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A/N: These ideas came from watching Jackass the Movie 2. Most of them don't belong to me if you recognize them from the second movie of Jackass.


Shrek walked up to the camera with a skateboard in his hand near a steep ramp and sighed. He climbed up the ramp, rode it down with his skateboard, and slammed into the wall.

The others laughed as Shrek laid on the ground in pain.

"Uhg! This is the worst I ever thought of!" He grunted slowly standing up and walking away from the camera.


The camera was pointing at Naruto who was holding a big green ball in his hands on Leah's rooftop.

"Hi, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and this is the Ball Bounce," He said jumping off the roof with the green ball who bounced off and landed on the side of his butt who held it in pain, "Ah! Son of a Bitch! That hurts!"

"Are you alright, Naruto?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I think I broke my tail bone."


Somewhere on a farm, Naruto, who had the camera in his hands, Leah, Carley, and Hinata, who didn't wear a shirt expect for the bra she wore.

"Hi, I'm Hinata Hyuuga, and this is the Bran," Hinata said as Leah had the metal branning thing that has the Japanese kanji symbol that read friendship on it.

"I thought Leah was gonna get branded," Naruto thought.

"When I told my mom what I was going to do, she told me not to after what some people did back in the 1900's or something," Leah said heating the brand metal up, "So, since Shizuru isn't here, I decided to brand someone instead."

"Good point," Naruto said, looking at Hinata, "But I'm surprised that you Hinata would do this."

"I know. I was surprised also," Hinata said.

"You know this is gonna hurt."

"Yeah. I know. Let's get this over with."

"Now, I'm gonna put three. One on your but, and two on your back, okay?" Leah said

"Okay. Just do it already, okay?"

"This is for what you did to my kind!" Leah said as Hinata turned around and pulled her pants down for Leah to brand her on the butt. She did as Hinata yelled in pain immediately moving out the way hearing Naruto and the others laughing at this. "I told you this was gonna hurt."

"Just keep doing it on my back. Hurry!" Hinata said.

"Okay." Leah tried not to laugh as she branded Hinata again on the back twice who screamed again from the hot metal hitting her flesh. Afterwards, Hinata immediately ran to where the fountain of water to cool the flesh off from when the branding was over as Leah laughed along with the others."I told you it'll burn."

"Shut-up," Hinata said as Naruto ran to where she was and light rubbed her lower back.

"At least you did something out of fun other than listening to your father," Carley said.

"Yeah. That's true. How does it look?" Hinata pulls her pants down a bit where Leah and Carley saw a visible Japanese kanji symbol on the left side of her butt along with two other ones on the lift and right side of her shoulder blades.

"It looks good. But I'm afraid what it will look like when it starts to bleed," Carley said.

"But does it look awesome?"


"Then I'm good. I don't care if it bleeds," Hinata said walking away from the farm as Leah dropped the branding stick and walked away with the others.

------- Later That Day!-------

Hinata was walking with Naruto holding the camera.

"Today, I am going to show my girlfriend Sakura what I did today at the farm," Hinata said walking up to Sakura's house who knocked on the door. Sakura answered it and Hinata and Naruto came in.

"You wanted to show me something, Hinata?" Sakura wondered.

"Yeah. This." Hinata lowers her pants revealing a red area of the branding that occurred as Sakura was surprised to see that.

"Oh my god! What happened to you? Naruto, did you do this to her?"

"No! It was all her idea to get branded like this!" Naruto said still holding the camera.

"And that's not all. Check this out." Hinata lifts the back of her shirt revealing two other Japanese symbols that read, 'Love' and 'Demon,' making Sakura gasp in horror at sight of that.

"Hinata, why would you do that to you beautiful skin? You're gona have that for live, you know!"

"I know. It's gonna suck I won't sit that well for a few weeks also," Hinata said.

"Well, it's your fault the happened," Sakura said.

"Well, duh!"

"I wonder who Hinata's father will react to this?" Naruto wondered.

"God, I don't wanna know," Sakura said as Hinata laughed giving the pink haired girl a hug.