A/N: Hi, everybody! This is the very first chapter of my very first fanfic, so please be nice. Read and Review!

Disclaimer: Yo, I am a L33T H4C 3R M4ST3R 4ND I O\/\/NZ I/\/UY4S-4 . . . not. I wish.

Kagome awoke and poked her head out from under her blanket, staring blearily out at the world as the sun shone into her eyes. She glanced over at Sango, leaning against a tree, still clutching her Hirakotsu protectively, and smiled.

At least Miroku isn't bothering her, thought Kagome, remembering the many times when she had awakened to the sound of the Tajiya's resounding slap when Miroku ventured into dangerous territory.

Shippo was curled into a little ball at her feet, and Kagome resisted the urge to reach over and pick him up. It was too early in the morning to be bothering anybody.

She looked around for InuYasha, and was not surprised when she could not see him anywhere.

He's probably gone off hunting. The silly baka will probably bring back more dead rabbits and act offended when I won't dismember them.

She got up and walked slowly away from their camp, heading towards the river to bathe before getting dressed.

As she walked, unconsciously straightening the wrinkles in her uniform, she admired the way that the Shikon jewel hanging from her neck caught the light of the morning sun.

She sighed. It was only a little more than half of a complete orb. She and InuYasha had a long way to go before they completed the jewel.

Kagome thought about him and felt annoyed. He always insisted that she was useless, a hindrance, and a ridiculous "wench" who drove him mad, but she suspected that if she really bothered him that much, he wouldn't be keeping her around.

Sometimes she wondered if he really just wanted her for her ability to sense the jewel shards.

Sango said that she was sure that InuYasha liked Kagome, that he had a crush on her, even.

Well, if he has a crush on me, then he sure has a funny was of showing it.

She walked a little faster, wanting to be finished by the time that InuYasha returned. Kagome seriously needed some private time away from the insistent hanyou.

When she reached the stream, she set down her towel and change of clothes on a rock and paused to admire the scenery before entering the icy water.

She never ceased to be amazed by the beauty and vibrancy of nature in the feudal era, especially when comparing the silent trees and crystal streams with the smoggy skies of modern Tokyo.

It was almost too good to be true . . . except for the lack of hot water baths. Now that was one modern invention that she couldn't live without.

Kagome reached up and began to unbutton her blouse - but then she stopped, tensing. She could sense shards of the jewel . . . shards that were rapidly coming closer.

She turned around swiftly, only to see Koga come flying over the treetops to land in front of her.

Reflexively, she picked up her towel and clutched it to her chest as the Ookami stepped closer to her.

He wore his trademark fur trappings, and moved with the same arrogance and cockiness that he always possessed. His hair was tied back into its trademark ponytail - but something was different.

She looked into his eyes, and saw something new, an emotion that she had never seen before. Its foreignness frightened her and she involuntarily shuddered.

The clear blue diamonds of his eyes had hardened into icy spheres, tinted by a hint of what might be . . . resolve? Barely controlled desperation? Anger? Why would he be angry at her?

Finally he spoke.

"Hello, Kagome. I've been looking for you."

"Uh . . . hello to you too, Koga," Kagome managed to get out, unnerved by his unwavering stare.

She glanced at the ground to regain her composure.

"How are you, Koga?", she said politely, still avoiding his gaze.

"Never mind about me," he said smoothly. "How are you? Where is that arrogant hanyou pup?"

"He's out hunting for-"

"Good," he interrupted, taking another step closer to her.

He never blinked. She stepped away from him, and decided that this conversation had to end quickly.

Bath or no bath, Koga was starting to scare her, and she wanted to get back to the others as soon as possible.

"Um, Koga, what do you want? I need to get back to the others."

His lips curved up in the slightest of smiles, but his eyes never changed as he replied, "I've been looking for you for quite some time. You are in my debt."

Now Kagome was really confused. "A debt? I don't owe you anything!", she replied, somewhat indignantly.

Suddenly Koga's serene mask was broken, and flickers of red began to appear in his slanted eyes as he clenched his fists.

"Kagome, because of you, I have lost everything that was important to me, so you are damn well going to give me what I want in exchange!"

He grabbed her shoulders as he said, "My pack has driven me out and I am now the disgrace of all of the Ookami, due to you!"

Kagome tried to struggle free of his grasp as she tried to speak.

"Koga, what are you talking - ", she began, but he roughly pulled her face close to his and kissed her, aggressively shoving his tongue into her mouth, probing into every crevice and stealing the perfection of her lips.

She tried to pull away, but he held the back of her neck in one hand while restraining her arms with the other, making it impossible for her to escape.

She felt his fangs scrape her lips, tasted the corrosive sweetness of her own blood as she tried to cry out in pain, but found that she could not.

Tears began to pour down her face. It was her first kiss . . . and he had stolen it, raping her mouth with his own forward tongue.

She thought of InuYasha, and wished with all of her heart that she had not tried to get away from him that morning. Finally, the Ookami released her mouth, and she was even more frightened by what she saw.

His eyes were now a terrifying blood color, and his expression was one of undisguised anger and lust. She could feel his arms trembling as he crushed her to his chest.

Sickened, she tired to turn away, but Koga roughly turned her head so that she could not look away. When he spoke, his voice was ragged, echoing the wild animal that was barely contained within the man's body.

"Yes . . . because I failed to take you for so long, after openly proclaiming my intention to mate you, the other wolves said that I was unfit to be the leader of the pack, and with all of them against me, even the Shikon shards gave me little advantage in fighting them. I managed to escape, and I knew that I had to find you. And now . . . now you will pay for the pain you brought upon me, and feel it twofold! It will be a pleasure to finally take you . . . and then you will be left with pain as great as that which you forced upon me!", he finished, running a razor-sharp claw across her pale cheek.