Some Things Are Worth More Than Gold

Please note that I do not own any of the characters in this story, they belong to the BBC…this is a non-for-profit, just for fun piece of fan writing. Enjoy x

Chapter Fifteen – Some Things Are Worth More Than Gold

As silent as a mouse Robin snuck into the castle. Hiding in the shadows he made his way to Marian's room. He knew the way blindfolded; when Edward was the Sheriff he was at the castle almost everyday and Marian had always had the same room.

Slipping silently in he stopped for a moment to let his eyes adjust to the darkness. Marian was still sleeping, curled up under the bedclothes, her aching muscles finally get the rest they deserved and her body getting the warmth and comfort it needed.

Thinking of the most appropriate way to wake his sleeping lady, Robin slowly approached the bed. He was going to gently shake her when an old memory stirred in his mind, something he used to do when they were very, very young and they used to camp out in the forest. It did, admittedly, infuriate Marian, but Robin loved her all the more when she was angry and the sparks in her eyes turned to fire.

Grinning, Robin sprang like a cat onto the headboard of the bed. Balancing precariously he reached one hand down and gently tickled Marian under her chin.

Like a coiled spring she sprung up. Awake instantly, eyes flashing, she turned to berate Robin, and was rewarded with his hand shoved roughly across her mouth to prevent her from waking half the castle, he jumped down from the headboard and removed his hand.

"Robin!" she whispered angrily, "What do you think you are doing?!"

"Coming to see if you are alright." The unspoken 'I was worried' hung in the air between them.

"I am fine. A little stiff, but nothing that rest and a hot bath cannot cure I assure you."

Robin stiffened slightly at the thought of Marian and a bath. The lady noticed and blushed becomingly before shoving Robin out of his daydreams.

"I take it the Sheriff has his money back?" she asked

"Actually no, he doesn't." Robin grinned and proceeded to recount the day's events to Marian.

"That is an unexpected victory indeed." She said after hearing it all, "Well, you have seen that I am alright, may I go back to sleep?"

"Oh" Robin looked slightly put out, "I thought we could spend a few stolen hours together."

He grinned mischieviously as he leaned in for a kiss.

Damn him! Marian thought; he could charm his way anywhere. She felt her resolve slipping as his hands came up to caress her face. Her pain forgotten Marian thought this was the perfect medicine.

Robin's hands moved away from her face, and wrapped around her body. He slowly moved her back until they were both lying on the bed together.

"Robin….stop…." Marian pulled away, her sense of propriety awakened, "We mustn't."

Robin nodded, he knew she was the only woman he would ever love and want to be with in his life, and he didn't want to do anything to lose her or push her away. He loved the fact that she was so good, but sometimes he couldn't help but wish that her strong sense of decorum was not so strong.

"Ok, my love." He kissed her forehead and pulled her closer into his arms, "Now you rest. I will stay here until you are asleep, then I must return to Sherwood."

She wriggled about a bit to make herself more comfortable.


"Yes my love?" he said dreamily

"If Lord Dainton had not taken the money the Sheriff would have got it right?"

"He would have, yes."

"That was traitor's money to be used against the King, and yet you were going to give it back to the Sheriff in an exchange for me, even though I am still in the castle and I was never going to hang."

"Yes." Robin said wondering where this conversation was going.


"Because," he kissed her forehead, "you were being hurt. I cannot have that!"

"But that money will be used against the King."

"Some things are worth more than gold, Marian."

Touched by the response Marian settled down to sleep. And there Robin lay until she had fallen into deep slumber.