Mahoutsukai : Wizard

Makai : World of Spirits/Hell

Akuma : Evil Spirit (Descriptions of said spirit typically involve red eyes and according to some sources are said to bring bad luck to the viewer.)


He was going to snap. He was going to lose his temper as the sliver thin shreds of control struggled to keep hold of his temper as his mind rapidly pieced everything together. Hands gathered in his lap golden eyes looked up to meet twinkling blue and the final threads of his control snapped as he gritted his teeth together and his magic coiled inside him in a sinuous fashion. Unlacing his fingers from where they'd been resting in his lap he stood with carefully controlled menace as he ignored the looks of worry, confusion and indignation he received from the wizards in the room as he interrupted the wizened wizard mid-word. "Enough." The words hissed through his teeth as his hands curled into fists at his side before a calming hand came to rest on his shoulder the comforting slide of fingers against his collar bone shocking him back to himself.

Inhaling sharply through his nose he watched the looks on Oishi's and Eiji's faces darken as Atobe moved to explain his conclusions to them in hushed tones. "Well played, Mahoutsukai-san." Ryoma said softly as he brought his hands together to begin clapping as the wizard stood from his chair. "Your machinations and plotting are comparable to any played within the Imperial families. I know of several families within the Makai that would pay in the blood of their Firstborn to have you at their sides as an advisor."

"My dear boy—" Dumbledore stopped midsentence as glittering golden eyes looked up at him, the look within those orbs sending a chill through his body and forcing him to sink back into his seat.

"You forget yourself, Dumbledore-san. I am not one of your puppets nor am I one of those that are content to follow you in place of thinking for themselves." Gone was the anger and in its place was the iron control that had been instilled in him since he was old enough to begin speaking. Settling back into his chair in a comfortable sprawl with his elbow propped up on the arm of the chair while his cheek rested on his closed hand Ryoma smiled with half lidded eyes. "You seem to forget yourself and your place quite often, Dumbledore-san. It could lead one to… unfavorable impressions."

"My apologies, Hikari-sama," Dumbledore said stiffly as he leveled a quelling look at the potions professor in the corner of his office as the man snorted. "I'm afraid that I did indeed forget myself in a moment of confusion as to what you could be referring to."

"You insult my intelligence by expecting me to believe such words that hold no ounce of truth to them." Ryoma drawled idly as he raised an eyebrow at the older wizard as the twinkle in the other's eyes seemed to lessen in intensity. "But no matter let us start with the beginning. You knew that James and Lily Potter were each descended from the LeFaye family with James-san being its heir as the Potters lineage can be traced back to the eldest of the sons from the LeFaye line. You knew that when you suggested that they go into hiding with their infant son and new heir to the LeFaye line because you knew that Voldemort--." Pausing to roll his eyes at the shudder running through the wizards in the room at the mention of the akuma's name Ryoma sighed. "Voldemort knew as well as you did that the threat to his plans would be Harry-kun because of his lineage. You allowed them to name a traitor as their Secret Keeper because you knew that he would betray them and in doing so would set your plans into motion."

"I don't know where you've gotten your information but it is sadly incorrect." Dumbledore said with the twinkle returning to his eyes as he leaned forward on his desk with his hands lacing together to allow his chin to rest on them as he spoke. "None of us could have known that Sirius Black was the traitor that had been leaking so much information to Voldemort during the first war."

"Who said I was referring to Sirius Black?"


The Great Hall was quiet as he walked into it his footsteps echoing loudly as he made his way towards the Gryffindor table for breakfast. Swinging his legs over the bench he sat down at the table next to Hermione and Ron. Pulling a plate towards himself he reached across Ron to grab a piece of toast before the red head could inhale the last of the rapidly diminishing pile of toast in front of him. Eyes sweeping over the hall he noted that Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape were absent from the Head Table which was odd considering that he'd yet to see a breakfast without the presence of all of the Heads of House along with the Headmaster. Biting into the toast as Hermione pushed a bowl of porridge over to him with a noise of exasperation Harry turned an apologetic smile towards his friend.

The inability to assault him with questions was driving the girl crazy but he knew without a doubt that she'd bite her tongue before breaking their promise to leave meals as their only refuge from the grim realities of Voldemort's return. Although it seemed as though he had far more to worry about than just Voldemort's return if he allowed himself to believe in the story given to him by the boy who'd insisted he be called Ryoma rather than the Hikari that everyone was using. Eyes narrowing as he stirred his porridge with a spoon he pondered the fact that Ryoma seemed determined to make certain that he knew everything concerning him (and wasn't that a nice change for once?) before allowing him to make a decision that had the potential to completely alter his life as he'd known it. It was times that like this that made him wish he'd never had to leave the relative safety of his cupboard. Meeting Hermione's gaze from the corner of his eye he dipped his head in a quick, shallow nod before standing from the bench his hands smoothing away any stray crumbs from his robes.

Walking through the hallways he ducked into a hallway concealed behind one of the many tapestries that lined the hallways of the castle. Fingers trailing along the cold stone he closed his eyes as he felt for the slight dip – there!- and pushed in with his fingers ignoring the sharp prick of pain as he did so. Bringing his fingers to his mouth while the stone wall began to change into an archway he licked the stray blood away from them as he walked through the archway looking over his shoulder as an out of breath Hermione and Ron slipped under the tapestry. Sinking into the soft comfort of a lavishly upholstered chair Harry winced as Hermione whirled on him the second the stone archway became nothing more than a wall again.

"Do you have any idea how worried I have been?" Hermione's voice was shaking which did not bode well for his chances of remaining free from the effects of the countless number of hexes and enchantments that were stored in the girl's mind. "Did you even stop to think that perhaps walking off with a complete stranger was not the best idea?"

"He's family, Hermione." Harry said while tilting his head back to lean on his folded arms resting along the top of the chair. "And my magic trusts him."

"Your magic trusts him?"

"It's something that isn't recorded in any book, 'Mione." Ron crossed his arms over his chest as he sat on the floor. "Some of the Pureblood families have their magic tied to their family bonds and because of that their magic recognizes family just from the feel of it because there's always something that's in it that's specific to their family so that even if the person is uncertain their magic will know the truth."

"So let's say that he is your family," Hermione said with a flinty gaze that told Harry there would be no getting away from giving the answers she wanted. "It still doesn't explain how he's related to you."

Sitting properly in his chair with his hands running through his hair in an agitated he began to talk. There was something in all that he'd been told last night that was bothering him but he didn't know what. It was nearly lunchtime by the time he'd finished talking about everything that he'd been told by Ryoma. His expression turned cautious as Hermione made a small noise as the girl rested her chin in her hand with a faraway look on her face. "Hermione?"

"You do realize that if he's telling the truth than that means that Dumbledore's known a lot more than he's ever told you." Hermione said after a long pause as she chewed absently on a strand of hair that had fallen from the messy bun she'd pulled it up into. "Sirius died because there was information kept from you that might have changed so much if you'd have only known about it. You said that he told you that you could have the protection of the Hikari family if you gave up the protection of Merlin's legacy?"

"Then he was trying to tell you something without forcing the knowledge on you." Hermione continued at Harry's nod. "I think it's time Harry that we start looking at Dumbledore's actions a bit more thoroughly. It's already become apparent that we can't trust Dumbledore not if Hogwarts asked Dobby to show us this room so that we'd always have a safe place."


A/N: Please don't kill me for taking so long?