Guns and Roses

Shawn opened his mailbox, quickly grabbing his mail. He shoved it into his little box of files. He ran across the living room and grabbed his cell phone.

" Hello? " A familiar voice came through.

" Yeah, Hunter? " Shawn said.

" Uh huh, it's me." Hunter said enthusiastically.

Shawn looked at his mail and said, " Listen Hunter, John is in deep trouble right now. Tell him not the go to Orton's wedding, you hear me?"

Hunter raised one eyebrow. " Why? What's going to happen?"

" Mr. Flair is up to something, I'm tellin' ya." Shawn said while gulping some water down his throat.

" Mr. Flair? He's an old man. What can he do?" Hunter laughed.

Shawn ignored Hunter's laugh. " You know that cane he has to walk with?" Shawn said in a low voice.

" Yeah ?" Hunter said.

" I bet it's a rifle." Shawn whispered.

This time Hunter let out all his laughter and Shawn had to wait at least two minutes so he can get on with the talking.

" A rifle? What are you thinking Shawn? The old man will get killed himself if he shot someone." Hunter said.

Shawn rolled his eyes. " How would he kill himself?"

" From all that noise from the gunshot, well, he would just explode his ear or something and might think it's the end of his life." Hunter said.

There was a silence in the phone but then Hunter came in, crackling with laughter.

" Why must you laugh at a time like this? I'm serious Hunter." Shawn said in a serious voice.

" Man, I gotta go. Your like killing me here with all this laughter." Hunter said.

" Oh, you know what the doctors say right? Laughter adds on eight years of your life, so start cracking man." Shawn said.

" Really, huh?" Hunter fakily laughed.

" Fake laughs don't count. They just make you lose eight years of your life." Shawn joked.

" Huh, really?" Hunter said and hung up the phone.


" Stacy, you are going to look gorgeous that wedding day!" Torrie said.

" Oh, thank you Torrie." Stacy said passionately.

" Duh, of course she will." Trish added on.

All the girls laughed.

" Torrie and Trish, I need someone to get the roses I want for the wedding by next week. You know, the wedding is in a month." Stacy said.

Torrie nodded her head. " I'm good with the flowers. You can count on me."

" Okay, so Torrie can do the flowers. And Trish, you can maybe..."

" Well, everything is done except the flowers, right? So, I'll just help Torrie." Trish said.

" Okay, then." Stacy said.

Stacy grabbed her books and looked at Torrie. " Make sure that the Blue Neon Light Club still knows there is a wedding in a month." Stacy said.

" Why would they forget?" Torrie asked.

Stacy looked at Torrie and scrunched her shoulders upward. " Oh, they just might forget sometimes."

Torrie nodded. " Okay."

Stacy walked out of the room.

Trish came closer to Torrie and said," Wow, she really wants it perfect."

Torrie rolled her eyes. " Ever since Randy liked her, she's been acting like she's all that. Don't you notice how she asks us to do so much things?"

Trish nodded. " She didn't do one thing except choose her dress." Trish said.

Torrie grabbed her purse and started walking off to the door saying, " Yeah, something's got to change around here."


Shawn ran across the street towards Hunter's house.

" Hunter!" Shawn yelled as he came in.

Hunter immediately jumped off his seat and went to Shawn.

" So, are we going to be able to get into the Orton wedding?" Hunter asked.

" Not without the invitations." Shawn said.

" Where are we going to get those?" Hunter replied.

Shawn had a weird look in his face. " Do you know Torrie Wilson? She has all the invitations."

Hunter shaked his head. " Who the hell is Torrie Wilson? Hell no man! I don't know her."

" Relax! I just asked you a simple question. Do you think our buddy, John Cena, knows her?" Shawn said.

" Heck, he knows all the freakin' girls in the world man!" Hunter replied.

" Probably he knows. " Shawn said.

" Is she pretty?" Hunter said.

Shawn nodded his head.

" Yep, John must know her." Hunter said.

" Well, why must we waste more time? Call John as soon as you could and ask him!" Shawn said.

" Yeah, I'm gonna get to that." Hunter said and dialed John's number.

They were still waiting for John to pick up.

"What the hell is he doing? Pick up the damn phone idiot!" Hunter yelled into the phone.

" Hunter, chill I'm here now." John said as he picked up the phone.

" Thank goodness!" Hunter said.

John laughed.

" Where the hell were you?" Hunter said.

" No where. " John replied.

" Yeah, you were probably in space. Now, big major question for you, my friend." Hunter said.

" Uh-huh." John said.

" Do you happen to know Torrie Wilson?" Hunter said, waiting for an answer.

John took a while to answer this question. " She used to be my girlfriend." John finally let out of his mouth.

Hunter rejoiced. " Man oh man, your the best! Now we can get into that Orton wedding and..."

John interrupted Hunter. " No Hunter, please. We haven't talked to eachother in five months and I did something terrible to her. It was all my fault and I just don't want to get into this!" John pleaded.

" Chicken. Just apologize to her when we get an invitation from her." Hunter said.

" No, I don't really want to talk to her now. Hunter, please." John said.

Hunter let out a sigh. " You apologized to all your other girlfriends before. What's the problem now?" Hunter asked.

" You don't understand." John said.

" I get it now ! You don't want to help us out. No way in hell are you scared to apologize to a woman." Hunter yelled into the phone.

" Why do you want to get into that stupid wedding anyhow? It's Orton's wedding, you hear?" John said.

" Listen man, it's a long story and you won't understand it in one night." Hunter said.

John laughed. " How can't I understand it in one night? "

" Just deal with me here! I just need the damn invitation!" Hunter yelled.

John didn't answer.

" Yoo- hoo? You there?" Hunter said.

" You better listen!" John yelled into the phone. " I'm telling you that I can't talk to Torrie right now so just keep it that way, alright?!"

" Chill man. I'm not gonna tell you why we need the invitation unless you tell me the whole damn situtation between you and Torrie. " Hunter said.

" I don't really give a shit." John yelled into the phone then hung up. John put his hands in his head and sat there, quietly. He muttered," I'm so sorry Torrie."