A/N: So this is the sequel to Searching for Miss Monez (SFMM). As a lot of it is based on the first one I recommend you read Searching For Miss Montez before you read this story (hopefully then it'll make more sense!)

For those of you who read the first version of this story thank you for sticking around and reading this new and hopefully improved version!

For all my new readers thank you for chosing this story when there's so many others you could read. I hope you enjoy this!

Please read and review I'd love to know what you think!

Like usual I don't own any of the characters except the ones I have created. I also don't own HSM but I do own the plot.

Love Laylora :):):):)

Chapter 1

January 14th 2019

"Gabs what the hell did you put in this box?" Troy groaned as he dropped the heavy box to the ground and wiped the sweat of his face.

His wife of three months turned around and frowned at him as she tried to remember.

"Shoes" She said simply before turning back to the removal van and grabbing a box full of stuff for the kitchen.

After 2 years of living between Gabriella's rented house in Brooklyn and Troy's apartment in Manhattan the couple had finally brought their first home together ,not in New York ,but back in Troy's home town of Albuquerque. After learning the existence of their grandchildren Mr and Mrs Bolton wanted to live near Gabriella and Troy. So ,after much discussion, the couples had decided that it would be easier if Troy transferred to Albuquerque Police Department and Gabriella worked for the Albuquerque DA's office.

The move had been a surprise for the rest of the gang who had over the years all made the move to New York to be with Troy when he first joined the police 6 years ago but after they explained that this was the best thing for their family, they gave them their blessing. In fact two of them Sharpay and Zeke Baylor were also moving back to New Mexico so that Sharpay could join her brother Ryan as co head of the drama department at East High where the gang had all gone to high school. While she worked at the school her husband of just over a year was opening a new branch of the successful bakery/restaurant business he had set up with his friend and fellow wildcat Jason Cross.

"So what time are Shar and Zeke coming over?"Mrs Montez-Bolton asked as they crashed onto the sofa in the middle of the front room and snuggled up to each other.

"They said they'd be her for 5 so that we could get to Zeke's new restaurant before the rush." He told her as he kissed the top of her head then started kissing her on the lips.

"Eww that's disgusting!" Addison moaned as she walked into the living room and plonked herself down in the armchair opposite them.

Troy pulled away and groaned before turning to look at her.

"Addison what did we say about knocking before entering a room?" He said sternly.

"I thought that only counted for the bedroom." She said cheekily as she flashed him the famous Bolton grin.

Troy shot his daughter a warning look and she sighed.

"Sorry Troy." She rolled her eyes as she got up and left the room. "I wont do it again."

Troy waited until he heard the door click shut and could no longer hear Addy's footsteps before turning back to his wife and sighing with a worried look on his face.

"What's the matter?" Gabi asked noticing the expression on her husbands face.

"When is she ever gonna call me dad? I mean it's been two years since we told her I was her father and she still called me Troy. The twins call me dad I don't know why she can't too."

"You just have to give her time." Gabi said sympathetically placing a hand on his arm. "She still hasn't fully got her memory back and in her mind she never knew her father."

"I suppose" Troy mumbled.

"She just needs some time to process it properly but I'm sure when she's ready she'll start calling you dad."

Troy thought about this for a while before he remembered something else. He turned back to his wife and grinned.

"So where we before Addy came in?" He said as he lent in to kiss her but fell flat on his face. Gabi had got up and was standing at one end of the sofa, staring at her husband.

"We were just on our way yo unload the rest of the van." She told him and he groaned loudly.

"Do we have to?" He sat up and pouted at her.

Gabi laughed and walked towards him.

"Yeah." She said kissing the pout away. "We do. Now shift!"

He groaned again and reluctantly stood up. As they walked off Gabi turned around and smiled.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you."


She walked back to him and stood on her tippy toes so that she could whisper in his ear.

"The kid's are staying at your parents house tonight. You know what that means. Don't you Troy?"

Troy gulped.

"It means you can finishing unloading the van and set everything up tonight without the kids getting in the way."

She laughed evilly as she pulled away and walked off swaying her hips from side to side. As she walked away she heard Troy gulp again and smiled to herself. Suddenly she turned around and looked at him.

"Unless you can think of something better to do." She smiled seductively at him before turning back and walking out of the house, knowing her husband was checking her out the whole time.

(Gabriella's POV)

"Wow Zeke this place is amazing!" I gasped as we walked into the lobby of Zeke's new restaurant. It was by far the best restaurant I'd been in and I wasn't just saying that because Zeke was one of my best friends!

"Thanks Gabs." He smiled proudly as he walked up to the bar and grabbed four menus before directing us towards a table in the VIP section.

As we walked towards the table I felt Troy's arm tighten around my waist as he pulled me towards him.

"So exactly what were you planning to do me tonight" He whispered in my ear; sending shivers down my spine as we neared our table.

"Well first I was thinking that you could move all those boxes in the hallway into the kitchen then set up Addy's bed you know that really complicated one with the canopy? Should take you most of the night I would've thought." I told him as we took our seats.

I looked up at him out of the corner of my eye and saw that his face was pale. I stifled a giggle.

"You don't mean that do you?" He whispered but before I could answer Zeke passed us our menus and I took the opportunity to hide behind it and pretend that I wasn't listening to him.

"Gabs!" He whispered again urgently, trying to get my attention. I tried my best not to laugh at the desperation in his voice.

"Yes Troy?" I lent my head to the side and answered sweetly. Sharpay notice this and started grinning at me. She knew I was up to something. After all it was her who taught me the head tilt thing.

"You're not serious about..." He said then looked at the other to make sure they weren't listening. Sharpay quickly stopped grinning at me and turned back to Zeke but I could tell she was still listening. "You know what are you?"

I tried not to laugh again as I hid behind the menu.

"Gabriella Louisa Montez-Bolton! Say something!" He hissed.

I stopped grinning and slowly looked up from the menu.

"The vegetable lasagna sound nice."

We had just ordered when Sharpay informed us that she needed the bathroom. I of course went with her knowing that she didn't really need to go but wanted to talk to me without the guys listening in.

"So what's going on with you and Troy boy then?" She asked as we reached the bathroom and she began putting on a fresh coat of lip gloss.

I rolled her eyes at the nickname she had used for Troy before grinning madly.

"Just keeping him on his toes." I said as I checked my reflection in the mirror and saw Sharpay looking at me, confused.

I smiled and turned to her.

"Troy's parents are looking after the kids tonight and I've been telling him all day that he'll be spending the whole time unloading the removal van and moving boxes."She stared at me wide eyed with her mouth open. "You're not serious are you?"

I waved my hand at her and made a noise.

"Of course I'm not but I wanted to keep him guessing. No point in letting him think he's gonna get some straight away."

"You, Mrs Montez-Bolton, are getting more evil every day."

"Don't I know it!" I laughed loudly "And I'm loving it."

We were just about to leave the bathroom when Sharpay stopped me.

"What is it?" I asked but she just replied by grinning at me evilly before unbuttoning the first few buttons of my shirt so anyone sitting next to me could see right down my shirt. In this case that would be Troy.

"Sharpay you are a genius!" I grinned as we walked out and made our way towards our table.

"Of course whatever made you doubt that?" She whispered. "Now go knock him dead."

"Knock who dead?"Troy asked as we sat down at the table and our food arrived.

Me and Sharpay looked at each other and stated laughing.

"Nothing!" We said at the same time and started laughing again.

"So what was that with Sharpay at the restaurant?" Troy asked as he unlocked the door and waited for me to walk in.

"Nothing." I told him as I walked past and entered the front room. "Just girl talk."

"Yeah right!" He scoffed "Since when has girl talk ended with you and Shar coming out of the bathroom in hysterics and you half undressed?"

I smiled at him knowingly. "Ah there is so much you don't know Troy."

He shot me a look before rolling up his sleeves and picking up a box.

"Er...Honey? What are you doing?"

He stood up and looked at me. " I thought you wanted me to move stuff?"

I laughed quietly and walked up to him putting my hand on his face.

"Sweetie, you didn't think I actually meant that did you?"

Troy's face suddenly changed as he realised I had been teasing him all day and I started running knowing that when he caught up with me he would start tickling me.

"That's cruel Mrs Montez-Bolton!" He yelled as he chased me around the room.

I squealed as he picked me up and threw me down on the sofa before tickling me.

"Stop it Troy!" I giggled hysterically as he continued to tickle me.

"Give me one good reason!" He said as he started attacking the spot between my ribs where I was the most ticklish.

"If you don't I can't give you your surprise can I?" I said breathlessly and he stopped.

"What surprise?" He asked as I sat up and tried to get my breath back.

"Well.. let's just say it involves you, me and a tube of edible body paint." I said casually with a smile on my face.

He grinned at me for a couple of seconds before picking me up, throwing me over his shoulder and heading towards the bedroom.