Trinity Six: Telling a Secret

Trinity Six: Telling a Secret
Title:Trinity #6: Telling a Secret

Author:GW Katrina gutterwoman@a...

Betas:Sileya, She's good, and all mistakes are from me not listening


Warning:There are three characters together in this

Archive:YES! List archives, The Temple, and if you've
already archiving other parts. Everyone else, just ask.

Disclaimer:If I owned them, Xander, Spike, and the other cool guys would be
living with me. Alas, as I an not surrounded by hot guy flesh, I don't own
them. Phooey.

Summary:Willow tells her secret

// //=Xander's mindspeech
** **=Willow's mindspeech
:: ::=Spike's mindspeech

Trinity #6: Telling a Secret
GW Katrina

-A 13-year-old Willow stared at her mother, face as red as her hair. The young
teen had just received
the 'Talk'. Willow had never had that frank of a 
discussion about sex before.

"One more thing, Willow. When you think you've found 
someone to love, be careful. Be wary of anything a man 
tells you. Most of the time, they just want one thing. 
Your real father was that way."

Willow nodded. She knew her mom's husband was not her 

"I thought your father loved me. He may have, but not 
enough to stay. That's happening more and more often. 
A child is not something that can be handled alone. 
Make sure the father won't leave."-

Over the years, Willow had it pounded into her 
head that unless she was married, if she got pregnant 
the father would abandon her.

Now she was not only pregnant, but with two men.

Willow knew neither Spike of Xander would leave. Both 
grew up with bad home lives, both were highly
protective and enamored of children. Once they had 
come across a demon who fed on children. Between 
the two of them, they had ripped the thing to pieces.

However, since she was old enough to understand 
what 'adopted meant, Willow had been told over and 
over that unless she was married, the father of her 
child would leave.

Everything kept twisting round and around in her mind. 
It wouldn't settle long enough for her to work 
through it.

Willow sighed, then headed for the kitchen.

The smell of food drifted out to entice the weary men 
coming in the door. Without a word, the pair followed 
their noses, stomachs growling.

Amazing and tantalizing smells led them to a feast of 
baked goods. Every flat surface was covered with 
something. Chocolate-chip peanut butter cookies were 
the dominant thing. In the middle of it all was 
Willow, munching on a cookie.

Xander took one long look at all the food that graced 
the room, then walked forward and enveloped Willow in 
a tight hug.

"What's wrong, Wills? You only cook this much when 
you're worried."

At those words, Willow broke down, her tears darkening 
Xander's shirt.

Not sure what was causing her distress, he could only 
rock her and coo, the same as Willow had so many times 
before for him. On Willow's other side, Spike stroked 
her back and whispered words of love to her.

Slowly the tears dried up, and Xander reached out to 
the woman who meant more to him than his own life.

//What's wrong, love?//


Recoiling slightly as the wave of emotion rushed over 
him, Xander felt Willow begin to tremble.

//Love you, Willow. Always. Me and Spike are like gum 
on the sidewalk. You step in it, and it never comes 
off. You're stuck with us.//

Spike echoed the claim with spoken words. "He's right, 
luv. You'd have to push me into the sun before I'll 

The words and the protective stances they took around 
her finally penetrated Willow's fear. They were her 
mates, and they wouldn't leave her. With their hands 
still making the soothing movements, Willow whispered 
the news.

"I'm pregnant."

Time seemed to stop. Under her cheek, Willow could 
feel Xander's heartbeat speed up. "Pre..pre...pregnant?"

"As in a baby?"

If she hadn't been so worried, Willow would have
laughed at Spike's question. "Yes Spike, as in a baby."

After no sound for several long seconds, then, 
"Spike," cracked Xander's slightly shocked
voice, "we're gonna be daddies."

There was a whoop, then Willow felt herself being 
lifted and spun around. Once set down and dizzy, 
another pair of arms grabbed the redhead and drew her 
into another spinning circle.

Held close to a cool body, Willow looked into a pair 
of golden eyes. The eyes suddenly widened.

"Do you need to sit down? I didn't hurt the baby, did 
I? You shouldn't be standing up." Matching actions to
words, Spike picked her up and carried her to the 
couch in the living room. Behind them came Xander, 
who had paused long enough to grab some cookies and 
a glass of milk.

Willow would have told Spike to put her down, but 
she was laughing too hard with relief at the 
looks on their faces. She was placed gently on the 
couch, and a handful of cookies was passed to her. 
Xander knelt next to the couch holding the glass 
of milk, while Spike started to rub her already bare 

Feeling the love pouring off her lovers, tears filled 
Willow's eyes. There was a flurry of movement, and 
she was wrapped up from both sides.

"Are you OK?"

"Did we do something wrong?"

"We can fix it."

Willow returned the hug with all her strength. "No, 
everything is perfect. I was so scared. I didn't know 
what you were going to do after you found out about 
the baby."

She found herself in a mind-to-mind equivalent to a 

//Willow, we will never leave you.//

::You are a part of us. Our heart is you. If you ever 
left, we would die.::

**Love you guys. Love you so much.**

//Hey you two, look.//

Willow and Spike blinked as their perception twisted. 
Now they could see themselves.

To Xander's psychic senses, Spike was surrounded by
black velvet, giving the impression of sensuality and 
softness. Around him glimmered flecks of light, as if 
fire was reflected off of blades and jewels.

Willow had a solid glowing area, a star in the center 
of her chest. Around her was green. The same fresh 
green as new tree leaves.

Centered in her stomach were two tiny sparks. Both 
were barely there, but they were steady.

For a second, Spike and Willow didn't realize what 
they were seeing. Then it hit them.


The End


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