Haven't done this before, but I'm so grateful for all you reviewers, so here's shoutout to: Kyuubi No Tenshi, aslan333, ColorLikeWoah, lolxxx, Insane Slash Girl, SpeakWithAction, DeliciousKrabKakes, bluelove22, Turkeyhead987, Crescentflight, WhatnooooI'mNotACONTRACTOR, No1, inukagome15, Fugitive of Gray, and twarne.

You guys rock.


Danny swore under his breath. The lights in his room were still off and the blinds were closed, but in the dark, his eyes were glowing green and the rest of his body was faintly glowing as well. Like a ghost. But his hair remained black and he was otherwise perfectly human. Too bad the glowing skin and eyes were kind of hard to miss.

He tried flicking on the light to search for his sunglasses- breaking the school dress code regarding shades in the classroom was going to prove a challenge- but much to his surprise, the on switch didn't work.

Another power outage?

"Dad," Danny muttered. He must've been up to some crazy new invention this morning, causing the flow of power to cease everywhere above the lab. Sighing to himself, Danny transformed. He yelped at the sudden onslaught of total darkness, before holding up a ball of ecto energy for light. Upon closer examination, he discovered that his entire body was completely devoid of its usual ghostly glow. What was up with these puzzling changes anyway? He had absolutely no control over what was happening to him, and he had been so busy lately that he had barely had any time to even formulate a theory as to why his two identities were meshed together.

Hearing Jazz's car drive away, Danny knew the theorizing would have to wait. School was starting soon and he needed sunglasses, pronto.

A crash from a few levels below told him the sunglasses could wait.

He phased through the floors, all the way down to the lab. His parents were nowhere in sight, however. Worse yet, the entire lab was dark except for a few shimmering vials of ectoplasmic goo and the swirling green light of the portal's entrance.

Something was wrong.

Danny transformed back into his human self, cringing when he noticed the return of the glow. At least he could see where he was going now.

"Mom? Dad?"

No answer.

Except for the bright blue ectoplasmic blast the shot him in the back a few seconds later.

Unprepared for such a blow, Danny was slammed into one of the lab's walls and crumpled to the floor on impact. His vision was blurry from when his skull smashed against the metal wall, and he couldn't concentrate enough to fully transform and face his opponent. Judging from the obnoxious laughter behind him, however, Danny knew exactly who it was.

Danny's ears were ringing too much for him to hear Technus's latest spiel about world domination and whatnot, but just as he had stabilized himself enough to transform, his parents scrambled into the lab, collectively yelling, "GHOST!"

Immediately, the two rings that had formed around his waist vanished, and Danny tried to make a run for it before his parents could acknowledge the ghostly glow their son's body was giving off.

"Danny, are you okay?" Jack tried stopping him by grabbing his wrist in full stride, while Maddie was left battling Technus.

"I'm fine!" Danny yelped, closing his eyes as his father almost made eye contact with him. "Late for school!"

Before his father could fully release his wrist, Danny turned it intangible in order to make a swifter getaway. He knew his dad wouldn't pay attention to it, as it hadn't been too obvious and it sounded like he was more focused on helping his wife fight off Technus by now, anyway.

Danny felt guilty as he raced up to his room to find the sunglasses, leaving his parents in the lab in a face off against the second most annoying ghost on the planet. He knew he should have stayed to help suck Technus into the thermos, but somehow he didn't think his parents would be too keen on accepting help from Danny Phantom. Furthermore, a glow-less, blue-eyed Phantom would also raise suspicions.

After using his ghostly glow to navigate his way through the room to find his backpack and the shades, Danny jumped out the window and flew towards Casper High.

He arrived a full ten seconds early.

Better yet, the poorly-funded school's lighting was so obnoxiously bright that it virtually canceled out the glow from his body and Lancer's substitute teacher was too timid to ask Danny to remove his sunglasses while in the classroom.

Unfortunately, his luck ran out in second period. They were in the science lab, starting an experiment on electrical currents. Normally, Danny wouldn't have minded labs like these. But when the words "We need it to be completely dark in here for it to work" came out of his teacher's mouth, he knew he was doomed.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked him, noticing his nearly instantaneous change in demeanor.

Darting furtive glances at his classmates, Danny slowly tipped the sunglasses to the bridge of his nose.

"Your eyes? Man, what's next?" Tucker asked as Danny quickly slid the glasses back into their correct position.

"I don't know. But it gets worse. The second she turns off that light, everyone's going to see me."

Sam and Tucker's eyes widened at him, just as they saw their science teacher making her way over to the light switch near the door.

"Then do something!" Sam hissed at him.

Panicking, Danny threw himself under the desk and transformed just as the lights went out. All was dark in the classroom, except for an electric blue wire at the front.

Danny peeked his head out from his hiding place. No glowing body, no glowing eyes. His gloves looked just like the ones the other students were using in the lab, and the only noticeable difference- if it hadn't been nearly pitch black in the classroom- would have been his hair and DP emblem.

"What are you doing?" Sam reprimanded him when she caught the faintest glimpse of white hair from where she assumed Danny was sitting.

"Hiding," Danny grinned, finding it terribly ironic that the only way to avoid others' attention was to become Danny Phantom. Seeing the initial glow from students' wires around them, however, he started to realize that maybe this wasn't the best idea, after all. The room was gradually lightening, so much so that Danny had to cower under a desk once more to prevent others from learning his secret.

"Where's Fenton?" the science teacher growled as she made her way over to where Sam and Tucker were fiddling with the wire.

"Right here," Danny waved his white-gloved hand above the table. "Just picking up…trash," he said lamely. His teacher seemed to buy it, however, and continued on to where Dash was trying to electrocute some nerds with his and Kwan's wire.

"That was too close," Sam said, holding their wire to where Danny was hiding. She was somewhat shocked to see his blue eyes in this form, and had a bad feeling that something else would be wrong with her friend tomorrow.

"She's turning the lights back on!" Tucker whispered in a frantic voice.

Startled, Danny immediately transformed before fully grasping what Tucker had said.

Luckily, the teacher had turned on the lights right at that moment, preventing an obvious give away, but a few students had seen something.

"What was that light?"

"Must've just been the wires-"

"No, it was a flash of light!"

Pulling his sunglasses back on, Danny forced his trembling body to calm down. Let them speculate. As long as no fingers were being pointed at him, he couldn't care less. Besides, he had more troublesome thoughts on his mind, like the fact that Teslaff's PE class was next, ensuring more pain and humiliation. How many more days would he survive before his secret was exposed? But hey, maybe just this once, Teslaff wouldn't notice!

As usual, paranoia beat optimism, and Teslaff most certainly noticed.

"Fenton!" Teslaff barked at him, causing him to trip on the pile of volleyball nets in the middle of the gym. "No sunglasses in my classroom! School policy!"

Darting an anxious glance to Sam, Danny walked up to his fearsome teacher. "Ms. Teslaff? I-" Feeling inspired, Danny grinned and continued, "I have to wear them. Parental orders. There was…an accident…In my parents lab. It uh, gave me temporary ghost radiation, and my eyes are…uh, sensitive."

He waited nervously as her eyes glared into his dark shades, looking for signs of truth.

Shrinking back under her menacing gaze, he slipped the shades down in the same manner in which he had furtively shown Tucker and Sam his eye problems earlier that day. "See?"

Teslaff's eyes widened slightly. "They're-"

"-green, yes. That's a…side effect. Of ghost radiation. My parents are ghost hunters, so well, I know all about that. I promise I won't wear them in your class once I recover."

Teslaff's eyes became slits, but she seemed to accept these terms. "Very well, Fenton. But just this once!"

"Of course," Danny said weakly, then hurried over to Tucker and Sam. Tucker high-fived him, but Sam greeted him with arms crossed.

"You're not even going to try and figure out what's wrong with you?"

Danny shrugged. "I will tomorrow, when I have more time. Right now I'm just trying to survive the rest of the day."

Tucker slapped him heartily on the back. "Yeah, and there's not much else that can go wrong. I'm sure you'll be back to normal by tomorrow."

Indeed, Danny looked like he was back to normal the next day.

But things are never easy for Danny, are they?

Story can't be over yet. Still have ideas of messing with poor Danny. In the meantime, you, my awesome readers, can leave comments/speculate/etc. :)