
Brom sat alone like he had for years, he had no one, he wanted no one, or that's what he kept telling himself. The truth was he did want someone he wanted what he had in his past, when he was happy, then to be happy all he needed was Saphira, Morzan and Mika to be happy, and later on Sahara would come into his life. He stared at the fire as the men talked around him about how life was unfair and how the war ruined everything, and how they wished life could be better. Brom remembered when he was young, when he would have cared about setting everyone free like he had done over and over again, but not now. When he was younger he risked everything to set everyone free and he had lost everything…everything that he had ever held dear. To him the world wasn't worth saving, it had betrayed him after all he had done, fate made him suffer for everything, even if it had been for the best. Brom looked at the fire his mind moved back to the days he had been happy the days that had been so great, the days that had made him happy, the days with them… his friends…and the women he loved.

Many would call Brom a fallen hero for in his past he saved, freed, and helped many people, but no longer cared now all he wanted was to be left alone, he hoped to live out the rest of his days alone, cold, and grumpy, but yet he couldn't help but remember a time when all had been grand when everyone had been happy, when the land was at peace. "It wasn't always like this" Brom said to the men talking, there was a time when are land flourished, with out curtly or fear" He looked up and sighed lost in his thoughts of his beloved days "The time of dragon and dragon riders", then a man spoke from the table of men

"Those days are long gone" the man had said, but Brom didn't hear him and if he did he pretended he didn't "No one could defeat them…until a rider named Galbatorix, decided to take all the power for himself and cut down any dragon rider in his path" he spat out the last bit as a soldier walked up

"Quiet before you hang by a tree" the solider said as he grabbed Brom.

"No let him finish" cried out a blond farm boy, the solider looked over at the boy, Brom stood up "One day he will pay for his crimes" Brom said looking the soldier right in the eye, the soldier grabbed him and pushed him "are you deft be on you way", Brom moved away from the solider then looked at the boy "the time of dragon riders…will come again" then he walked away.

Brom sat alone, the way he always was now, alone forever, he was cursed forever to be alone. The only two he ever loved were gone forever, never to return to him, therefore he would always be alone, he would or could never love anyone like he had loved Saphira, and he would never be in love with anyone the way he had loved or been in love with as he was with Sahara, but it didn't matter now since they both were dead, gone, murdered. Brom looked around his small dark hut, he used to live with the elves a place that was beautiful bright, and happy. Brom looked down he would never go back there, that place was full of memories full of Sahara and Saphira.

That night Brom sat in his chair in front of a small fire place, with blankets wrapped around him, slowly his mind drifted back, to his younger days back to when it was just him Saphira, and Morzan and Mika.