Doctor Meets Torchwood

Chapter 2: Legends?

Author's Note:
Who's up for more Raw stuff? Like meat? Ugh, nah. Maybe not.

And while we're at it – whose up for made up creatures? I decided not to go with weevils…

Disclaimer: Oh ha, would we all love to own it? Sadly enough I can't claim to be male and have a first name starting with R and last name starting with D.


They pulled up at the supposed sight and tumbled out of the somewhat jam packed car untidily.

"Not the most comfy trip." The Doctor commented.

Martha rolled her eyes. "Not that the TARDIS is much better."

"It is! It's not so cramped for one!"

"I meant the bumpiness."

"Oh." was all he had to say. "Um, okay."

Martha sighed and made a face at Jack, who grinned before turning to work.

"Tosh, have you figured out what it is yet?"

They hadn't been able to identify it earlier, apparently. It was rather a shame the Doctor hadn't been able to see the information. Martha doubted he would not know what kind of alien it was.

"Ur, no, Jack, sorry. It seems to be some… weird…"

"Oh, let's look here." The Doctor bustled over. "Oh.. hmm. Interesting. It's like…"

"What?" Martha asked.

"Uh, I dunno…" The Doctor frowned and ran his hand through his already messy hair. "Some strange… well, nothing I shouldn't be able to handle." He said confidently. "Here goes nothing."

With his usual disregard for privacy and all the such, he burst into the building they had pulled up at, doors swinging in his wake and Gwen and Owen almost getting hit in the head by the rebound as they registered his sudden entrance.

"Hm." He looked around, pulling out his sonic screwdriver. "This might be handy." He pressed it a few times experimentally and buzzed it around.

"Hey." The Captain came up behind him, "Are you trying to run my organisation."

"Oh yes, the enemy."

Jack and Martha looked pointedly at each other, trying not to roll their eyes.

"Oh, look." The Doctor was grinning as everyone gathered closer.

Martha glanced at Jack, but he was merely waiting patiently for the explanation.

"Um, like to explain, Doctor?"

"A new alien?" he offered.

Alright, so he didn't know what it was. So much for 'The Doctor should be able to know'. She guessed she should be grateful that it wasn't Darleks or Cybermen or something worse to come and kill them. The Doctor had a taste for trouble.

She had to admit they hadn't gotten very far with anything.

"It seems to be upstairs." Toshiko commented, as she read off a PDA.

"We'll go up, Jack." Gwen offered and Owen loaded his gun, cocking it.

"Torchwood and armaments." The Doctor sighed. "Now that sounds like Torchwood to me."

"I'm not sure that sentence made sense." Martha looked at him quizzically.

"Ah, well. Nevermind. Should know what I mean."

The three Torchwood personnel glanced at each other as Jack clicked his tongue impatiently.

"Are we going to get to work or not? Just going to waste time?"

"Ah, sorry." The Doctor was all smiles again and started to creep up the staircase dramatically.

"Do you have any idea what it is?"

"Well, I might have seen it before, but never really encountered one." He glanced at Jack. "You've had some pretty strange … aliens come here lately, haven't you?"

Jack frowned as they crept forward, Jack with his gun and the Doctor simply 'ready'. "How do you know?"

"Oh, I'll have my ways." He went ahead.

Suddenly they began running as they saw the alien. It was not far ahead, and from the distance, all they could tell was that it looked kind of blue, and had a sort-of …. Blue sheen to it. It was strange indeed.

"Got a name for it?" Martha asked.

"What is it?" Gwen commented. Toshiko shrugged and Owen continued to stay silent as ever.

"Ehr… Does it matter?" The Doctor asked distractedly.

"Well, it might be easier to call it something?"

"Honestly." The Doctor did his 'disgusted' thing again, turning to face Martha. "Humans. We're chasing after some exciting new alien and you're just worrying about… a name?"

That brought the 'disgusted about humans comment' count up to three. She knew the Doctor liked humans though. They were a nice species.

"Can't be." The Doctor frowned. "Can it?"

"Can what?" Jack asked, even as Tosh, Gwen and Owen swiveled their heads towards him, uncertain whether to ask or not.

"That… I thought it was just… myth, or legend or something. It can't exist right?"

"Time Lord?"

"Nah. Why would they be here? Not even the Toclafane were really the Toclafane. Ur, yeah." He shut up. The Master dying and being the Last Time Lord again thing was still somewhat a closed subject, they guessed.

"Uhm, where were we? Uh, yeah, some other planet. Ooh. Raxacoricofallapatorius?" he wrinkled up his nose. "I dunno. That was ages ago, can't really… remember."

Or don't want to, Martha supposed. Possible.

"In any case, we need to get it, so advance!" He rounded on the Doctor now. "Stay here Doctor, try to follow instructions for once!" He called as he started running.

The Doctor frowned after him. "Well, I'm not really an instruction following person, more an instruction giving one." He looked at Martha who was the last person there. "So, ready for some running after?"

"Always am." Martha sighed. You had to be if you travelled with the Doctor – no matter how long you had travelled with him.

The followed the rapidly disappearing Torchwood team down the corridor, but footsteps began to sound from one side and the Doctor pulled Martha backwards as the alien burst through the door, sending pieces of wood and glass everywhere. Seemed like it had taken a detour. Were Torchwood incompetent?

The alien skidded to a halt a short distance in front of the Doctor and looked at him meaningfully. There seemed to be something passing between them, something Martha did not understand. Suddenly the Doctor frowned, staggered slightly and the alien disappeared.

"Doctor!" Jack called as they came running back again. "What happened?"

"Hmm…" the Doctor mused, rifling a hand through his mussed up hair again. "Not sure."

"What kind of answer is that?"

The Doctor was silent and thinking and Martha took it upon herself to explain. The message between the two? Had she imagine it? Perhaps. Maybe it took one to know one. They both knew they didn't belong on Earth among humans and had communicated.

Hmm, what was happening?


Author's Note:
Pretty Raw. My 'Doctor' is going a little out of character, but I'm trying to make him a little less 'funny' I suppose – for now anyway. Fixing up ideas.
