Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice. All credits goes to those who deserves it.


Her Determination


xxFlaming Milcutexx


These tears that I have shed (Don't Cry), gold or silver they won't be.

Those commonly seen tears (Fall From My Eyes), goddess won't even notice them.

~Masayume Chasing by BoA~

Chapter 19: Warmth and Comfort


A drop of water fell followed by the death of silence. She opened her eyes only to see that she was surrounded by darkness. The only light was from her illuminated body. Somehow she could see her body… her hands… her legs… but it was not enough to light the darken space. She opened her mouth, trying to utter a single word but nothing could be heard. No matter how far she looked it was the same as ever. That same darkness enclosed her. That deafening silence... The same dream repeating over and over again. She was wearing a long sleeves white dress that reached a few inches above her knee.

She lifted her hand, trying to reach in front of her… in hope that her finger would feel something. As if that single movement act as a trigger, it all started to play as her memories came and played in front of her.

A picture of a happy family having a picnic accompany by a soothing melody that was played by the daughter. Everyone that bypassed the family was taken by the daughter. They tried to distinguish the melody however the girl played an unfamiliar piece to them. Everyone had smile and tranquil expression, hearing the girl's piece.

Suddenly the image in front her of started to play fast and switched the image of the happy family into a dark one.

...the mother warm embraced turn cold and blood flow from her…

the crowd one by one screamed as the same thing happened to them…

The girl was shaken by the image in front of her. Tears started to fall from her eyes as she ran to her mother. Her mother was screaming and was holding her head as if it was about to explode. The daughter calls for the mother was ignored as the mother continued to scream…

She crouched down and covered her ears as she tried to block the deafening screams. Her hands feel sweaty and cold. She tried to close her eyes, blocking the scenes in front of her but no avail. The images were burned to her.

…In her mind…

…her heart…

…her body and soul as she continued to remember.

Slowly, the screams continued to cease. She opened her eyes to see a sea of blood in front of her. The mother and the crowds were all on the ground… bathed in blood. Her eyes were searching for the daughter. The daughter's face was pale white. There was a trace of blood on the girl's cheek and her once clean clothes were tainted in red. Her eyes were lifeless as the girl continued to tremor in fear. She was alarmed when she saw a dark figure was slowly made it way to the daughter. She tried to scream for the girl, to warn her of the danger but no sound was made. She got back on her feet and tried to run for girl. The daughter noticed a shadow above her. She lifted her head as her eyes met the dark figure eyes. Everything seemed to be in a slow motioned. The dark figure reached for the girl ever so slowly… Unable to take the frustration, Nakuru mustered all her strength and courage and screamed for the girl.

"…run… Please run!" Nakuru cried as she clenched her fist in frustration.

The daughter lifted her head in her direction and muttered under her breath. It was too low for Nakuru to hear but it was already too late. The daughter was caught by the dark figure and soon the image disappeared and she was caught in a light that started to grow and soon engulfed her.

Nakuru opened her eyes only to see a shadow looming over her. She acted in instinct and over turn him. Her left hand caught his throat in tight grip as her right hand reached for the heart. Oblivious to the painful pressure, he kept his calm facade as he continued to bore into her eyes. Nakuru's eyes were cold, not a trace of life could be seen. It was when she felt a tapped on her shoulder and Kamui's cold face came into view then she loosens her grip.

"…I thought I was a goner for a moment there," Kazuki joked between his cough.

Seeing the smile on his face despite what she just did played countless emotion inside her. She brought her left hand to his chest and gripped his shirt tightly. Although no words was uttered, Kazuki understood what the girl was trying conveyed. He let out one of his smile as he pulled her closer to him. Hoping that his warmth, his embrace stopped the quivering girl.

Kamui stood silently, watching them. He crouched beside Nakuru and slowly caressed her hair. He closed his eyes, focussing on his alice. He called upon a gentle wind. The time was coming near. He could only do this much for the said girl. Nakuru reached for Kamui's and grasped his left hand with hers.

Kazuki has the healing alice that was very useful in treating wounds and injuries. However he hoped that his alice could be useful in times such as this. He closed his eyes as he wished silently, '… I hope I can heal the wounds in your heart…'

'…until that time comes…'

As if hearing their silent wished, Mikan turned and looked for the said person. No one came into view except for the serene scenery from the café's terrace. Somehow she was reminded of her three mysterious new classmates. From the looks of things, the three of them was like a puzzle box. Waiting to solve.


Mikan turned and saw Tsubasa carrying a box full with materials for tonight's event. Tsubasa had a worried expression on his face seeing Mikan suddenly stopped working and pensive. "Is something wrong?"

Mikan laughed nervously, "Nothing is wrong. Just thinking of something," Mikan said with a bright smile on her face. It was something that the old Mikan would do. Seeing her like that made Tsubasa missed of his old kouhai. The one in front was matured and full of secrets that she kept for herself. The old one was innocent and often depended on him. They are the same but at the same time they are different. Tsubasa walked over to Mikan and ruffled her hair with his free hand.

"You can always depend on me, Mikan. I am your ever so cool senpai," Tsubasa said, winking at her.

Mikan laughed cheerfully. She tried to fend off from Tsubasa's continued ruffling. "You worries too much, Tsubasa-senpai." She smiled at Tsubasa. Her eyes bored into his, trying to ease of his worries of her. It was a picture perfect moment … and soon to be ruined as Tsubasa's sleeve was caught in fire.

"-!" Tsubasa quickly released Mikan, as he waving his hand trying to extinguish the fire.

"Tsu-Tsubasa-" Mikan quickly caught her senpai's arm. Using her alice, she quickly nullified the fire. It was good that damage was only done to the sleeve. Sighed, she turned to the culprit with shouted in anger.


He shrugged in defence, telling her that he was not in fault. Mikan only fumed in anger at him. He was standing not too far from them with his back to the wall, looking emotionless as ever. He ignored Mikan as he glared at Tsubasa, "yo Kage, Imai is looking for you."

Understood the silent message, Tsubasa crouched down and lifted the box he dropped earlier. "Then, Mikan. I will see you later," He smiled and carried the box inside. Angering the infamous Kuro Neko was one thing, but keeping IMAI HOTARU waiting was something you would never want to do. EVER. Much less angered her… Tsubasa shivered at the thought as he made a run for it.

Natsume strolled beside Mikan as she sweeping the terrace, ignoring him complete.


Mikan turned her back to him as she continued to sweep.

Although Natsume had his unemotional face on but inside he was secretly smiling. The Mikan in front of him was sulking, and how much he missed the childish side of her. Cute. His eyes caught the sight of Mikan's hair. Mikan had tied her hair in a low pony tail on the side. Due to Tsubasa constantly rulled, Mikan hair was in mess. He could not help but to feel jealous seeing Mikan and Tsubasa. Even if Tsubsasa was engaged to Misaki and his relationship with Mikan was nothing more than that of a sibling. He could still felt jealousy overwhelmed him. Damn that Andou. Touching what was mine.

"Your hair looked like a bird nest, Polka" Natsume murmured as he pulled her hairband from her hair.

Her left hand went for her hair the moment the hairband left her hair. Ticked off with the ridiculous comment of her hair and again- with the nickname. Mikan turned to Natsume and was about to a piece of her mind. Seeing the look on his eyes caught Mikan by surprise. He was jealous!

Natsume lifted his eyebrow when Mikan suddenly became quite. He reached for Mikan's hair and pulled toward his mouth. He kissed the hair softly and caressed it. His eyes never one left Mikan's as he watched her face turned red. Mikan blushed as the memory from before flashed into her head. The passionate kiss they shared slowly filled her and left her hot and bothered.

"…I think you have forgotten already, Polka…"

Mikan closed her eyes shut. Her breathe caught when she felt Natsume was nearing her…

"…You're mine…"

Her gript on the broom was making her knuckles turned white. Natsume….

After a few moments nothing happened. She opened her eyes only to see Natsume walking away from her with his hands in his pocket. "Later, Polka"

Humiliated. Embarrassed. tricked her. HE TRICKED HER! Mikan clenched her fist tightly and yelled in frustration, "NATSUME!"

Natsume sniggered in silent at her reaction.

you will always be mine, Mikan… now and forever…

"So~ what do you think?" Anna asked in eagerness as she watched Hotaru and Nonoko took a bite of her desserts. After looking over the menu and a quick detour to the kitchen, Anna came up with ideas of a few new desserts in order to attract the customers. Nothing less of someone with a cooking alice.

"It's good," Yuu said as he jolted a few notes in his notebook, "but then you will have to give the recipe so that they could continue selling it and it is not just for tonight."

Anna smiled. So like Yuu to be alert of this kind of things, "Yup. I already thought about. Just think it as a gift for letting us stay here."

"I see." Hotaru noticed that Nonoko was quiet and deep in thought. Noticed Hotaru's eyes, Nonoko smiled as she clasped her hands together in reaction. "How about introducing a new tea that goes well with your dessert, Anna?"

"Are you sure? But th-"

"Nah, it's fine. My reason is the same as you."

"That settle's then," Hotaru showed one of her rare smiled. "The two of you will be in charge on the menu and the kitchen. If anything else happened, tell me." Hotaru pushed her chair back and proceed to oversee the other preparation.

"Okay~!" Both Anna and Nonoko said as they made a salute sign as they continued to chatter above the menu for tonight.

It was decided that the inn will be hosting a special event for tonight. Since the inn keeper had been requested for Mikan to perform, Hotaru had already been seen to the event. She had everything planned out perfectly for tonight. They had come to an agreement that the Alice's students will be in charge of tonight's event. Of course, none of this came for free. The owner had agreed to let them stayed for free in exchange for it. All the expenses that were taken in during the preparation will be paid by the inn management. That's not all… there was also the bet… The guys and girls will compete as to who will attract the most customers. If the boys win, the girls will spend the night with them. And if the girls wins, they guys will have to give up their money to girls… Hotaru's eyes shines with money. Either way, it was a win-win situation for Hotaru.

The lodge was big. It the bar was situated near the entrance and the door to the kitchen situated behind the bar. Round tables and chairs were placed all over the floor. At the side, there were couches that were attached to the wall that created a sort of a half circle. Three big doors that lead to the garden were opened and more tables and chairs were placed there.

"Finally~ I'm finished," Mikan sighed as she slumped on one of the chairs. It was tiring to sweep the floor not to mention she had to do it TWICE. It was supposed to be her job to sweep the floor, and then Kamui's would mop it and Kazuki's turn to sweep the second times round. Since the two of them were missing, Mikan had to cover up for them and had to do it all by herself. It would be a lot easier it she could use her alice but that would just attract unwanted attention upon herself. She sighed again.

It would be a lot easier it she could use her alice but that would just attract unwanted attention upon herself. She sighed again.

"Here, Mikan-chan"

Mikan smiled as she accepted the ice tea. Luckly she received a help from Nobara. And that's to her; she managed to finish it in time. She sipped her tea, savouring the sweet taste and cold feeling rushing inside. "Aaah~ that was refreshing," Nobara only smiled sheepishly at her.

Mikan glanced around. Tsubasa, Nobara, Koko and Mochu were in charge of decorating. Hotaru was checking lighting and the sound system. Anna and Nonoko were busy in the kitchen. Whereas, Tono, Misaki, Sumire and Yuu in charge of promoting and distributing the flyers. It was guaranteed full house. A few more hours to go, almost all the preparations were finished. What was left for them to change and they were all set for tonight.

Noticing the absences, "Nobara, have you seen Natsume, Akizuki, Kawamoto and Hihara?"

Startled by the question, "No, I haven't see them since morning. Is something wrong?"

The four of them are really similar. Always disappear and antisocial. Smiling to herself, "Just wondering, that's all." Mikan finished her drinks and said her thanks to Nobara. She stood up and stretched a little. Her muscles were tense from all the chores. She had not felt this way since her first mission.

"I still have a few hours to go," Mikan said to herself as she walked down the terrace. "I'll be back after an hour or so and tell Hotaru that I'll be doing her a favour." Before Nobara could ask her what does she meant by a favour, Mikan had already been gone.

Flamey: Yes, I am still alive. Sorry for the long wait. Wow~ I mean wow, I haven't been updating since 2010. To those who are still reading this story, thank you for your patients and wonderful reviews. I'm so happy to receive all of them. This chapter is kind of rushed and long. It took me 8 hours to start on this chapter. Please reviews after you finished reading it and tell me what you think.