Chapter 12: Remembering things that weren't meant to be remembered

Melanie focused on healing Kagome and ignored the questions in her head. Right now, she could care less, who did this and why. She was more interested in keeping her best friend alive. She didn't notice the presence in her head or the other reiatsus that were coming to her way. She kept her eyes on Kagome's deep wound and smiled softly when she noticed that the wound was slowly healing and Kagome wasn't losing so much blood. The shinigamis that had noticed Melanie's high reiatsu saw Melanie's hands in blood and her eyes looking tired and slightly out of place. One shinigami was from the 4th squad and went immediately to help Melanie to keep Kagome alive. Melanie nodded gratefully and asked:

"Do you think we can move her to 4th squad?" The shinigami studied Kagome for awhile and then said with a quiet shy voice:

"I'm not sure. She is stabilized but if she's moved there is a huge possibility that she'll die."

"And if we stay here?"

"She'll die for sure." Melanie closed her eyes, took a deep breath and said:

"Let's go."


Sakura wiped away her tears and cursed herself; of course this would happen. It wasn't like her life was perfect anyway. Sakura started walking towards her own room when she saw red eyes looking straight at her. She recognized the eyes immediately and sighed; she wasn't in a mood to fight with Karin. She had had enough of fighting for awhile. So Sakura tried to walk past her but clearly Karin wanted to talk with her. Sakura rolled eyes slowly and turned to Karin without noticing her teammate's girlfriend. Hinata had followed Karin since she had heard her talking about killing someone.

"What do you want, Karin?" Sakura's voice was tired and annoyed.

"I heard the talk between you and Sasuke. I thought you would have left already. Can't you see that no one wants you here?" Karin said smugly. Karin had known Sakura for awhile and didn't like the fact that Sasuke sometimes lost his temper with the girl who had before been in love with him. Karin had always known Sasuke as a cold emotionless man who was so good looking that it didn't matter. That image had shattered when she had seen him with Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura. She hated these three people since they were so close to him. He never smirked around her but around them he was always smirking and sometimes even giving a small smile.

"No, I can't see that. The way I see it my best friends called for me since they needed me and that's why I'm here. I'm not here because of some boy who doesn't even look at me." Sakura's words were cruel but she just wanted to get away.

"Wouldn't you know? I doubt that he has ever touched you willingly." Sakura turned to face Karin after her words and Hinata could see something dark in Sakura's eyes. The next words she said were said with a chilling and terrifying voice:

"Now you've gone too far."


"So you're my zanpaktou?" Karin asked with amused tone.

"Yes." answered Hana though she knew that her owner wouldn't accept the fact so easily. Karin started laughing and managed to say:

"Right…my zanpaktou…I….supposed….dead….I'm….perfectly….alive…." Hana raised her eyebrow and sighed; while a zanpaktou always saw his/her owner dear one but Karin had always been extremely close to her. Karin was a quiet girl who hid her own emotions and rarely spoke of them. Even the Flowers didn't know all Karin's secrets and feelings. Hana had been awake a long time now and she knew her owner pretty well. She knew that Karin admired her brother and believed that he would always save her when she needed help even though she rarely accepted that help. She knew that Karin was aware of her father's past and sometimes hated him for it since she believed that it was his fault that her mother was killed. She loved her twin dearly but was often jealous of how much she was like their mother and how she heard of people speaking how wonderful Yuzu was and how any man would be happy to have her.

Hana knew that without the Flowers her owner would have probably tried to kill herself and that each Flower was precious to her. Rukia was like a big sister who almost always had an answer and who would do anything to keep her safe and teach her things that made living easier. Kagome was like a mother since she made sure everyone was safe and cooked and took care of even slightest scratches. Sakura was like a little sister who was naïve and always annoying but someone who looked up to her. Melanie was a best friend who was sarcastic and noticed stuff but who respected her and trusted her with her whole heart.

And then there was one person Hana knew almost better then anyone else. Her owner didn't know it but her eyes followed him every second she saw. Hana had learned many things about Hitsugaya Toushiro but the most important thing she had learned was that he protected her owner and kept her safe. Hana was well aware that Karin like this man/boy and maybe even loved him. She knew that Karin would never admit it but seeing him made her more confident and relaxed. But Hana also knew something that her owner didn't. She knew that Toushiro kept his eye on Karin to make sure she was alright. Hana had seen his smirk grow and his eyes brighten around her owner and she had seen his powers grow when her owner was around. Hana smirked; now she would have to make sure that her owner was ready to protect all of those people she loved.

"Yes, I'm your zanpaktou so let's get started, shall we."


Melanie buried her head into her hands. She was worried but couldn't show it. She knew that someone was keeping an eye on her but she couldn't find him or her. Melanie looked up when she heard someone walking towards her and stood up. Unohana was a nice woman but Melanie had learned a long time ago not to trust people who you didn't know well.

"How is she?" Melanie's tone was calm but you could sense scared and worried undertone. One of her only friends had been taken to hospital while she was bleeding and she hadn't once in her life had a plan ready.

"She lost lots of blood but she is stable. Her wound, however, was quite strange. Its shape was unusual and truth to be told I've never see a zanpaktou that could make such mark. I've already got people working on it and I'm sure I'll be able to give you more answer in few days." Melanie smiled in relief and nodded.

"Thank you Unohana-taichou. Could you show me where Kagome is? I would like-" A scream and yell interrupted Melanie.

"AIZEN-TAICHOU!!! I WANT TO SEE AIZEN-TAICHOU!!!" Melanie turned around and saw dark-haired girl with cloudy eyes. Unohana ran to Hinamori and didn't notice how Melanie's eyes turned a little silver and lost their sparkle. Melanie was taken to a memory that she had wanted to forget since she was a little child.


Karin jumped and tired to dodge Hana's attack. She wasn't completely down when the next attack already came. This time it hit her to her shoulder and she grimaced when she saw then blood in it.

'Shit! Of course I had to get a sadistic.' Karin thought while trying to balance her breathing. She carefully looked around and noticed a burned tree that was somehow green. She looked into Hana's eyes, smirked and dodged the next attack behind the tree. She didn't say anything but she could feel how Hana tried to break down the tree. Karin could feel that tree was about to give and tried to think of a plan. 'Of course it has to be me who has a zanpaktou and has to fight against it. Couldn't Sakura or Kagome do this? Come on, it would be their turn to do something other then just stay back and heal others.' Karin noticed a broken sword and smirked; now she could start fighting back. She didn't notice how the sword glowed red when she touched it or how her hair suddenly grew a bit.


Sakura dodged Karin's kunai and put her hand to position that Karin didn't recognize. It seemed somehow familiar but there was something unusual in it. "Kage no Bunshin." Sakura whispered while she ran towards Karin. All her copies had a kunai in their hands and they were ready to attack. Sakura's keen eyes noticed that Karin was about to do some Jutsu and jumped into air while muttering a jutsu: "Earth: Tree of mist." This practical jutsu was created by her sensei Tsunade and Sakura rarely used it. She knew that Tsunade had worked on it a long time and thought it was better to keep it as a secret. The tree could be seen only by her and when she jumped on it, Karin was surprised that Sakura could stay in air. Sakura looked carefully at her and then nodded slightly. Suddenly next to Karin was one of Sakura and she stabbed to her arm. Sakura closed her eyes and imagined how the poison spread through her. Sakura could see it in Karin's stomach and had to focus not to ruin Karin's chance of having children. Having children was one of most women's dreams and Sakura knew that she had no right to take it away from someone who merely loved a man so much that she was ready to someone to get him. Though Sakura knew that Karin didn't love Sasuke; no Sasuke was almost impossible to love and to love him you had to be ready to suffer for your love. Sakura let the poison go to Karin's arm and ordered in her mind another copy of her to stab her to the place where the poison was. The poison was taken away from Karin's blood but there would always be a mark of how she had insulted Sakura and not gotten away with it. Sakura smirked and turned away. She could hear Karin fainting and started walking; that should teach her.

"Sakura-chan?" Sakura froze as she heard Hinata's voice.


Karin handled to sword quite well but not perfectly. She knew how to use it in attack and defense but the time between that was still her weakness. Hana looked like she was dancing with her sword and Karin couldn't help but feel jealous. She focused on her steps and for some reason she fell. She could see the smirk on Hana's face and glared at her.

"Don't focus on steps. Listen to your heart and instincts not your head. I'm part your soul so you should know how to defeat me." Karin rolled her eyes and said:

"Sure, my heart probably knows where to stab you." Hana sighed; her owner was sometimes too sarcastic.

"Just… try to do what I told you to." Karin nodded but couldn't help muttering:

"What's the point of all this?" Hana's next strike was more powerful than ever and she whispered to Karin's ear:

"If you don't see the point of getting strong to protect your friends maybe I should kill you and after you all your friends." Hana knew that her owner would be furious but even she wasn't prepared to face her reiatsu and stabs with her broken sword. Karin fought like crazy and Hana had difficult time to keep up with her. Suddenly Karin pointed her sword on Hana's through and said:

"I don't care what you do to me, but you better leave my friends alone." Hana smiled a bit and decided to put her little owner through her last test. Karin frowned when she heard nothing from her and looked into Hana's eyes that were now golden. Karin's last thoughts before she fell were:

"Oh crap, here we go again."


A little blond girl was standing alone in a room. She looked around and saw blond on the floor. She frowned: her brother had probably played around with his friends too roughly. Six-year-old Melanie walked to another room and wondered if her mother or father would go with her to a village since no one else had time to play with her. Melanie frowned when she didn't find her parents and then sensed a familiar presence; her uncle was here. Melanie smiled brightly and ran towards the room she felt her uncle in. She opened the door and went straight to her uncle and hugged him. Only then she noticed blood in her uncle's hands and her parents lying on the floor. Melanie was so young that she didn't understand what was going on. She went next to her mother and tried shaking her:

"Mom, mom! Wake up! You were supposed to take me to village today. You said that we would go to buy a new dress, remember. The dress that had flowers and butterflies in it. You said that I could put it on next time grandmother came. Mom, you promised!" Melanie tried shaking her mother and when she did nothing she let tears run freely and her lower lip started to quiver. She turned to her father:

"Daddy, daddy. You said that we would go riding today. You said that you would show me how to control Rainbow. I've been waiting to do that almost a year. Come on, wake up… wake up." Melanie was so sad and didn't see properly but she felt her father dry her tears and felt how her mother kissed her cheek. Then she felt the familiar emptiness that she felt when she saw someone die. Melanie screamed and that was when her uncle grabbed her and pulled her towards a tunnel.


Melanie opened her eyes and felt them darken as she looked at Aizen. "You know that he'll cause many people to lose their loved ones and still you want him to return. I wish that you'll be the first one he'll break." Melanie whispered angrily and ran towards Kagome's room. She was about to go in when she saw Inuyasha and shook her head. She wasn't needed here.


Sakura's eyes were wide as she looked as her teammate's girlfriend walked towards her. She cursed herself for not noticing; how had she missed Hinata's chakra. She looked at Hinata with suspicion and Hinata understood that she was waiting for an answer:

"I heard Karin speaking and decided to follow her. I thought it was best to keep my chakra hidden since she is excellent at sensing it." Sakura sighed; looks like she had to look for a memory jutsu. She wasn't too fond of those but she wasn't ready to let someone know things about her that she had kept hidden since she was a kid. Hinata noticed the ice in Sakura's eyes and knew that she had to say something to keep her memory and friend:

"Why did you hide this ability, Sakura-chan? If you had show it, many lives-"

"-would have been saved. Yes, I'm aware of that. But my powers belong to a past that none of Rookie Nine knows of. It's my past, my mistakes and my powers."

"Don't you trust us? If you don't-"

"Of course I trust you guys. But no one will look at me the same when you find out. Hinata, I'm not the girl you all think you know. I'm someone who hates staying in one place. Someone who hates having emotions and memories. You guys are dear to me but not ready to face what really comes with knowing me." Sakura turned away and muttered:

"But I'll let you have this memory. Maybe it'll help you to understand some choices that I make in future. Just remember Hinata, Naruto will never find out." With that Sakura glanced at Hinata and ran away; it would be for best.


Karin smiled as she ran from her house. It was Alisa's birthday. Alisa was Karin's best friend. She had come from America and spoke English so beautifully that the first time Karin had met her she had been jealous. Alisa had red hair and green eyes. Some kids had teased her but since Karin was her friend they had let her be. Alisa had decided to keep a fairytale birthday. It meant that every girl would dress up as a princess and they would all look gorgeous. That time Karin had long hair and she was extremely beautiful. Karin was wearing a red dress that was similar to Belle's dress from Beauty and the Beast. Karin was so proud of it and her father had taken a picture of her before she had left.

Karin arrived to Alisa's house little early. It was strangely quiet but Karin thought it was because Alisa's brothers were gone. Karin knocked the door and Alisa's mother opened it. She smiled nicely and told Karin that Alisa was upstairs. Karin nodded and climbed the steps. She found Alisa in her room looking pretty. Karin smiled and gave her gift to her. She didn't notice how Alisa's eyes lost their shine when she saw Karin's dress but they got their shine back when she opened Karin's gift. There was a golden little crown in it and when Alisa put it on she looked more beautiful than Karin. Karin only smiled when she saw how happy her best friend was. Alisa's mother yelled from downstairs that the other guests had arrived but Alisa shook her head and said that she wanted them to a picture before they went down. They took the picture and ran downstairs. The birthday party was amazing and everyone had fun. Karin left lastly and thanked everyone. When she went home she thought: "Today was the best day of my life."

Next morning Karin heard that someone had killed Alisa and her family. Karin didn't believe it and ran towards Alisa's house. There she saw police and ambulance and firefighters. She was panicking but noticed suddenly the crown she had given Alisa. She walked towards it and screamed. Next to the crown there was Alisa's bloody body.


Happy new year guys!!! I hope you like this chapter and thanks for your reviews. Oh, I still don't own Inuyasha, Naruto or Bleach, to tell you the truth I'm terrible at drawning.