Title: Moving away.

Summary: Hitsugaya have to go to another school after one year at his own school. Well…new school, new house, new friends! Or…am I wrong? HitsuxHina probably other pairings too!

Author's note: Another High School adventure of Hitsugaya and Hinamori Well enjoy!

Note: Characters: There are just a few characters in this story because it's really focused on Hitsugaya and Hinamori. So don't be disappointed if someone isn't here in my story.

Disclaimer: I do not own bleach.

"I'm home." Hitsugaya said when he closed the door.

His mom stood in the kitchen with a pan and did the noodles in a bowl. "Oh hi Toushirou, did you heard about the news?" she asked.

Hitsugaya put his bag on the couch and asked "What news?"

"We're moving away." His mom said happily and she brought the cups to the table.

Hitsugaya sat on his chair at the table. "Why, where, when?" he asked and then he ate some of his noodle soup.

Hitsugaya's mother cleaned the dishes and said, "Your dad and I have decided to move because this house is too small for us and you know what? We have founded a house! You know that street where my mom used to live?"

Hitsugaya stopped with eating and thought about his grandma. His grandma died two years ago. Before that, he went each summer to the apartment of his grandma. He also thought about the annoying little girl living in his grandma's street, who always played with him: Hinamori Momo. The most annoyed thing about her was that she always called him Shirou-chan.

"Yeah, we aren't going to move there, are we?" he asked annoyed.

"You don't like it there, huh? It's a pretty rich street with beautiful houses." His mom said.

Hitsugaya understood his mother. His parents were going to move to the street where his grandma used to live. "No…that's not it." He was ready with his cup of noodles and he brought it to his mother.

"Well, alright if you don't really disagree with us, then it's settled: next week we are moving to the apartment." His mother said.

Hitsugaya helped his mother with cleaning the dishes. He did not really wanted to move, he wanted to stay at the place where he had grown up, but actually, he did not have a choice. He did not have friends at this place. He was always busy with training, learning guitar and helping his parent with work. He did not have any time for friends, but at the other hand…he did not care for friends…


Somewhere else…

"Momo!" Hinamori's mother yelled.

Hinamori walked of the stairs and went to her mother. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Do you remember a certain boy you haven't seen in a long time?" Hinamori's mother said happily.

Hinamori looked at the ceiling and was thinking for a while.

Hinamori's mother looked at Hinamori and after a few seconds when Hinamori still did not say anything her mother said "That certain boy who came every summer?"

Hinamori remembered the certain boy. "You mean Shirou-chan?" She asked.

"Yeah, Hitsugaya-kun." Her mother smiled.

"What's wrong with Shirou-chan?" Hinamori asked. She hoped that she would see him again, because these past two years he did not come in the summer. She always saw him at the house at the end of the street playing electric guitar or played with a stick. (Okay this sounds weird but you will understand later) He was not actually playing alone, it was more like training.

"His mother called. He is going to move to the house next to us. They are going to be our neighbors!" Her mother smiled.

Hinamori's face froze. She was very surprised.

"You don't like it? I thought you were close friends." Her mother was confused.

"No, I'm just surprised. That's great I haven't seen him since two years ago." Hinamori said. She turned around and walked to the stairway. Her mother stopped her when she was on the stairs.

"Oh and one more thing. He's going to the same school as you." She smirked.

"That's good. I never said it was a bad thing." Hinamori said happily and she quickly ran upstairs.

Her mother smirked. She knew something that Hinamori did not know.


A week has passed and a truck stood before the house next to Hinamori's.

Hinamori ran outside to see if Hitsugaya was outside and yes, he was helping his parents moving the stuff in to the house.

"Shirou-chan!" Hinamori yelled happily.

Hitsugaya was dragging a box and he looked at Hinamori. "What do you want?" he said cold.

"Mou, Shirou-chan. Is that everything you got to say after two years?" Hinamori said annoyed.

"Don't use that name anymore. I'm 14, not a kid anymore." He said annoyed and he walked with the box to the door.

Hinamori walked with him. She thought for a few seconds and came with an idea. "I could stop using that name…"

Hitsugaya stopped. Off course, he did everything to get rid of that pet name. "What is it?" he asked curiously.

Hinamori thought again for a few seconds. "Neh…forget about it. I've changed my mind."

Hitsugaya rolled with his eyes. "Fine. Just don't bother me anymore. I have things to do. It's bad enough that I'm living next to you." He walked into his house.

"Shirou-chan! That's mean!" Hinamori yelled. After no response from Hitsugaya, she walked to her own house.

"Just unbelievable. After two years, he just only can be so cold. On the second thought, he has always been like this. Well at least there's no way that he could be in my class..."


The next day.

"Good morning Hinamori-chan." Matsumoto waved at Hinamori when she arrived by her locket.

"Good morning Rangiku-san." Hinamori said and she opened her locket to put some books in her locket.

"Good morning, Hinamori-chan." Said a voice behind her. Hinamori turned around and saw Rukia, Inoue, Isane and Nanao.

"Good morning everyone." Hinamori said back.

"Do you know what I just heard?" Rukia whispered to the group.

"Well?" Matsumoto asked. Not only she was curious, the whole group was.

"Today we will have a new student in our class." Rukia whispered.

Hinamori panicked a little. "What if- no that isn't possible. I mean he is 14 and I'm 16…'

"Well I'm curious who that shall be." Matsumoto chuckled.

Hinamori looked at Matsumoto. "Do you know who that is?" she asked.

"Off course I know." Matsumoto smirked. "I know everything and anybody." She winked.

Off course, Matsumoto knew everything and everybody. I mean she is the only one who dares to go to everybody. Besides she is the one who would know everything, no secret was safe from her.

"Tell me, what do you think of new student?" Hinamori asked. Off course she knew what kind of person Hitsugaya was but she was curious what other people thought of him.

"Well…It's someone very serious." Matsumoto didn't have the chance to finish his sentence, because the bell rang. "Well, I will tell the rest later!" She winked and she turned the other way while waving at Hinamori.

Hinamori waved Matsumoto goodbye too and Hinamori walked with Inoue and Rukia to the first subject of the week: Geography, which was given by…Ukitake Jyuushirou.

"Well class, today we have a new student." He looked at the door. "Come and introduce yourself in front of the class."

A white haired boy with emerald eyes came in front of the class. Hinamori couldn't believe her eyes. "My name is Hitsugaya Toushirou." Everyone waited until he would say more, but he didn't say anything. After a few seconds, he said something. "That's all I've got to say."

"Well…class. Introduce yourself to Hitsugaya." Ukitake said.

"Hello, my name is Kuchiki Rukia." Rukia said.

"Yo. Kurosaki Ichigo." Ichigo said.

This went on and on. When it was Hinamori's turn to introduce her, it became very interesting.

"Uhm…Ano…" Hinamori looked at Hitsugaya. She didn't know what to say. I mean they already knew each other, wasn't it weird to introduce yourself again?

Hitsugaya looked at her with an annoyed look. As if he would say "Come on. I haven't got all day."

Ukitake looked at Hinamori. In fact, everyone looked at Hinamori. Rukia, who sat next to Hinamori, whispered something to her. "Come on, introduce yourself. You aren't in love with him, are you?"

Hinamori turned to Rukia. "Are you out of your mind? Off course not." She whispered back.

"So? Introduce yourself!" Rukia said.

Ukitake began to lose his patience. "Hinamori Momo. Introduce yourself."

Hitsugaya turned to Ukitake. "That isn't necessary. I know enough."

Ukitake looked at Hitsugaya carefully. He nodded. "Alright, proceed." In addition, the introduction proceeded. Hinamori was embarrassed. She wanted to sink into the ground. She cursed herself why she didn't just introduce herself.

When it was done, Ukitake spoke again. "Alright…Hitsugaya. Take a seat. The seat next to Kurosaki is free." He pointed at the table next to Hinamori.

Hitsugaya walked to the table and sat. He didn't look at the class, he didn't even look at Hinamori. Hinamori was confused. She didn't understand why Hitsugaya Toushirou, who was two years younger, would be in her class.


When class was over, she walked to Hitsugaya.

"Shirou-chan! What are you doing in my class?!" Hinamori asked.

"Don't call me that! I don't know." Hitsugaya said annoyed. "I have always been 2 grades higher than the normal people from my age."

"So…you are saying that you're a tensai (genius)?" Hinamori asked. She didn't believe that he was a genius, but for some reason she had seen this coming. I mean, she did spend all those summer vacations full with Hitsugaya's annoying lectures about the right thing.

Hitsugaya couldn't answer Hinamori's question, because they were interrupted by someone.

"Hinamori-chan!!!" Matsumoto called out happily. She stood between Hitsugaya and Hinamori, probably on purpose.

"Oh, hi Rangiku-san. Uhm…this is…" Hinamori pointed at Hitsugaya but didn't finish her sentence, because she was interrupted again.

"Oh, it's you." Hitsugaya said cold.

Matsumoto looked at Hitsugaya carefully. For one moment, Hitsugaya had a feeling that Matsumoto had forgotten him. Frankly, it made him a bit annoyed. "Oh, you're that sweet little guy I saw this morning!" She cried out, making Hitsugaya even more annoyed.

"You bastard…"

Hinamori looked at them. She was confused. "You two know each other?"

Matsumoto nodded and she looked at him again, giving Hitsugaya a feeling again that something stupid would happen. "Yeah, but ehm…what was your name again?" she asked.

Sometimes he hated that he was right, just like now. "It's Hitsugaya Toushirou." He said annoyed.

"Where do you know each other?" Hinamori asked. She was still confused.

"Well it was this morning…" Matsumoto told.



Hitsugaya cycled to school and putted his bike away. He walked from the corner and walked into an orange-haired girl with big boobs.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" The orange-haired girl said.

"What? No one can't see a thing if you are around." Hitsugaya said indifferent.

It looked like the girl hadn't heard Hitsugaya's insult about her and she looked at Hitsugaya. "Ahw, look how cute you are!" She putted her hand on Hitsugaya's head. Hitsugaya now knew that this girl had some loli-complex.

Hitsugaya knocked the hand away. "Don't touch me."

"Ahw you're even cuter if you're mad." The girl said happily.

Hitsugaya began to lose his patience. "You bastard…" For a second thought, he didn't want problems on his first day at school so he simply walked away from the situation.

The girl stopped him "Wait. I haven't seen you around this school. You are new, aren't you?"

"Yeah." Hitsugaya said.

"Well nice to meet you. My name is Matsumoto Rangiku." She said happily.

"Oh." And Hitsugaya just walked away.

End of flashback.


"And this is how we met each other." Matsumoto explained. "Although it wasn't really a nice encounter…" She finally remembered Hitsugaya's attitude.

"You had to be so rude, hadn't you?" Hinamori said angrily to Hitsugaya. She always had the feeling that she had to watch over him, because she was older than him.

"It's none of her business anyway." Hitsugaya said while having his arms wrapped over each other.

"And you didn't apologize to her!" Hinamori yelled.

"Why should I? I mean no one can see a thing if she's standing in front of you with her gigantic boobs." Hitsugaya said cold.

"You guys don't have to fight about such a thing. I mean just put the past behind." Matsumoto said and a sweat drop of embarrassing came.

"Rangiku-san, don't you care? He just insulted you and in the morning!" Hinamori yelled and pointed her finger at Hitsugaya.

"Well." She looked at Hitsugaya and she just couldn't resist the size of Hitsugaya, looking at her so annoyed. "Off course I will forgive him!" she said happily. She tried to put her hand again on Hitsugaya's head but Hitsugaya smacked it away again. "I mean, how can't I forgive such a cute boy!" Matsumoto said bloomy.

"Just shut up." Hitsugaya said annoyed.

"Don't be so rude!" Hinamori yelled.

"Ah, it's okay, Hinamori-chan. Don't be so hard for him. Just how do you two know each other?" Matsumoto asked.

Hitsugaya and Hinamori looked at each other. Suddenly the bell rang. Matsumoto smiled and made a gesture that implied that they would talk later. Then Hinamori and Matsumoto said goodbye to each other and she and Hitsugaya walked to the next subject: Physical Education as known as PE.

A/N: Well I hope you people liked this chapter (really short but…you know, prologue and that sort of stuff)… It's still a bit weird but you know, I never change = D. Please review!