Disclaimer : I DO NOT own Twilight, new moon, eclipse, Edward, Bella. OR ANY other charcters. All are owned and created by the amazing Stephenie Meyer!!!!

Sundering Sunrise

Chapter 1


I sat in the passenger side of Edward's Volvo, thinking hard about all the ways this could possibly go

wrong. "Could he restrain himself? Would we even make it to my death? Would Charlie find out the Cullen's secret tonight?" My mind just kept on wondering, and as far as I could see Edward was in deep thought as well. His eyes were glued to the road, both hands tight on the steering wheel, and we were actually going below the speed limit! I rubbed my hands consciously together trying to comfort myself not wanting to break his concentration, I felt the small, hard bump of a ring on my left hand.

I stared at it, first with promise, than love, than it hit me hard, sadness. At that moment everything finally hit me, leaving, saying I do, and dying. It all just hit me like a train, I couldn't think, then all of sudden I heard a hard tearing noise. I looked up startled only to see myself in the mirror, sobbing extremely hard. My vision quickly blurred and I look at Edward carefully trying to see if he hadn't noticed. Of course, he did, "Bella? Bella, are you okay? Whats wrong?" he breathed.

Edward quickly pulled over the car near the forest, and thats when I did thing I said Id never do, I ran. I ran as quickly as my clumsy legs would take me I tripped once,twice, three times and not once was a pair of cold arms there to grab me. I ran for a few miles before I finally came to a stop at a cliff, this cliff overlooked the entire forest the scene was pracitally indescribable. I cried harder and slowly feel to my knees already scrapped and bruised, but this is all I could do.

I guess I had never actually come to terms that I would have to say goodbye to this Bella, that soon I would never be able to sleep, never indulge myself with ice cream when I fought with Edward. I never really cared, but I just had to show some emotion it was only humanly. After a few more minutes of sobbing I rubbed my eyes and took in the scene with now a clear head. It was now twilight, Edward, I knew he must feel horrible. A sigh escaped me and I softly called Edward I knew he was around, I heard a soft rustling sound and turned. My eyes quickly widened when it wasn't Edward but my best friend the werewolf, Jacob.

"Jake?" I whispered

"Bella? Bella!" he exclaimed rushing over and pulling me into a hug.

I sighed, "Hey Jake, how you doing?"

He gently pushed me away and looked at me sternly, " I should ask the same thing. Did he hurt you Bella?" he urged.

I closed my eyes and took another deep breath, "No Jake, just a lot going on, overwhelmed thats all."

He contradicted that for a moment then spoke softly, "Bella, please come with me now. I can give you all that you ever need, ever want and all at the cost of nothing. Leave his soulless body and be mine, please"

I looked into his eyes for a moment before answering, "No Jake, I'm sorry, but it can never be like that. I'm marrying Edward, I'm going to become one of them, and I cant change that."

Jake sighed defeated, and started to breath slowly to calm his shaking body I knew this hurt him but I could never give Jacob my whole and he deserves so much better. I gently pulled him into a last farewell hug, but even before I could fully secure a hold around him he blew up in fur and the explosion sent my flying right off the cliff. "EDWARD!" I screamed, my body losing all control over itself, I kept falling and I quickly shut my eyes thinking of his beautiful face one last time.

Just as I began to feel my time had ended, something hard hit me and not from the way I orginally thought. Yet, before I could my eyes the impact started to shake me and I instantly blacked out.

"I'm dead...I know it..and I never even got to tell him I loved him once last time...my Edward.." Then at that percise moment I felt a throbbing pain in the back of my head and howled, this couldn't be death could it? Is it suppose to hurt? Thats when I heard it, his voice, his beautiful velvet voice in my ear, I struggled to open my eyes but I did, and then there he was perfect and all.

"Bella? Bella!" he whispered while placing his cool hand on my face.


He cut me off, "Shush, oh Bella why must you attract so much trouble, I thought I lost you!"

I gave a small weak smile as he cradled me in his arms on the forest floor. I loved his arms, no matter what they always ensured me safety. I looked up silently and nuzzled my face in his neck, he sighed and gave a small chuckle. I looked into his deep golden eyes loosing my soul in them and slowly caressed his beautiful face. I never wanted this moment to end, it was just so perfect nothing could ever compare.

"Edward," I spoke softly his eyes found mine and I spoke again, "never let me go, when I start dying of hunger just bite me then restrain me here for eternity." His cool fingers traced my lips lovingly and he spoke, "You have no clue how wonderful that sounds." I smiled and kissed his chin and down his neck slowly, "I love you so much, you don't even know." Edward placed his hand under my chin and pulled me to look into his eyes, the smoldered golden with a new tindge of green? " Isabella Marie Swan, I love you more than words can describe, nothing can keep me from you. Your my sky, my unessacary breath, my angel. Without you I have no purpose. You are my soul mate from now to eternity."

My eyes filled with water once again and before I knew it his stone cold lips where upon mine, kissing me with such passion that I had no other care in the world. When I tried to pull away he only pulled me closer, I wrapped my arms around his neck, his hands in my hair. My legs slowly wound their way around his waist, I pushed myself closer to him and he gave a soft moan. I kissed him softly and he slowly started to pull away, when he looked at me my eyes grew in shock.

His eyes were no longer gold, the were green with now a gold tint. Edward slowly grabbed my hand where his heart would be, and amazingly there was a soft thud. Yet as soon I as I felt it, it died away again and his chest back to cold and dead.

"Edward, it was beating?" I was extremely confused.

"Surprisenly, yes, for the first time in 107yrs, yes" his voice was weak.

"You really are my life Bella" he added. I smiled and slowly cuddled back into his now stone cold chest. "And you are the only one I'm willing to die for, the only one I love, so deeply" I replied.

I then saw something glitter in the sade of the moonlight, I slowly got up and found charm shaped like a gun, I smiled it reminded me of Charlie. I picked it up and clang it to my braclet, then turned around to face Edward. " We better get going or else Charlie might think Im lying dead somewhere" I winked, Edward picked me and we raced off to our home.