Hm. Well, this will be my second official attempt at yaoi. "Dominance" got a pretty good response on (thank you to all those who added it to their favorites), so I found the courage to attempt another. RenxBya isn't exactly my favorite pairing, but they work well with me so I'm using them again.

This has a slow start, but I promise: there is a lemon. I kind of got carried away with the story.

As I continued this, I realized it might have potential for more chapters. I know I definitely want to do a Byakuya POV. I just found out I write much better when I used first person POV. Write a comment and let me know if you'd like this to go on.

Please comment! Whether you like it or not!

Bleach and all associated characters are property of Kubo Tite... lucky guy


I sighed and leaned back in my chair to stretch. It was almost five o'clock and the pile of papers on my desk actually seemed taller than it had been this morning. Byakuya had always been a little extreme about paperwork, but lately he had reached a whole new level of insanity. There had been a steady flow of forms onto my desk for the past two weeks. Whenever I finished one, three more would replace it. It was all I could do just to keep my office from being completely covered by the stupid things. I had been staying at work two or three hours late every day, but the damn things still kept multiplying like rabbits across my desk.

Then there was Byakuya himself. I had gotten used to him wandering in at random to check up on my work, but lately he seemed to be in my office more than his own. Even the door between our offices, which had always remained closed, was now continuously left open. It was like he was trying to keep an eye on me, and it pissed me off. I had a hard enough time filling out all the dumb paperwork he felt necessary to gift me with without him keeping tabs on my every move.

At first, I made it a point to argue and bitch at him whenever he "critiqued" my work—hell, if he was going to make my life miserable, I should at least return the favor. After a week and a half of bickering, I finally learned to keep my mouth shut. Byakuya was pretty damn bright; I got sick of never being able to win our arguments. I really felt like letting Zabimaru settle the matter for me, but I decided that this slave labor that Byakuya was forcing on me was a tad better than the incarceration and probably execution that attacking my superior would bring.

Voices began to fill the hall outside my office as people started to head home for the day. Ikkaku's loud voice boomed past the door as he tried to round up people for a drink. I rolled my eyes and sighed again. Some sake sounded damn good right about now. My eyes drifted to the door to Byakuya's office and I wondered what he'd say if I brought a bottle to work. In my mind, he was probably the kind of person who would never drink, afraid of losing that sense of propriety he was so damn proud of. Fucking noble, someone should show him how to have a good time. The thought of the prissy captain getting sloppy drunk forced an audible chuckle from my throat and into the stillness of the room.

The scratching noise of Byakuya's pen working steadily in the next room suddenly stopped. Shit. Now he was going to come in here and give me a hard time. I rolled my eyes again and tried to look deeply engrossed in the work in front of me. There was movement in his office, and I looked up to see Byakuya walk through the doorway and eye me suspiciously.

"Is something amusing, Abarai-fukutaichou?" Gods, but I hated that condescending little smirk of his.

"Yeah, I was just really enjoying this shit," I quipped as I waved a hand at the mass of papers. Byakuya cocked an eyebrow. Damn it, now he was really gonna chew me out. Mentally kicking myself for not keeping my big mouth shut, I braced myself for the coming verbal attack.

To my surprise, Byakuya only clasped his hands behind his back and turned to gaze out the window. I watched him curiously and was surprised when a small noise, almost reminiscent of a sigh, escaped his lips.

What the hell? Since when does Byakuya Kuchiki show any sort of emotion, let alone sigh? First he doesn't berate me after making that cocky remark, and now he's sighing? I eyed the door to his office skeptically—wondering if the real Byakuya was in there having a good ol' laugh. The imposter captain turned and looked at me with dark blue eyes.

"You may go home now."

I scrambled to pick my jaw up from where it had landed on the floor. He was telling me to go? Even though I had been staying hours past quitting time lately, he had still been ridiculing me for not staying longer and finishing the job. I had begun to think that he wanted me to move into my office so that I could work on the ever multiplying mass of papers twenty-four/seven.

Yet now, he was telling me to go home? Only three minutes after five? I couldn't decide whether to beat the crap out the person in front of me and demand to know where the real Byakuya was, or simply count myself as lucky and catch up with Ikkaku for a drink. Byakuya saw my confused hesitation and annoyance flickered in his eyes. He crossed his arms and shrugged. "Well, if you would rather stay, there is plenty for you to do," he said, eyeing my pile of papers.

I practically jumped up out of my seat and sprinted towards the nearest exit. Imposter or not, I wasn't about to let this golden opportunity slip by. Before I stepped out of the room, I turned and gave Byakuya one last curious glance. My eyes widened in surprise. He was still looking out the window, but his face was completely different from just seconds ago. The stern frown he always wore had been replaced with something that looked oddly like sadness and fatigue. It suddenly dawned on me that he had been putting in even longer ours than me lately. Tiny lines across his face and a slightly stiffer-than-normal jaw gave his tiredness away.

"Uh, are you staying late again, taichou?"

A low "Mm" and a nod was his response.

"Ya know, it wouldn't kill you to take a break. Ya know, like, have some fun." As soon as the words left my mouth I realized how stupid they were. This was Byakuya Kuchiki I was talking to. He scoffed and sent me a look that suggested that it probably would kill him to have fun. I shrugged and left before he could change his mind and make me stay.


"More sake, Renji-san?" I nodded at the waitress and returned my attention to the scene unfolding at my table. An inebriated Yumichika was arm-wrestling Matsumoto, while an even more inebriated Ikkaku egged him on. To my surprise, the busty lieutenant and effeminate fifth seat were pretty equally matched. They continued to struggle for a couple minutes, sweat starting to drip from their foreheads. Unfortunately, I never saw who won because they were abruptly interrupted when Ikkaku, while animatedly cheering on his best friend, sent a bottle of sake flying into the air. There were a few minutes of loud chaos as Yumichika panicked at his wet hair and clothes, Matsumoto complained about how the sake had spilled between her breasts, and Ikkaku heatedly grumbled about someone leaving a bottle so close to the range of his fists (forgetting that he was the one who put it there.)

I chuckled and stretched lazily. This was so much better than being in that dusty office doing paperwork. A twinge of guilt hit me as my thoughts drifted to Byakuya, still working and knee-deep in forms that had originally been mine to fill out. Before my guilt became full blown I remembered again who I was thinking of. Byakuya loved that shit. He practically lived at the office, and he did it all of his own free will. Just because he got his kicks from proper procedure didn't mean I had to kill myself to keep up. I put the issue from my mind and reached for another cup of sake


Four hours and two and a half bottles of sake later...

"Oi, oi, Renji!" Ikkaku was looking at me, his eyes crossed more than I thought physically possible.

"Huh-uh." I burped my response and stared at the empty bottle in front of me. Where had it all gone?

"Renji, where have ya been lately? We thought you were avoiding us or somethin'." He leaned his bald head on my shoulder and looked up at me with what (I think) was supposed to be a pout. The expression looked more like an odd grimace and I fought back a laugh, snorting sake up my nose in the process. After the harsh sting went away, I answered, "Nah, I've just been working late every day. There's so much paperwork, I swear it's coming out of my ass."

There was a brief silence as Ikkaku looked at me warily. "Since when do you give a flying fuck about paperwork?" He almost looked scared of me.

"I don't," I said quickly. I didn't want him thinking I was going soft or something. "Byakuya asked me to stay, so it's not like I can just say no."

Matsumoto leaned over the table, the clothing covering her large chest dangerously close to sliding off. "I think it's really sweet of you to stay and help your captain out." She smiled, oblivious to the scowls Ikkaku and I were giving her. "I try to help Hitsugaya-taichou with paperwork, but he ends up yelling at me to leave him alone after a half hour or so," she explained, pouting.

A spray of sake landed on the table as Ikkaku choked and spit out his drink. He swore and then giggled, managing to say, "Well, I wonder why," after a few seconds of catching his breath.

Matsumoto glared at him and turned back to me. "It's nice, though—you're keeping Byakuya company and all."

It was my turn to cough and sputter as I choked on my alcohol. "What the hell do you mean?"

She gave me a look that said it should be obvious. When I didn't say anything she explained, "Well, right after Hisana died, the Kuchiki clan adopted Rukia and she went to live with Byakuya." I stared at her blankly, still not understanding where this was headed. Smirking at my confusion, she continued, "So, now that Rukia has been spending so much time in the real world, he's probably lonely. After all, he's all alone in that big house. I bet he's glad for your company."

My jaw fell to the floor for the second time that day. Everything I knew about Byakuya suggested that the man had precious few emotions. Let's see, there were anger, annoyance, and prissiness. Loneliness certainly did not make the list. My mind went back over the last couple weeks: the paperwork that came out of nowhere and required me to stay late, the open door between our offices, not to mention that look on his face and the sigh that he let slip today. I really couldn't believe I was actually considering the possibility. Matsumoto had to be wrong—wouldn't be the first time her reasoning was a tad warped.

I chuckled into my cup and signaled the waitress to bring over another bottle.


There was some pushing, some stumbling, and hell of a lot of swearing when we finally decided to call it a night. Yumichika, long since passed out, was draped awkwardly across Ikkaku's back. The baldy, not much better off, was barely upright and leaned heavily against Matsumoto, who was clinging to the wall like it was a long lost relative. I suppose I was the most sober of our group, although one could hardly call it that.

"Are you sure you guys don't want help getting home?" I seriously doubted if they'd make it two feet, let alone all the way to their houses.

"Nahhhh, Renj-sahhhhn. We three live in the opposite direction as you, anyway." He spun around flamboyantly to point towards his place, dropping Yumichika in the process. "Oops." He giggled and bent over to pick up his unconscious friend, nearly falling over himself. I waved at Matsumoto, but she looked close to being sick and didn't notice. I watched them swagger down the road a bit before turning to head home myself.

The night was cool and quiet. A gentle breeze brushed past me and I let my hair down and felt it flutter in the wind. My eyes closed as I enjoyed the swaying feeling as I walked. When I opened my eyes, I saw a strange blur ahead of me. I squinted and could barely make out a figure walking towards me through the alcohol induced fog. I stared in fascination as the person slid towards me with incredible grace. When they were a little closer I saw pale skin and ebony hair reflecting the moonlight.

"Byakuya?" I squinted again and saw deep blue eyes looking back at me. "Um, I mean, Byakuya-taichou." I blinked, suddenly remembering how late it was. "What're you doing out this late?"

His eyes lowered and another rare sigh slipped from his lips. He looked extremely tired and a touch sad. Seemingly realizing the unintended display of emotion, he stiffened and cleared his throat. "There was much paperwork that needed attending to."

I studied him with as much concentration as my sake-logged brain would allow. Something was definitely wrong. Sure, there were the subtle physical signs that suggested that he hadn't been sleeping, but what concerned me most were his eyes. They were a deep, icy blue-black and usually glinted with whatever emotion he did allow himself. The eyes I was looking at, however, were dull and glazed over with some emotion I couldn't quite place. He looked truly miserable. Even after he noticed my staring, he still couldn't hide all of the pain on his face.

My thoughts returned to what Matsumoto had said. Could he really be lonely? It seemed almost impossible, but the distress on his face was undeniable. I suddenly found myself wanting to do something, anything to make the pain leave those eyes.

Byakuya glanced down the road that lead to his manor and I saw a flicker of dread on his face. He was avoiding going home. That's way he had been staying at work so damn late—he hated going home, where it was empty and silent. Everything suddenly fell into place and I regretted not seeing it sooner. I had taken Byakuya as a cold, almost heartless bastard—it never occurred to me that he might be bitter and lonely. Not once did it cross my pathetic mind that he might still be suffering the loss of his wife and parents. He didn't really have any friends and he certainly never went out. Since he immersed himself in his work, I had assumed that was the only thing he cared about. I felt sick as I realized my captain—my role model and hero—had been in so much pain right in front of me and I had been clueless.

My thoughts were interrupted as Byakuya cleared his throat again. He looked like he was about to say goodbye and head home. A random, somewhat stupid thought popped in my head and the words came out before I could process them. "Do you wanna to come back to my place for a drink, or something?"

He looked almost as astonished as I felt at my invitation. I was certain he would decline. My surprise deepened as he actually appeared to think it over. A few moments passed before he let his shoulders drop and said, "That would be good, thank you."

I nearly fell over. The alcohol in my blood made it extremely difficult to remain upright after receiving such a shock. Byakuya having a drink? With me? In my house? That last thought made me groan as I tried to remember the last time I cleaned my place. I peered at Byakuya out of the corner of my eye and turned to lead the way home, trying unsuccessfully to walk in a semi-straight line.


Somehow, I managed to make it to my house without any major mishaps. I unlocked the door and swatted at the wall inside, trying to find the light switch. As soon as the lights flickered on, I regretted bringing Byakuya to my house. He looked about as out of place as someone could be as he stood in my living room, eyeing the room around him. A little relief found me as he adjusted the folds of his kimono and sat down on the couch.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed my best bottle of sake from the cupboard above the fridge. After I poured it into a smaller ceramic container, I set it in some hot water in the sink. As it was warming up, I peeked into the other room to see Byakuya waiting with his hands folded in his lap. I beat myself mentally as I searched for matching sake cups. What the hell was I thinking? My mind frantically tried to think of something I could say to spark a conversation. After working and fighting together for as long as we had, I still knew next to nothing about him.

Once the sake was warm, I went out to join my guest. I poured us each a cup and sat cross-legged on the floor. Byakuya sipped his drink wordlessly. Just when I thought I couldn't take the awkward silence any longer, he finally spoke. "I've never been in your house before." His eyes moved around the room again. "I must admit I expected it to be a bit... messier."

I scowled at him and drained my cup. I guess it wasn't really an insult, but the man had the uncanny ability of making even compliments sound wrong. He held his empty cup out for me to refill when he saw me reach for the bottle. There was another span of silence and we both drained our cups just to have something to do. His presence had sobered me a little, but the last couple of drinks were starting to make my head swim again.

Since he said something last, I figured it was my turn. I struggled to think of something. My mouth said the first thing I though of, much to my brain's horror. "What's the matter, taichou? I know something's bothering you."

I knew right away that the question was a mistake. Byakuya tensed and his knuckles whitened as he gripped his cup tighter. Another slice followed and I was ready to apologize when he spoke. "What makes you think something is wrong?" there was no denial in voice, only the concern that he was letting his emotions show.

"It's not that obvious," I assured him. "We've known each other for a long time and see each other every day. It's only natural that I can detect your mood."

He looked down at his cup and I saw a brief flash of emotion on the stony face. The poised control he was so famous for began to slip. Even his reiatsu, usually held completely in out of habit, had begun to thread out. I couldn't hide my gasp of surprise as the strands of reiatsu came into contact with my skin. There was an overwhelming sense of frustration, sadness, and pain that radiated from him. A shudder came over me as I realized that I had probably only felt the smallest fraction of the true despair that was his.

Byakuya heard my faint gasp and quickly reigned in his reiatsu. The pain lingered in his eyes and I found myself at a loss for words. Never in my life would I have dreamed that he would be so vulnerable, and in front of me no less. I felt helpless as I couldn't find the words that would comfort this man I had looked up to and aspired to surpass for so long. I wanted to do something, I wanted to help. The right words never came. If I couldn't soothe him by talking—a crazy thought came into my mind and took root before I could get rid of it.

I could make him forget. If only for a short while, I could bring him pleasure, and with it, peace. I had been with men before; when you're as old as I am, there ain't a hell of a lot you haven't done. Although I still preferred women, there were times when only strong male touch could satisfy me.

I glanced up at Byakuya, who was absentmindedly tracing the rim of his cup with a long, pale finger. Lust began to rise in my belly, surprising the hell out of me. I had never though about my captain that way, but now that the thought had come up, I realized how attracted to him I really was.

Byakuya was beautiful. His skin was smooth and white, like porcelain. Long black hair cascaded over his shoulders and onto the silk scarf wrapped around them. Rich blue eyes were framed by long lashes. Just the slightest touch of pink tinted his cheekbones. His jaw was strong and yet shapely and gentle at the same time. His lips looked amazingly soft and I found myself wanting to kiss them.

I glanced up at him nervously. What would he do if I came on to him? I was a skilled lover—I knew I could make that paid sorrow leave, if only for a little while. Whether or not he'd let me was the problem. My mind reminded me how scary he could be when got pissed, and a few thin scars tingled with the memory of his Bankai. I certainly didn't want to make him mad.

"Byakuya-taichou?" he looked up from his cup and met my gaze. I winced at the despair in those eyes. Taking a deep breath, I rushed to speak before I lost the courage. "I want to help you." His eyes widened but he held my gaze, so I continued. "We've known each other for long time, and even though we don't exactly get along, I'd like to think that we're sort of... well... friends." I bowed my head and prayed that this would come out right. Byakuya seemed to notice my agitation and stilled the movement of his finger on his cup, giving me his full attention.

"You know, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you," I said softly as I tried to convey what I was feeling with my voice and eyes. "If there's anything I can do, anything at all. I just... I..." The words were starting to fail me and I knew I had to get on with it before I made an ass of myself. "I wish you would let me help." I laid my hand on his knee and gave it a slight squeeze. He stiffened slightly and I found myself unable to look at his face. After a few moments of his silence, I removed my hand and dropped my chin, letting my hair fall in front of my face. Hey, at least I tried. My mind frantically tried to think of something to ease my embarrassment and the awkwardness of the moment.

I didn't see or hear him move, but in the blink of an eye Byakuya was off the couch and kneeling on the floor in front of me. He captured both of my hands in his, rubbing my palms with his thumbs. His head was down and his long black hair denied me the sight of his eyes.

We sat for a moment, watching as he slowly traced circles on my palms. His fingers were long and slender and so beautifully white against my tan skin. The sight was mesmerizing.

After what seemed like forever, he leaned forward until his forehead touched mine. Soft hair fell forward to mesh with mine—the red and black stunningly contrasting. He leaned forward more, until our noses touched and I could feel his breath on my lips, even through the curtain of hair that separated us.

"Renji." His voice was filled with emotion. It carried pain and confusion, but it also housed want and need and desire. I tilted my head and whispered into his ear, the soft puff of my breath making him gasp. "Please, let me help. If only for a short while, let me take the pain away."

I reached up and brushed the silky hair out of his face, trying to read the emotion in his eyes. When our gaze met, I gasped and felt a slow tremor work its way through my body. The pain in his eyes had been replaced with desire. I had never seen them so clear or bright.

Remembering breathe, I cupped his jaw in my hand and stroked my thumb over his perfect white skin. It was soft—even softer than I had imagined it would be. His eyelids fluttered as I caressed the side of his face and his neck. A small sigh escaped from his lips and they parted ever so slightly. I watched as if in a trance as the tip of his pink tongue rolled out to moisten pale lips. My throat suddenly felt dry and I struggled to swallow. I was drawn as by gravity to those pristine lips—my own inching closer with each breath. My caress on his cheek stilled and he opened his eyes to see me hovering inches away. The surprise I expected never came; he simply blinked and raised a hand to tangle in the hair behind my head. Long fingers gripped my neck and he pulled me in closer until our lips touched.

I had expected his kissed to soft and shallow, but this—damn. They were strong and deep, yet so unbelievably gentle and giving at the same time. His lips and tongue and teeth seemed to move of their own accord as they explored mine. My tongue met his and oh Gods—the taste of him. He tasted like a cool spring day smelled. Bright and clean and sweet.

I caught his hand in mine and drew his arm around me—wanting to be closer, wanting to feel him next to me. He pushed me onto my back and settled on top of me in one fluid motion, not once breaking our kiss. One hand stroked the tattoos on my face, and the other was buried deep in my hair. I couldn't think of anything that felt better than the steady press of his weight on my body. I closed my eyes and relished the feel, taste, and smell of him—losing myself in the moment.

My eyes opened when he removed his lips. He looked down at me with unbridled lust flaring in his eyes and my breath hitched as my own need rose. Slender, pale fingers traced down my throat, and chest, stopping to tease the skin exposed through the opening of my kimono. Byakuya lowered himself until he could kiss the little spot of flesh that his fingers had uncovered. I gasped as his soft lips and tongue fluttered on my sensitive skin. He revealed another bit of flesh by pushing the fabric aside, and repeated his kisses on the newly discovered area. He repeated this process of baring and kissing with a painful slowness. He was taking his time and making me crazy with desire. The gentle caresses felt amazing, but they made me crave more.

He paused and a hint of smirk twitched at the corner of his mouth when he pushed away the fabric to reveal a nipple. It hardened into a little peak as soon as the slightly cool air hit it. He opened his mouth and bathed it in the warmth of his breath. My back arched and I let out soft whimper.

Damn, he was such a tease.

He repeated the process on the other one before pursing his lips and blowing a stream of cool across the now rock hard buds. My hand reached up into his hair in an attempt to lower his lips onto my yearning flesh, but he only looked at me and moved my hand away.

I felt a flutter of anxiety in my stomach. In all my past encounters, I had been the dominating one—the one in control. It was surprisingly easy to let Byakuya have complete power, but it still worried me slightly. I was supposed to be helping him, distracting him from the pain. I was just about to say something when a warm, wet tongue circled my nipple, driving all thoughts out of my head. A low groan rumbled in my throat and it was all I could do not to sit up and rip Byakuya's clothes off.

He must have sensed my need, because he closed his mouth on my nipple, rolling his tongue over it before gently tugging it with is teeth. Sweat began to collect on my chest and forehead as my desire built to and insane level. Those long fingers gripped my kimono again, this time pushing it over my shoulders and to my waist. His hands explored my chest and stomach, tracing the dark tattoos in curious amazement. He watched his explorations with half-lidded eyes. I could see his heavy pulse beating against the pale skin of his neck. I wanted to see more of that skin—to see all of him.

I sat up and pulled him so he was straddling my lap. My fingers found the sash holding his clothes together and hurriedly untied it. Black fabric slid away to reveal ivory skin. The expensive silk was still around his neck and I wrapped my fingers in it, musing briefly to myself how much better his skin felt to me. I pulled him towards me for a kiss and slowly slid the scarf from around his neck, feeling his shiver at the feel of the silk against his skin.

Once we were both bare from the waist up, I grabbed him and pressed him to me in an embraced that undoubtedly conveyed how much I wanted him. I let my hands snake down his back and back up his chest, marveling at how smooth his skin was. I pressed my lips to the soft spot in the crook of his neck and inhaled his heavenly scent. I'd have never thought that something that smelled so good could still be so distinctively masculine. My lips and tongue explored his collarbone and the base of his neck. The little noises of approval and want went straight to my groin.

I pushed him back until he was lying down on the floor and knelt between his legs. I lowered my head and kissed the tip of his arousal through the fabric of his hakama. A low moan rumbled in his chest and he combed his fingers through my hair. My hands reached for the tie on his hakama and undid it impatiently. Byakuya lifted his hips and a second later, I was admiring the gorgeous sight of his naked body beneath me.

China white skin glowed temptingly and I dipped down to trace a lazy line from his navel to his neck with my tongue. My actions were rewarded with a gasp and a slight shiver from that perfect body. He was like a living statue—perfectly carved out of flawless marble.

My fingers traced mindless patterns across his chest and stomach as my lips embraced his in a deep, passionate kiss. His tongue found mine and slowly stroked it—top, sides, and underneath. I wanted to taste every corner of his mouth and I pressed back into him, taking the time to nibble on his bottom lip on the way.

I opened my eyes and was surprised to see deep blue orbs staring back at me. He held my gaze and deepened the kiss, raking his teeth across my tongue before gently sucking on the tip. The pleasure of the kiss, combined with his eyes staring heatedly into min drove me wild.

I reached down between us and gripped his erection, now hot and hard against my stomach. When my fingers curled around his velvety smooth skin, his back arched and his eyes rolled back. A sound between a moan and a cry came from his lips and he gripped my arm almost painfully. I close my mouth around his and drank the sound like it was a sweet wine. Shudders racked his body and he looked up at me, desire almost visibly rising from him.

"Renji." The sound of his voice calling my name added more fuel to the fire that was long since out of control. I kissed his neck and worked lower, letting my tongue dance across his tight, pink nipples. Both his hands found my hair, and I sighed as I felt his fingertips massage my scalp. He was breathing in short gasps and I took a moment to admire his beauty.

Sweat had started to collect on his kin and I bent to taste the salty-sweet dew on his stomach. I inched lower, continuing my kisses until my breath fell on his throbbing cock. The musky, masculine scent of him drifted up to me, filling me with an urgent desire I had never experienced before.

I caught his gaze and held it as I let my tongue lap at the clear beads of liquid that had formed on the tip of his arousal. He struggled to keep his eyes open and his knees shook. Still holding his gaze, I slowly swirled my tongue around the tip of his cock, reveling in his guttural sounds of pleasure. When I took him into the heat of my mouth, his eyes finally fluttered shut and he threw his head back in a soft scream. His hands were in my hair again, but they never once pushed down.

I groaned at the erotic sight of him, back arched and head back, every muscle under his pale skin straining and quivering from the pleasure my mouth was giving him. I took him as far into my mouth as I could, tightening my throat around the tip while swirling my tongue underneath. I sucked hard and raised my head, smiling at the soft pop as his cock left my mouth. he looked down at me and my own arousal twitched at the lust that was in his eyes. I licked from the base to the tip of his cock, tracing the vein underneath. My tongue lingered to flick gently across the sensitive spot beneath the tip, wringing another quiet scream from his lips.

"Renji, I need you." I understood the request in his voice.

"I'll be right back," I assured him before I sprinted into my bedroom and grabbed the bottle of green tea scented oil on my nightstand. When I rounded the corner I stopped short at the sight that met me.

Byakuya was laying on the couch, head back and eyes closed as he slowly stroked himself. His eyes flickered open when he heard me, and he held out his hand. I quickly untied and stepped out of my hakama and slid between his legs, kissing a trail from the base of his erection to his mouth.

When our lips met, our passion and lust exploded. Lips, teeth, tongues, fingers, and legs entwined and we twisted together in a fit of desire. I wanted to be even closer, I wanted to crawl inside his skin and drive all the suffering from his body. He seemed to share my sentiment and returned the intensity of the embrace, touching and grasping any part of me he could reach.

His tongue found the soft spot behind my ear and I shuddered. My ears are extremely sensitive. There was a slight sting as he bit down on the lobe, followed by unbelievable pleasure when he flicked the sensitive skin with his tongue. The groan that fell from my lips was deep and full of need. He whispered into my ear, the warmth of his breath sending trickles of pure bliss through my core. "I want you. I need you." His voice was husky and almost pleading.

I nodded and repositioned myself between his legs. He laid back and draped an arm across his eyes as I took the tip of his cock into my mouth. Soft whimpers escaped his lips as I let a finger brush against his opening. I reached for the oil and slicked a couple fingers with the sweet smelling liquid before returning my attention to his cock. My tongue slithered up and down and around until his breathing became uneven and raspy. I looked up and caught his eye from underneath his arm as I slid one finger into him. A small gasp shook his chest as my finger pushed in to the first knuckle. His eyes opened again and he peered down at me lustily.

"More." It was more of a command than a request. I obliged and pushed all the way in, his body enveloping my finger. His back arched and a stream of unintelligible words fell from his mouth. I let him relax around me before pushing another finger in. he groaned in pleasure and gripped the edge of the couch. A third finger joined the others and I began to scissor them, preparing his body. I curled my fingers and was rewarded when Byakuya's eyes flew open and he screamed my name. I smiled up at him and he licked his lips. "Now, Renji."

The lust in his voice was the most arousing thing I had ever heard. I withdrew my fingers and knelt between his legs, pouring some oil on my almost painfully aroused cock and positioning it at his entrance.

I glanced back up at him, looking for any signs of uncertainty. He looked back at me with nothing but longing on his face. I leaned forward to kiss him. As soon as our lips touched, he moved his hips and slid himself onto my cock. My eyes widened in shock and then immediately squeezed shut as the tight heat of his body embraced me. I dropped my head onto his shoulder and tried to gain some control. He moved one hand to my ass and the other gripped my hair.

"Fuck me, Renji," he whispered into my ear. An involuntary shudder washed over me as the words fell on my ear. I thrust forward slowly and groaned when I felt my whole length slide into his warmth. He wrapped his legs around me and pulled me down for a kiss. When our lips parted, I gazed into his eyes and began a steady rhythm in and out of his slick tightness. My hands positioned his hips and on the next thrust I brushed up against his sweet spot, sending him into a fit of pleasure. I made sure to hit it with each thrust and he writhed and bucked underneath me, murmuring my name again and again.

I felt my control slipping and my thrusts became faster and deeper. Byakuya was breathing hard and quick, and I knew he was close. I reached between us and closed my oil-slick hand on his cock, picking up the same rhythm I was using on his ass. He let out a scream and convulsed violently as he came, spurting his seed all over both our chests and stomachs. His ass clamped down on me and I followed him, closing my eyes and savoring wave after of wave of the mind-numbing pleasure that coursed through me.

Once we had both stopped shaking, I carefully withdrew from his body, wincing at the loss of his warmth surrounding me. He was looking down at his stomach with a hint of distaste. I assumed he didn't like the mess and picked up my discarded kimono to clean his come off our bodies. He looked at me appreciatively and laid back, closing his eyes. I grabbed the blanket draped across the back of the couch and covered us with its warmth. I snuggled to his side and listened quietly as his breathing and heart rate returned to normal, idly tracing patterns across his milky skin. He sighed sleepily and turned to whisper in my ear. "Thank you Renji."

I smiled into his chest and closed my eyes. If I had my way, Byakuya Kuchiki would never be lonely again.


Yippee, I just finished the next chapter. Figured I'd put something on the bottom here to let people know to look for the second installment.