"Bella! Come on already! Or we're going to be late! AGAIN!"

"Oh I'm coming already geez!" I called back to my brother.

We were getting ready for school. It was the last day of school before winter break started and I was ecstatic. Emmett got Charlie to let us go to New York City to visit some of Emmett's friends there, really though we were just going to hang out and tour the city. I ran down stairs, tripping as I went,

"Bye Char-dad!" I called from the door.

I had to watch myself. I could call dad Charlie behind his back and to Emmett but I was not allowed to do it in his face.

"Okay Emm let's go."

We walked outside to his deep blue jeep that was parked to my red truck. I loved my car but usually Emmett drove us to school in his car. As we got in, I turned on the radio. Emmett and I had the same taste in music but the only difference is that Emmett could actually listen to rap. I liked it I guess but it was not my favorite style with the exception of certain songs.

"Oh my good gracious I love this song!" I was famous for my random sayings. The song was 'Not Gonna Get us' by T.A.T.U.

"You like this song?" Emmett asked incredulously.

"Heck yes beezy! What wouldn't I?"

"Umm, only the fact that it's made by Lesbos!"

"Are you serious Emmett? Since when are you prejudice against gays?"

"Since never! But they are actually singing about being together! I mean it's just kind of weird isn't it?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Fine, if you can find a better song play it."

I let the argument die as Emmett searched the radio for a song.

"Ha! Now this is my song!" I fought to hide my laughter at how funny Emmett can be sometimes without even meaning to. We were now listening to 'Snap Yo Fingers' by Lil Jon. I liked this song so I let it go. As we pulled up to the school, Emm and me were having a dance off in the car.

" I'm loving the moves Bella!" someone called from outside.

"Thanks Angela! I'm working on them you know?" she laughed as she entered the school. We got out of the car and started towards the school.

"Later babe!" I called to Emmett as we split ways. I walked into English and took my seat next to none other than Mike.

"Hey Bella" he greeted me.

" Hi Mike" I replied somewhat lazily. ⌠So got any big plans for the break?"

"Well yeah actually-"

"Cause if you don't I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang with me over break. I'm stuck at home for the entire two weeks to help up at my parents shop. You know the one" Of course I knew the one! I worked there since winter break of sophomore year but I had to quit this past summer because Mike had got extremely more annoying than ever.

"Yeah I know" I rolled my eyes. "Well actually Mike, Emmet got Charlie to let us be able to go to NYC for the break to see some of Emmett's old friends so I won't be here all break. Plus a day or two after counting on the weather out that ways." I finished.

"Oh that sounds cool" judging by the look on his face he thought it was anything but cool. I was spared trying to make him feel better by the teacher coming in. I was not really paying attention to anything that he was saying. In all fairness I did not care. I just stared out of the window and dozed out of it. My teacher called on me once but he should already know that whenever we are studding Romeo and Juliet, I would get it right whether I was paying attention or not. The bell rang which meant 9:45, only five hours and fifteen minutes before I would be out of school and getting on my way to the Big Apple.

The rest of the day past by unexcitedly. At lunch, I hung out with Angela, Jessica, Mike, Lauren and the whole gang as we discussed our break plans. I rather felt bad for mike, he would be at home in forks by himself for the first five days of break and then for he last three days. In between his only companion would be Erik, the school geek.

I practically ran into Emmett's car as I stopped in front of it. Emmett would have laughed if he had not been so eager to leave as well that he actually did run into his car.

"Come on bells! Get in the car and let's be on our way to New York City!" he did not have to tell me twice.

"Bye you two! Have an awesome trip!" shouted on of the senior boys on the football team.

"Thanks Stephan!" Emmet called back.

"Yeah, thanks Stephan!" I said to him. I smiled as he gave me a sly grin and winked at me. I got in the car.

"You know it would be better if you did not flirt with the guys on the team! I mean we are friends and all but it gets kind of weird when they start talking about you in the locker room" I blushed. But then again knowing me, it was not a surprise.

"Oh shut up you! When does the plane take off?" I asked trying desperately to change the subject.

"Ummm, looks like four hours from now. Your dad is going to be dropping us off so that we don't have to worry about parking fees" I nodded. Emmett always called Charlie "your dad" to me. I did not fully agree with him but I knew that he blamed Charlie for mom's death so I let it go. Emmett had been there for me during all the hard times we had growing up, form our parents getting a divorce, to us going back and forth form houses, to mom's death so I let him get away with it. Emm was always there to make me laugh and make the bad times be better with his idiotic jokes. That was probably the reason he is such a jokester now, because he is used to making me laugh. We pulled up to the house.

"You ready for this? Just you and me in NYC?" He asked me.

"You bet I am!" I retorted.

"Then let's go!" and with that we ran out of the car up into the house.