Disclaimer : I don't own TMNT, and the plot has been inspired by the wonderful comic of Enolianslave, "Rescue". Here is a little gift for her !

Thanks to Shelly who helps me again with the grammar and bet-read this one for me ! It will be a little story in wo chapters. Been inspired, as I said, by Enolianslave's comic, especially the scrap "Forsaken." I was listening to the music "Evacuating London" (from Narnia OST) when I saw it, and my heart twitched, and I needed to write this. Hope you'll like it, let me know ! )


It hurts. Hurts. That's the only thing I can think about... I've reached my limits, at least I have this impression. I don't even know how long I have been here; I've lost count of the days... These days which have pass by, an infinite punishment for an error that I'mnow paying. He got me, and I became his toy, his broken toy, one of his to beat, to control without pity. These beasts he opposes me, everyday, tirelessly. Deprived of my weapon and with bound hands, I must call all my abilities to save myself, to going through these fights. Starved and manhandled beasts. I'm starved, too. So weak. I'm an animal, I smell like prey; it's just because of survival instinct they act this way. It's just because of survival instinct I fight. I just had to. Survival.

But I'm askingmyself if I'm not giving up, also...

I'm shaking. I'm scared. In the beginning, I simply striked back, convinced it was just a question of time. I knew they would come for me, to take me away from this. We don't leave one of us behind. I believed in my brothers, and he could tell me whatever he wanted, I didn't care. I was so sure it was only lies. Another torturing scheme that didn't work. He didn't know anything, I did. And I kept holding on, proud and insolent, thinking that if he was destroying my body a few every day, my mind wasn't affected by his poisoned words. He could say whatever he wanted, to raise my wounds, to kick my hurting body. He will see.

So I waited. Waited. For a friendly voice to wake up me from this nightmare, that someone would take away these chains from my blooded wrists. I waited for someone to come... until I give up every hope.

I fired on this bars so many times, in vain, and now I hang on it weakly, to remember that it's really there, that I'm really locked, that I don't have any chance to escape. To remember my prisoner condition, this silliness in me for believing, to remember my stupidity. Just for that.

The time passes by, and nobody comes. He's right. I'm fool. And alone. I had faith in my brothers, and this trust helped me to hold on. But he's right. They aren't really coming, now. And my heart is more hurt than my body...

I can't take it anymore... I've reach my limits, physically and mentally. He wants to destroy me, and he manages. Tonight, the last barrier that kept him away had been broken. I deserved it.

I had been too arrogant, too self-confident, and I fell, alone. I deserved what is happening to me. I didn't have to hope for them to come. It was my error, and I was selfish to hope they get themselves involved in all this. It wasn't their fight, it was me who had to pay the consequences.

He can do whatever he wants of me, now, nothing is important anymore. Because my calls stayed without an answer, my faith had been dangerously crumbled, like dust. It hurts...

My aching muscles scream in agonies, on this cold and hard floor, and even breath has become difficult. The pain is the only thing that reminds me I'm alive, though it hurts so bad I could die.

But my bruises are nothing compared with my broken mind. I'm cold. As if the Death roamed all around me, waiting for take me away with an ice-cold kiss. And I'm not strong enough anymore to push it away. I can't even hear the screams from there; I don't hear any noise anymore. I'm alone, and this artificial and too strong light will be the only witness of my abandonment. I feel like I'm drowning in a flood, and no one is there to take my hand. It's really this feeling. Under the water, we can't hear anything, and I don't try to surface, I let myself sink, and no one will come to take my head out of the water.

Maybe it's better this way. If they were to come, it would be my whole family who would fall in this trap. I put them all in danger, because of my too big pretention. Yes. It's better like this.

At least it's what I try to convince myself, in vain, then I feel myself diverting. I'm exhausted. I didn't have to hope... I shouldn't been so hurt. This pain, I imposed it onto myself. They're not really coming...

And the tears which make my cheeks dirty are not caused by my injuries.
