A/N: See Chapters 1, 15, 16 and 27 of Thirst for Revenge for that which does not belong to me.

A/N 2: OK, kids, I've been away for quite some time. However, thanks to a flirt with something that almost changed my life, I've got my writer's block behind me. I won't go into the details but from this point forward, you can expect updates frequently from me. Starting with this one, as I'll go from oldest to newest (with the exception of the story I'm doing for BellaVision, don't worry Bella that will be updated soon). Anyways...

Chapter 10 - Triforian Danger


Puppetman smirked as he turned and saw the Turbo Rangers teleport in behind him. This was going to be a piece of cake.

"Ah, so it's the Turbo Twerps!" Puppetman said. "Well, I wanted the Zeo Rangers but you'll do!"

"It's sad you see us as substitutes," David said, "because by the time this is over we're going to be sending your candy ass back to the scrap heap!"

Puppetman simply laughed at this.

"Empty threats from a new Ranger...Tommy-boy's brother is it? I'd say this planet's going to be ours before this whole thing is over with," Puppetman said.

"Enough," Katherine said. "Either attack or go back to the place from whence you came!"

"As you wish," Puppetman said. "Cogs, attack!"

Instantly, about 50 Cogs swarmed all over the Rangers.

"Be careful not to get separated!" Zack shouted as he ducked two punches. "Something smells about this!"

However, the Cogs had been given their marching orders, and were making it very difficult for the Rangers to stay together. Within about ten minutes, they'd gotten the Rangers into a position Puppetman wanted.

Without warning, Puppetman's head began to glow and he took aim at David as David was busy with two Cogs.

"David, watch out!" Kat shouted just before Puppetman fired. Right as the blast was coming his way, David threw a Cog in its path. Instead of hitting David, it hit the Cog first, destroying it. And just for good measure, David armed the Turbo Thunder Cannon and fired at Puppetman, causing explosions all around him.

David took aim at Puppetman again, but this time Puppetman fired his gears, cancelling the blast. Without warning, a Cog grabbed David from behind and two more came from out of nowhere. He tried to get out of the hold but he found the grip was way too tight.

"Don't worry, Ranger. It will be all over in a minute," was all he could hear Puppetman say before Puppetman's head began to glow again and his lasers fired. That was the last thing David saw before his world went black. The blast had knocked him completely unconscious, which is what it was intended for.

It wasn't until a few moments later that Tanya saw what happened.

"What the...DAVID!" she shouted as she angrily charged Puppetman. Big mistake, as Puppetman's head began to glow again and he fired his lasers once more, this time knocking Tanya out. Moments later, Tanya and David were gone.

Oblivious to what was going on, Trini, Kat and Zack continued to fight as hard as they could against the army of Cogs that stood before them. However, with the backup gone they were finding it more and more difficult.

Even more omnious was that Puppetman's head was beginning to glow again and he was taking aim at Trini, who had her back turned and didn't even understand what was about to happen.

That was when the ground visibly began to blur around everybody. This happened for about two to three minutes and when everything finally returned to normal, Zack, Trini and Kat were gone and the Cogs were badly hurt, parts smoking from them.


He then disappeared in a flash.

Madame Woe's dimension

Meanwhile, Tommy and Kim were overjoyed to see three of their friends...and even more overjoyed to see that they were all right, and unharmed.

"Man, you guys took a beating out there," Kim said to Zack. "What the hell happened? All Madame Woe told us was that two of the guys got taken and something was about to happen to you guys."

"They had a game plan," Zack said. "They were trying to separate us and they did. Then David got hit with this weird blast off Puppetman's head, and Tanya tried to help him and got hit with the same thing. I think he was about to blast Trini before she got us out of there."

"Damn," Tommy said, cursing under his breath where not even Kim could hear him. "I should have known there would be trouble when Puppetman came back. He's got the ability to put other people under his power."

"Wait a minute," Kat said. "You don't think that..."

"Yes, I do, Katherine," Madame Woe said, finally making herself known. "Man, I should take better care of myself. Getting you guys out of there was hard enough. Anyways, yes I do think he was able to get them under his power. I think he's counting on the notion that the Turbo Rangers don't have a weapon as strong as the Defender Wheel in their arsenal.

"Guys, I'm already on top of the situation," Trey said, coming over the screen. "I have already asked Jason if he could loan us the Defender Wheel. I must, however, find a way to make it compatible for you, Zack. That could take some time."

"And unfortunately, time is a luxury we don't have," Kat said. "With Puppetman out there on Triforia getting people under his spell, they could create an entire army that could overrun the planet in no time. We have to do something."

"I could go out there and engage them," Madame Woe said. "His spells will not work on me as I am protected by certain magics that keep me from succumbing to spells like his. However, their numbers are so big that they could easily overwhelm me and I don't think we should tip our cards that you, Tommy, and you Kim are here."

"We're going to have to form some sort of strategy," Kim said. "The numbers game is definitely not on our side. However, I am confident we can do it. If they can't destroy us on the first strike then we usually come out on top."

Machine Empire Headquarters


"Say WHAT?" Mondo bellowed, steam coming out of his head. He was beyond enraged that two more potential Ranger targets had slipped through their fingers.

"It's true!" Puppetman howled, taking a few steps back. He hadn't been in Mondo's service for a while so he forgot how bad it was when the Machine King got angry. "I was about to hit Blue and Red...both of them...when the ground started to shake and when it was over, all that was left was smoking Cogs and me!"

Mondo absorbed the information, trying to think of how this could be possible. Then it hit him.

"It's her," Mondo fumed. "That she devil witch who is a former friend of Rita's pulled them out of the fire!"

"She couldn't have been here!" Sprocket whispered to Klank. "I didn't see any Gold Ninja here!"

"I think he's talking about someone else, Sprocket," Klank said.

"Sprocket, come over here!" Mondo bellowed.

Sprocket took some timid steps forward...he'd rarely seen his father this angry before.

"When that blue and white colored witch Madame Woe shows up again...and I'm sure she will...I want to know about it! And I want to know her every move! Am I understood?" Mondo said.

"Y-yes, daddy," Sprocket said.

"Good," Mondo said.

"You do know Sprocket probably doesn't know what she looks like, right, dear?" Machina said.

"Yeah, I haven't the foggiest idea of what she looks like!" Sprocket said.

"Very well," Mondo said. "Klank, Orbus, your job is to get to work on helping him. Also, Klank, I want to know every move of that Gold Ranger's...I'm almost certain he's here somewhere. The second you see Pyramidas, I want to hear about it. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, yuir Highness," Klank said.

"Puppetman, you did do a good job however of picking off two of the Rangers, including that dastardly brother of Tommy's. These two Rangers will prove vital in my plans to conquer this dreadful planet."

Klank then came up and whispered to Sprocket, "Let's keep an eye on that red turbo ranger as well. For some reason I think he's going to be important."

"Yeah," Sprocket said. "The next time we see him anywhere we take him and bring him here."


In Madame Woe's dimension...

"Have you seen Kat anywhere?" Kim said to Tommy.

"No, I haven't seen her since they got out of that situation," Tommy said, looking back at her. "However, I have heard from Zack himself that she isn't herself."

"Why in the WORLD is she taking this so hard?" Kim said. "I don't get it."

"It's probably because the plan was targeted towards her and she knows it," the two heard a voice say. Without warning, Trini walked up to Tommy and Kim, concerned look on her face.

"Trini, what do you mean the plan was targeted towards her?" Tommy said.

"Just what I said Tommy," Trini said. "They targeted Kat in particular. Machine Empire seems to think she can't win a battle on her own. I can almost guarantee Puppetman was ordered to turn the four of us against Kat. Kat still has a lot of doubts about herself."

"And the Machine Empire just put those doubts back in her head," Zack said. "Man, just what we didn't need. This couldn't have come at a worse time. We NEED Kat if we're going to survive this. I am almost sure they geared the attack to isolating her, just like Trini said."

"Indeed they did," another voice said. The four Rangers turned around to see Sabrina.

"Aren't you supposed to be back on Eltar?" Kim said.

"I'll be making more frequent appearances here," Sabrina said. "Eltar's a dangerous place to be right now. We'll do what we can. You two cannot go to Triforia yet under any circumstances. The cat's not out of the bag yet with your clones."

"What about Katherine?" Tommy said. "Will she be OK?"

"Katherine is why I am here," Sabrina said. "Indeed, the doubts about her abilities resurfaced in the aftermath of this last battle. I am here because Madame Woe called me here and because I feel Kat could use some words from someone who has been in her shoes before. I don't want to spend too much time away from Adam, especially now that he's going to freak knowing what's about to happen with Tanya. However, Katherine is the biggest priority right now."

"Damn," Tommy said. "I didn't even think about another thing...there is no WAY Katherine is going to be able to effectively fight Tanya if she is turned against us. What do we do in that case?"

"As I said, that is why I am here. I will handle it," Sabrina said with firm authority. "You guys need to go rest. The five Turbo Rangers will be able to handle this assuming Trey can make the Defender Wheel more compatible for Zack."

With that, Sabrina walked off.

"She doesn't lack for confidence does she?" Kim said to Tommy.

"I've known her a long time," Tommy said. "The one thing she has never lacked, aside from intelligence, is confidence. There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance and she's always on the correct side it seems. Confident in her abilities but not to the point of being arrogant. If she says we'll be fine, I'll believe it."
