Kaname, Michiru, Inu-Yasha, and Kagome are copyrighted to Rumiko Takahashi. I only own any original characters that might appear. This is a fanfiction and nothing more, of course. I (KagomeSMercury) do not own any of the main characters and if I did, Kaname and Michiru would have been in the anime.

A/N: Forgive me on the delay. I had hit a writer's block with this fanfiction. I really want to get it done though. I really need to get back into Inu-Yasha once again…I miss being able to write it so easily. If you see any grammar mistakes, let me know. My goal is to try and get this fanfiction finished by the end of the year as well. Three years on this fanfiction is long enough. I'll go through and edit earlier chapters at one point as well…depending.

wereangewomon89- I agree…Sessy just has this amazing…personality? (; Thanks for the review.

SonAmy and ShadMaria Fan- Forgive the delay in updates! I do that to when I see stories in my inbox that haven't been updated in months (or years). Thank you for reviewing and still reading this story! (: (Btw…nice username! Go Shadow! )

Next Day-

"Oh man…how can it be so cold? I'm so tired," Kaname shivered, as she tugged at the jacket that she wore around her arms. Being the wonderful genius that she was, she had forgotten to pack warmer clothes for a long trip away from home. She was not used the cold nighttime weather of medieval Japan as she thought.

The previous night had turned into a cold winter breeze and the sky was clouded up with snow clouds. Kagome gave a slight smile at her friend's complaint, however Inu-Yasha was quick to make a remark.

"You did not change much in the complaint department," he remarked. Kaname narrowed her eyes at her dog demon friend.

"Oh Inu-Yasha, please give her a break. Humans are weaker than us after all," Shippo replied. Sango glanced at Miroku and held back a laugh. Young Shippo…not entirely true but he had the right thought at least.

"Kaname-chan, how can you be tired?" Kagome asked, as she decided to change the subject. Kaname stopped shivering and her eyes darted to the ground.

"I kept having bad dreams," Kaname answered in an angry tone after several seconds of silence and continued walking, leaving her friends to stop and stare at her.

I cannot dwell on Michiru. He has been gone for over eleven years. I need to focus on Naraku and his Haku character. Though, those dreams from last night felt so real. Oh Michiru…I am glad you did not fall prey to Naraku. I miss you...my little brother.

Kaname jerked from her thoughts as snow began to fall though after the thought of her younger brother, she suddenly felt warmer. Was it from the memories? Who knew…?

"We need to get out of this storm. It is getting too dangerous to keep going," Miroku finally stated. After the group traveled several miles down the road and dusk had started to settle end, the monk had decided that they needed to find a place for shelter. He stopped an empty house and the group followed each other inside.

Within minutes, a fire filled the old house and Kaname took off her wet shoes so she could warm her feet by the fire. All day she had been so busy thinking about her brother that Naraku escaped her mind and her body felt tired. While she talked with the group, she could not help but wonder about her brother.

"Lord Sesshomaru, where possibly are you headed?" Jaken asked, as he followed his master. Rin had been left in the safe shelter of a cave with a fire nearby.

"Jaken, go back to the cave with Rin," Sesshomaru ordered. Jaken complied but for once did not talk back to Sesshomaru.

In recent months, the dog demon had been quick to lose his temper. When everyone thought Naraku had been defeated and their futures looked clear for everyone, it ended up that not everyone's future had turned out the way they wanted. Sesshomaru had noticed that the new human girl that had been following his half-brother and friends was gone.

Then again, Sesshomaru could never exactly explain why he did notice. The human girl…what was her name? Konome? No, that did not sound right.

Kaname…that is right, the human girl who saved Rin from Naraku. When Utsugi died that day, the magic that was surrounding her vanished. She probably went back to her home.

Sesshomaru recalled when he learned that Naraku was still alive. After Kagura had been killed, the dog demon remembered when he smelt that scent from Naraku. The horrible scent of a half-demon and pure evil, though Sesshomaru knew even himself that the entire journey from defeating Naraku before had been a waste for Inu-Yasha and his friends.

Walking out of the cave and ignoring the snow, the dog demon walked out and already had begun to run fast. Where was he headed? No idea. He just needed to search the area for any sign or hope of Naraku's scent.

The snow danced around him as he was well aware now that winter was on the way, the autumn weather would quickly disappear. He had seen well over 300 "winters" in his lifetime that he could vaguely recall (or rather, any that he paid attention to). Yet, he wondered if something was going to be different about this one.

When Kagura died, a part of him longed for the summer to end. Though, now that it was winter, he could not exactly place what he was feeling. He was angry and snapped easily towards Jaken without any hint of remorse. Even young Rin at times felt the dog demon's wrath and he had even scared the young girl recently enough that it made him feel slightly guilty.

Lord Sesshomaru never felt guilty for anyone – or anyone that he wanted to try and remember – except for Kagura and oddly enough, Kaname. Even though he watched Kagura die in that field of flowers and become one with the wind, he did indeed feel angry at Naraku. Though, he always had a feeling nothing would ever work between him and the wind sorceress. Then again, why did he even think such thoughts?

Rin and that human girl must have left some of those nasty human traits on me. Not even Kagura could make me think these odd traits. I wonder if Father ever thought these when he fell in love with Inu-Yasha's mortal mother.

Yes, that was the reason. What else could attribute to the weird feelings he experienced? He continued to run for several more minutes before he quit scouting the area and turned to walk back to the cave. He really did need to quit being around humans and Jaken at times. They left…odd feelings on him. Did his father ever feel this way?

Not that Sesshomaru would be able to ask him anyways. The Great Dog Demon had been dead for well over 200 hundred years.

Haku eyed a strange painting in his hand. Well…it had to be a painting. Though, it surely was not any type of painting but it did not explain why that Shikigami girl had such an odd painting in her room.

When he had traveled to the near "future" as Naraku called it, Haku had reappeared around the Kururugi Shrine. Though the human knew his original mission was to find the girl named Kaname, he was always a curious person. To even get the chance to see the future generations must have been a blessing from Buddha or Kami-sama.

Kami-sama sounded more appealing, but Haku rushed that thought out of his head. In the painting were a young Kaname and a boy. It was easy to tell that the two children in the painting were twins. The hair and eyes were almost identical. Yet, Haku's face turned into a frown. There was no mention of a brother to the girl besides the one Naraku mentioned earlier. There was no trace of the boy around the Kururugi Shrine and it appeared the sibling had long been dead.

When he had taken the painting, he also took several parchments of what he thought were two books. One seemed to be older than the other, but he took them anyway. Somehow, he felt drawn to them but secondly, it should provide some information on what might have happened to the male sibling. Haku had come to the conclusion to talk to Naraku about him lying about the sibling being in this time period or the future once he had some more information.

He turned the painting around and noticed writing addressed on the photo it what appeared to be two languages. Odd…there was the familiar kanji but what were those other strange characters? It did not matter though, as he moved a candle closer to the photo to read it.

"Kururugi Michiru and Kaname –Age 4"

He moved the painting away and picked up the newer of the books and studied the writing on it:

"Kaname-sama's Dairy! Do not touch!"

Dairy? What in the world was that? He knew he would never be able to understand the future, but he did however seem curious and opened it to the first entry:

"Dear Dairy #1,

My name Kururugi Kaname or as my mother puts it in the English language, Kaname Kururugi and this is my journal, though if you have not already figured that out, right? I should introduce myself.

I am 12 years old and I live at my family shrine in Tokyo, Japan. I live with my mother and father, who always seem to drive me crazy. I have two cats which I named Yuki and Michiru. Yuki, the female cat is rather old since I've had her since I was four. Michiru is my newer cat but I named him after my missing twin brother, Michiru.

Wait? I did not tell you that I am a twin!

Michiru was my big brother that always seemed to pick on me from family videos and movies. I remember at one point he stole my bento lunch just so he could eat the tofu! Not that I mind when I look back…tofu just tastes awful!

Anyways, Michiru went missing when we were five and a half years old. I remember there was a 20 city block search for him because it is so odd that children go missing in Tokyo at our age. However, days turned into weeks and weeks turned into years.

Mom and Dad act like they never had a son and hid all the pictures of my brother and I. Dad once stated that Michiru was most likely dead when I asked about him. *Sigh*

The reason I started this journal was to report have something to escape and talk about my brother freely. Soon, I will start up a log and show you all the evidence I tracked of my brother (once my exams are done though)!

xOxO – Kaname"

So, it appeared that the girl did still think about her brother even what…seven years after he had been supposedly dead? He quickly turned to the next entry.

"Dear Dairy #2,

Okay so I passed my exams with good grades. I remember celebrating with my friends and their older siblings the other day that I wished Michiru could have been there. Sadly, Mom found the evidence I found on Michiru and took it away. Now I cannot be an American investigator like I dream of…*cries*

Anyway, I am excited to tell you that Yuki, my cat, found an old toy! I remember it from when Michiru was still with us. Though, it is falling apart and I do not have any yen to get it fixed.

Though, I know Michiru will cheer me on for my date next week! Tomo-chan's cousin is visiting from Italy and I am VERY excited to go and see him!

xOxO – Kaname"

Haku grimaced as he read that entry and rolled his eyes. Women never seemed to change from his time until the future. He sighed and read a few more entries the girl's dairy, as it was called. He noticed they were mostly about boys and school – which was odd for girls to be attending one- and he eventually closed the book when he felt a presence watching him.

"Naraku, what is you want?" Haku asked, as he brushed the odd sensation he developed from reading several entries from Kaname's dairy.

"I was just observing this painting," Naraku crept in from the shadows. Haku noticed sensed something different in Naraku's tone.

"What about it?" Haku said with a raised eyebrow.

"The boy looks exactly like you…" Naraku stated, a nasty smirk appeared on his face.

Haku rolled his eyes, "You already told me it is possible that I'm an ancestor of this Kaname."

"Oh but…I lied. Hello, Kururugi Michiru," Naraku grinned.

Haku let a nervous chuckle out, "You said that Michiru would be gifted in Shikigami. I am gifted with a sword and noticing when people lie…"

He suddenly grimaced again and realized something. Haku was always pretty good telling when people lied and suddenly, it felt like Naraku was now finally telling the truth and yet he believed him. Fear was now suddenly creeping into his mind.

"No, this is not possible," the teenager muttered.

"Oh but it is," Naraku's grin got even bigger, "And I know how the toy to play Inu-Yasha and Sesshomaru right into my lap with you and Kaname…"

A/N: I know many of you are wondering why Haku did not notice this before…but I'll explain later on. Chapter coming…uh…when I can update. Thank you for reading and don't you love cliffhangers?