Worth The Trouble

He gazed at the blank canvas that was her face, watched as the red hues of dusk danced across her skin, as the silverly moonlight illuminated her features, followed by the pitch blackness of night that engulfed them both. And as the sun rose, he watched the golden light trickle across her skin. He rung out the rag in his hand, and laid it across the flushed skin of her forehead. Wondering if the tea Tsunade had given him had worked. The colour of her skin had seemed to deepen again, and her sleep looked much more restful. He hoped she would recover soon. Running around after her, and fetching her medicine for one day was troublesome enough. Two, he didn't think he could survive. Plus for the entire day he felt something knawing at him, deep in his stomach, worry. It was there, and it loomed over him. He watched as her eyelids fluttered open to reveal eyes that reflected the deepest emeralds of the forest. He heard her slightly unladylike grunt. And then a rasp of "Shika?" She sounded better.

"Troublesome woman?" He replied, hoping that his tone held enough affection to ask the question the loomed over him (right next to his worry.) She cast those beautiful green eyes away. Evidently not. He sighed, brushing a few sandy locks of hair away from her sweat dampened skin.

"How are you feeling Temari?" She looked towards him again.

"Better." She replied projecting a strong voice that seemed a little out of place on her at this moment.

"Good," he sighed as he lifted himself to his feet "I'll make your next cup of tea. Tsunade-sama said one a day." The blonde watched his back retreat to the kitchen.

"Shikamaru, I'm sorry for being," she paused looking away "so troublesome." He sighed, leaving the kettle to boil. He lowered to his knees next to the futon, and wrapped his arms around her. He leaned close to her ear to ensure he would not have to repeat his next words.

"You're the only thing worth the trouble." He told her simply, kissing a patch of skin exposed to him. The three words weren't said but they were there.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Just a quick ShikaTema think I knocked up a while ago, it's also on m DA account. I mght write a story for this if peopl like it. Please read and reveiw.

Tink xXx