Disclaimer This story is a homosexual pairing, and includes sex. If you do not approve of this kind of writing, why the hell are you looking up Yaoi stories to read? Yaoi does mean male/male couples; so do not cry to me about this being "wrong," in your opinion.

Oh, yeah! I should probably mention I do not own Naruto. If I did, I doubt I'd be writing fanfictions about my own work. I would just write it, and make it fact!

Also, for those of you who have already read this story, welcome back! I went through and edited my masterpiece, so look for little changes here and there. There is also an added scene later on, and as a special treat, an extra chapter! Please enjoy (even if it's not your first time reading it) and review!!

Prologue: Snow

I'm in love. That's the only way I can think to describe it. I don't know how, or even when, it happened, but when the feeling finally burst from somewhere deep inside me, I wasn't sure how to even deal with it. How could this be? I'm not supposed to fall in love, especially at this stage in my life! I've barely ranked Chunin, after many a trial and error; I'm not even eighteen yet! I still have many goals, which are yet to be accomplished. I'm too young, and it's too early…. Hn, it sounds like I'm trying to convince myself to ignore this new and odd feeling. However, whenever I do hold it down, push it away, or try to squash it all together, it feels like my heart is being ripped out of my body. The pain is so immense; I can barely handle it. No training I have ever been through has prepared me for something this difficult.

Love isn't easy, and it sure as hell wasn't easy for me to come to the conclusion that I was capable of having this emotion, not that I didn't expect it to happen… eventually. Yet I always believed it would happen later, much later, in my life; after I defeated my brother, after I became a Jonin, and I was finally ready to restore the Uchiha clan. Even if I did get to that point, I never expected to fall in love with anyone, I would just choose someone who would be strong enough to bear my children, but you need a female for that, right?

So why'd I have to go and fall for a guy?! It doesn't make any sense to me, even with my superior intellect. I want to restore my clan, but I need a woman to do that; however, when I think about spending my life with a girl, my heart aches and begs me to not go through it.

I can't escape this feeling of love I have for him, but…. I don't even know what I'm getting at, now. My mind is so confused and my thoughts whirl around him, my dreams taunting me with images of us… together. I can feel my heart skip a beat, as he would wrap his arms around me, holding me tightly.

"Please," he would say, "please, don't leave me… Sasuke. I… I love you."

Then we'd kiss. I remember his soft and tasty lips upon my own, something I haven't forgotten from long ago, a memory, which has always mocked me since it happened. I would lay him on a soft bed, and stare into his eyes, those gorgeous eyes, looking for some kind of lie or trick, but I always end up kissing him, playing with his tongue and running my hands over his body. Usually, by the time I would get the nerve to start undressing him and touch places I don't even want to mention, the sun would come up, shining in my eyes, and my alarm would go off, piercing my ears, leaving me with a massive urge to take a cold shower.

Most mornings, I just lie in bed and wonder about it. When my mind wanders to the dream too much, however, I have no other choice than to relieve myself right there, in my sheets, silently wishing he was there beside me.

As stated earlier, I don't know when this feeling first manifested; I've known him for years, yet it wasn't too long ago when it made itself crystal clear in my mind and heart.

It was early November, about two weeks ago, when this change occurred. There was snow, and lots of it. Nearly three feet had fallen overnight, and it was an early snow for Konoha Village. Master Kakashi had called us out, "snow or no snow." I arrived a little early, as is my normal routine, Sakura showed up a little after me. Even though we are technically Chunin, we were only Genin for a short period, and still require the leadership and guidance of our assigned Jonin ninja, Kakashi Hatake, who, after three years, still shows up extremely late for each meeting he calls us for.

It was no surprise he was late this time. Sakura was complaining about the cold; something to the effect of, "I know he likes to be late, I mean by now, I'm used to it, but being late when it's this cold out and the snow is up to my knees—I'm freezing!" I couldn't argue, I was pretty cold, too, even though the sun was out and I was wearing a long, black coat. Then, he came.

"Hey, guys." There was a certain something different with his tone that morning; he wasn't groggy or sleepy. I turned to acknowledge his existence, and to see if he had been training earlier, and my eyes caught the sight of him.

Maybe it was just the sunlight shining brightly upon the newly fallen snowflakes, or maybe it was the snow itself, but he looked so… stunning, I guess. I couldn't really tear my gaze from him, his skin seemed to glow, and his eyes shined, no, sparkled as he looked upon me…. I felt it then, my heart first skipped a beat, and then began to beat faster and I could feel blood rush to my cheeks as realization hit me to what I was thinking. I thought he looked so good; good enough that I wanted to wrap my arms around him and never let go. Even those lips of his looked so plump and full that morning, even if a thin layer of cloth covered them. I wanted to kiss him so badly, but I merely turned away, hoping I hadn't stared too long. "You're late."

"What else is new?"

It's hard seeing him everyday with this feeling of love lying just beneath the surface. I can barely stand it when he tries flirting with girls; my mind keeps screaming what I dare not voice, "Don't you even talk to him! He's mine!"

Mine…. I want you to be mine…. Would you be, if I asked? If I told you the truth would you, could you, accept me? Would it bother you if I was gay, or would you be more upset with the fact that… I love you? Would you turn and walk away, never to return? Possibly, you would welcome me into your arms and want me to tell you everyday….

"I love you, Naruto Uzumaki."