I don't own gravitation

Eiri Yuki stood on the doorstep of a house much like any other on that block. It was a quiet neighborhood, with no parking lots or big buildings. Every house was uniform, and the roads were small. Every few seconds he would look back to his precious Mercedes, left in the open for little kids to press their mud coated faces on his sterile tinted glass. Next to him stood his pink haired lover, beaming like the idiot he was. "I'm going home," the novelist declared. "What? Yuki you can't do that! We came all this way, and their expecting us. I promise it won't be that bad." Several minutes latter the still stood at the doorstep, Shuichi finally succeeding in pressing the doorbell, after having his hand slapped away fifty-seven times. It was quite sore.

After concluding that three seconds was a sufficient amount of time to wait for someone to answer a door, Eiri attempted to drag Shuichi back to the car. Suddenly the door was opened by a brown haired short woman, with a disturbingly happy expression on her face. Shu-chan, "Yuki-sama! Its wonderful to see both of you." Her Jovial tone grated on Eiri's nerves. "Oh Mom! It's been ages! I'm so glad I finally got the time to come visit," The pink haired boy exclaimed. "Come in! Come in! I'll just go start some tea. Please excuse me." And with that Mrs. Shindo bowed and walked off to the kitchen.

The novelist attempted to turn around, but to no avail. His pink haired lover took a firm hold on his arm, and dragged him to his doom. Once they had removed their shoes, they made their way to, and seated themselves in, the tea room. It was a quaint room. A large showcase was on one of the wall, where various , and to Eiri tacky, China were displayed. In the middle of the room was a small, low, table, around which were four mats for sitting on. Eiri stood in the doorway, while Shuichi ran to the table and plopped himself down on one of the mats. He looked up at Eiri expectantly, and somewhat threateningly. The writer sighed, and then he too sat down on one of the mats.

"Shu-chan!!!!!!!!" And just when he though his day couldn't get worse an even more annoying person was thrown at him. "Maiko-chan!!!!!!!" Eiri felt the coming of a migraine. "Oh Oni-chan its been forever!!!! I've missed you sooooo much!!!" In the doorway stood a brown haired teenage girl, who eerily resembled Shuichi. She was pretty attractive, for someone her age. Usually girls her age were so covered in pimple you couldn't really tell what they were actually supposed to look like. She had violet eyes, like her brother, a slim figure, and was average height.

Shuichi leapt up and opened his arm, and Maiko bounded over to him and flung herself on him. The resemblance between the two was truly uncanny. "Oni-chan Oni-chan!!!! I can't believe your here!!!! I can't believe you brought Yuki-sama here with you!!! I can't believe he agreed to come here with you!!! I'm so happy your here!!!' The brown haired girl looked to Eiri, still hanging onto her older brother. "Oh Yuki-sama!!!! I looooved your last book. I loved the book you wrote before that. I love every book you've every written." Eiri's temper continued to worsen as the girl babbled on and on. She was going on about how all his book's had sad endings when Mrs .Shindo entered the room. "Here we go. Maiko, Shuichi If you would please sit down" She shot the pair a look that chilled the siblings to the bone. The two quietly sat down, and their tea was served to them.

After the four were settled. Mrs .Shindo thought it appropriate to start a conversation concerning Eiri's books, in a much less annoying tone than the previous person. Throughout the conversation The novelist became even more irritated. After a short while he put on his lady killing smile and asked if he could speak to Shuichi privately. Without waiting for an answer he stood, glared at Shuichi quickly, and walked out the room, while the older woman went on about checking on dinner.

Eiri waited fir Shuichi to lead him into his old bedroom. He shut the door and turned to face his lover. "We're leaving, now." "You say that as though its a fact," Replied the singer. "It is a fact. If I stay here any longer, when I finally do leave it'll be in a straight-jacket." "Yuki please don't be like that. You know this means a lot to me. I don't get that much time to spend with my family, despite the fact that I love them so much. And for you to be here at least trying to build a relationship with them makes me really happy. Please stay. If you do I promise I'll make it up to you latter, okay? I'll do anything, I swear. You name it, I'll do it. So please Yuki..." The writer replayed what the younger man had just said, in his head. If he had heard correct, the boy had said he'd do anything. He smirked, an idea forming.

"Anything huh?" The singer glared "Yeah anything!" The writer smirk turned into a grin. "Alright then... When we get home you can make it up to me. I have this outfit I bought especially for you; Cute fuzzy pink cat ears, super tight shorts, coupled with matching pink paws, and toped off with pink and purple body glitter. I think you'll look really great in it." "You- Your not serious, are you Yuki?" "Oh, I'm very serious. If I have to deal with this whack job family of yours then the very least you can do in return is to play a little dress up for me."

"Fine then! I'll do it! But you have to promise me that you'll really try to get along with my family." "Looks like you have a deal my dear Shu-chan. Eiri quickly nipped at Shuichi's neck before turning, opening the door and exiting the room.

I plan to make this at least two chapters. Three if I opt for a neko-shu lemon.