CHAPTER SEVEN - Three Inches Tall But Still Charmed
Leo orbed into the attic, where David was sitting in the chair, still tied up, but wide awake and struggling to get free.
"You!" David exclaimed angrily. "I will kill you for this!"
"I don't think so." Leo said and placed the jar down on the table. "Ready?" The three sisters in the jar just nodded and Leo tipped it over. They all tumbled forward, but, after checking her sisters, Prue gave the thumbs up.
"They're still alive?" David asked, looking at the jar.
"It takes more than that to kill the Charmed Ones." Leo said as Prue climbed out of the jar, then helped Piper out.
"I've got a surprise for you." David said and a smile formed on his face.
Then, without warning, he stood up. The ropes fell off him and landed noiselessly on the floor. Leo noticed that they had been cut in the back; he figured that David had reached his knife. He was right. David pulled the knife from his back pocket.
"Move away from them and I'll let you live." David said, walking towards Leo and the shrunken sisters.
"No." Leo said firmly and stepped right in front of them. Leo pulled a vanquishing potion from his back pocket and placed it on the table behind him so that David couldn't see it.
"Whitelighters are so foolish." David said. "Always willing to be martyrs."
David lunged forward with the knife, but Leo moved. He wasn't quick enough though, the knife went through his shoulder.
Leo let out a small noise and his face contorted with pain. He fell to the ground, panting and still with a face of pain. He pulled the knife out and grabbed the wound with his hand.
"Idiot." David said, looking at Leo with a smile. "You died to protect them, why?"
"Go to hell." Leo spat.
"I've been there. It's quite nice in June actually." David said, then bent down on one knee and looked at Leo. "Why did you sacrifice your life for theirs? You'll die in vain you know. I'm going to kill them and take their Book."

But David didn't know what was happening on the table above him. Piper had rushed to the edge when Leo got stabbed and her sisters rushed to her side.
"Come on," Prue said quietly, pulling Piper from the edge.
"Prue, no..." Piper said and tried to go back, but Prue grabbed her arm, with her good arm, and dragged her away.
Prue said something to Phoebe, but Piper wasn't listening to them, she was staring at the edge, waiting and listening.
"Piper...Piper..." Prue's voice drew her from her thoughts. "Come on Piper."
Prue led the way to the vanquishing potion bottle.
"I can't do it on my own, help me." Prue said. Phoebe and Piper walked over and began to push the bottle with Prue.
They managed to push it over, but Phoebe went with it. Prue instantly reached out and grabbed Phoebe by the wrist, but with her bad arm.
" me..." Prue said. Phoebe was slipping from her, she couldn't grab her fully, the pain was too much.
"Piper!" Prue yelled. "PIPER!"
Piper snapped to attention just as the bottle smashed on the ground. Piper helped Phoebe up and they all stood on the table and looked down. David was engulfed by flames as a little of the vanquishing potion splashed onto his leg.
After he was gone, the girls felt as if a million hands were pulling them upwards. They each closed their eyes, afraid of what might happen.
"I don't feel short." Phoebe said, all their eyes still closed.
"One...two..." But Prue didn't finish, they all opened their eyes on two. They each looked at each other; they were still standing on the table.
Prue jumped down and bent down next to Leo. Piper and Phoebe jumped down too and went next to him. His breath was ragged and forced.
There was an odd black liquid seeping through his shirt along with the blood. Prue dabbed at it carefully with her finger, then brought it up to her nose and smelled it.
"Darklighter poison." Prue said sadly.
"No." Piper breathed.
Phoebe comforted Piper as Prue ran to the Book. She flipped the pages with her power, then landed on the spell she was looking for. She memorized it, then walked over and stood next to Leo and her sisters and said the spell.
"What's mine is yours,
What's yours is mine,
Let our powers cross the line.
I offer up my gift to share,
Switch our powers through the air."

Everyone felt a little different.
"Quick!" Prue exclaimed. "Power test!"
Each sister tried out their powers. Phoebe blew up a vase, and Piper sent a book sailing.
"Okay, that means I can heal." Prue said and bent down next to Leo. "But Piper you've done it before and-"
"Just do it Prue! What happened happened and there's no time to switch again! Just heal!" Piper said, her cheeks tearstained.
Prue wasn't about to let Piper down, so she put her hand over Leo's wound and focused on all the things she liked about him.
'He's my brother-in-law...he's like my brother.' Prue thought. Her hands started to glow. 'Okay, Leo is just like my brother and I have no idea what we would do without him.' Her hands glowed brighter and some of the blood started to disappear. Prue kept focusing on it and eventually, all the blood and odd liquid disappeared.
They all waited with bated breath for Leo's fate.

"Why isn't he waking up?" Piper asked after a while.
"I don't know." Prue said, the sadness and sense of failure evident in her voice.
"Prue, you tried. You did." Phoebe said.
"But that doesn't make Leo open his eyes, does it?" Prue asked, turning to her with tears in her eyes.
No one knew what to say, but they were all speechless when Prue's hands began to glow again. She put them back over Leo's wound and they all waited.
Leo groaned and his eyes slowly opened and he sat up.
"Leo!" Piper exclaimed and leaned to give him a hug.
After it ended, Piper looked at Prue.
Prue wiped her tears with the sleeve of her jean jacket and stood up.
"Another power test." Prue said. She flicked her wrist and another book flew from it's spot and landed next to Piper's
"Ow!" Prue exclaimed and clutched her arm.
"Yeah, Leo, not that I'm not happy to have you with us again, but do you think you could heal us?" Phoebe asked.
Leo just smiled and stood up. Piper and Phoebe followed, Piper a little shaky.
Leo went to heal Prue, but she pushed his hands to Piper.
"She's the worst." Prue said. Leo just smiled and healed Piper. Then he healed Phoebe, who was just bursting with happiness to get rid of the pain.
After Leo healed Prue, he said, "Thanks."
"It was nothing." Prue said. "Still Charmed I guess."


There you have it! I'll let you know about my project when I post the first chapter of it. It's long and I hope good and it'll keep me working for a while. =)