. It was convenient to see my garment hanging on another tree; fluttering as if to greet me. I pulled it off the branch and slipped it on. When the fabric brushed against my back, a stinging sensation rippled over my frozen body. Probably the wound I had gotten from saving Tenten from committing Bushido.

What is wrong with me now? Have I gotten weak? I don't ever recall ninja ever committing Bushido since that is what samurais do…and where Tenten anyway?

"So you're awake now. Thank goodness. Tenten wouldn't tear herself away from your side." Sakura appeared from out of nowhere and begun pressing on my back. I don't know why I didn't notice her presence before, but there were other cases.

"Did they leave us behind again? Ahh!" Her hands pressed deeply on the area where my wound was still fresh. I kept cursing myself for always leading myself away from the goal. Tenten, Naruto and Sasuke were probably with Shikamaru and Ino doing who knows what.

That Sasuke…no matter what he ever says I still don't trust him with every bone in my body. Just the thought of that traitor grinds my gears.

Sakura had ignored my question and reverted subjects, "I placed a long strips of gauze on the wounds, it's not fatal but it's enough damage to affect your fighting. Please don't act so careless next time." I sighed and looked at her again with a double-take. Her features were the same, but it looked as if she had gotten paler and less of her able power.

"…Thank you for saving me again, but…are you alright yourself?" The question caught her off-guard and she blushed with hypocrisy.

"The pain from the mark…has been fluctuating every few hours or so…but it's nothing I can't handle…"

I already know she is a strong ninja, but her pride was always a downfall to her as a kunoichi. Without taking her advice, I quickly spun around and grabbed her on the shoulders. I should have recalculated this move but it was already too late.

"-What are you doing Neji?" I could feel her heartbeat accelerate and in my conscious rolled my eyes to her naïve nature. That was probably the reaction of all girls though…

"Please, if you think I am going to do something flirtatious towards you Sakura, you are mistaken."

I pulled back the collar of her top slightly to see the curse mark visibly on the right of her neck. Relief filled my head as her curse mark appeared dormant…for the moment anyway.

"Good, I just checked your mark and status appears to be stable for now. I think I wasted too much too dozing off. Precious time is being wasted; it's time to get back with the group."

"I am way ahead of you." While you were resting I was searching the area to find any marks and direction they traveled upon. I found they are going back to Konoha…but I don't understand why."

I didn't understand myself. Why are we going backwards instead of forwards? Did Ino convince them to go back for a little reunion party? I rammed my fist into a tree in frustration. What the hell! Can't they do anything correct? Maybe it was just my higher intellect speaking, but my 'other' thoughts were getting the best of me.

"Neji…" I had forgotten and realized Sakura was still in my presence. I ignored the questionable vibes she was giving off, and directed my attention towards the vast emptiness in front of me. I placed my ANBU mask upon my head once more; as I began reminiscing of my past life as a ninja. The mask kept my enraged face sealed from on lookers.

"We better hurry up and follow them then. Do you have your bask?" She had been already securing her mask on her face while I had been debating with my subconscious.

"Ready to go…this way." Sakura started ahead of me into the woods. I paused briefly and had my eyes led back to the single kunai on the isolated tree. Something isn't right…but why can't I solve this problem? Is it my lack of full thought process? Less effective comprehension due to blood loss? So many secrets still hidden and kept from one another. Why are we avoiding communicating the truth? Secrets within the group will only lead us in the end to despair.

One more quick check around and I began building some charka. This gave enough energy for my legs to land on a high tree branch.


A/N: Finally continuing the story, this chapter was made in 10 minutes to get a fuller deeper connection with the main character, Neji. I will add more action in the upcoming chapter. Sorry for the extremely long wait.