Authors Note: I'm sorry for the late update. I was suppose to post this chapter last Tuesday but my Internet doesn't work. But its all done. Heres Chapter six. Hope you like it. I did my best with my grammars. Thanks a bunch for all my great readers and especially my beloved awesome reviewers.

Chapter Six: Spying VS Watching

Bella's Pov

"Thanks a lot, Edward" I avoid his stare.

"Thanks for what?" He sound confused of what I just said.

His voice gave me chill, which I can't explain. It was so pure and manly but so sympathetics. The kindness and calmness wrapped around each word that he syllabicated. It was the first time I had spoken to someone who I knew only by name and by family background, sort of. For me he was still a total stranger that I just met. I do not know why I cannot go against his offers. Maybe I could see in his actions and in the way he handle me since the first time we have introduced ourselves to each other.

"Thanks for helping me with the groceries." I still avoided his sight. But in the back of my head there are words that wants to spill out. Thanks for I have met you at last. I don't know why I can't look at him but there is something inside of me that wants to glance but there is something that holds me back too. He posses a magnificent charm that not all people has it. I sighed to clam myself a bit.I kept my silent for a while, looking for the right words to say. "And for walking me home." I said abruptly.

"You're welcome, Bella. As a matter of fact, it was all my fault. You wouldn't be doing this if I, in the first place, did not interrupt you yesterday." I slightly look up with curiosity. I saw his lips giving me a smile which I never seen before. He really looks gorgeous. If I don't have my control I would be on my knees, melting in the front of him. "I want to make it up to you" he said while looking straight in the road. "And if you could let me walk you to your home. I would be happy to do so."

"Edward, I'm not being rude. I think I will be ok walking home by myself." At the top of my mind I was wondering what if Claudette would see me with Edward then I will be in trouble. I'm only avoiding uncertain situations. Even Edward is only a friend; she is going to think the other way. I manage myself to look at Edward and I saw him giving me an awful expression. I saw his face changed into a rejected looks. I can't stand looking him like that. Its not that I rejected his offer, Its just I don't want any impressions from Claudette. I ran some brainstorm remedy for a second. My bulb of idea lits. "OK, I'll let you walk me home until we reach a block away from my house then we'll split.. just a block from my house- no more, no less." I gave him a smile. " I'm sorry, that all I could allow you."

His dull expression turns to some kind of hope expression. Edward gave me nod and smiles. "I'll follow your word but for one condition." Grinning.

My eyes widen with shock. What is he thinking? "Condition? What condition? Don't you dare come up of any crazy condition." My eyes squint at him and he just chuckle.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to come up with crazy condition." He pause and cleared his throat. "I will not walk you to your front door but will you allow me follow behind you, just watch you until you get in your house."

I sighed in relief. I face him and gave him and nudge on his back. "You really scare me at that moment. I was afraid you will black mail me or something worse that that." I paused for a second. " If you want to spy on me, Mr. Edward Cullen. that will be fine with me." I said it giggling.

"That's not a spy, Ms. Isabella Swan. Its only watching you until you get in your house." He said defensively.

"Watching me, that is still spy." I laugh came out my lungs.

Edward joined me laughing then said: "If you insist it's spying, then I'll spy on you until you get in your house." He look down at me and gave me a teasing look.

Edward is a tall guy, he looks like a giant but a slender type for me, and when I stand beside him I look like a dwarf. Good heavens I'm only five feet one inch and I guess his somewhere between five feet eight inches to five feet eleven inch. When ever I had a chance to look at him I learned to give some distance to avoid straining my neck. I'm not saying that I don't want to be close to him, his scent always gives me urge to move closer to him as much as possible without bringing to his attention. It's just I want to make sure that I'm not looking up to him. It's uncomfortable looking up when talking to someone's taller than me. My neck hurts afterward.

When we reach the block from my house I stopped my pace. "I can manage it from here. My house is just down the block." Smiling. "I'll go ahead, and you can watch me get in" I paused. "Or should I say you can spy on me." I left waving at him and leaving him with his eyes glaring at me.

I was at the front door and I can see him from where I am. I smile at his direction and saw his response. I went to the kitchen unloading the groceries me and Edward bought. I heard footsteps coming down the stare. I hurried putting the good in the fridge. By the time Ms. Claudette stepped in the kitchen I was grabbing my bag to go to my room.

"Bella, where have you been?" her eyes still looked the same like blazing fire every time she saw me. I really don't have any idea why she does not like me. At first, she was good to me but then after marrying Charlie, she's is some kind of a wicked stop mom.good thing i don't have wicked step sisters.

"Oh, hello Ms. Claudette. Good afternoon." I gave her my respect even I know she does not listen in what I said. She gave me a nod. "I bought something for supper. I'll cook right ahead after I get change." I went up stairs and change my cloths. When I came down I saw her at the living room watching her favorite soap opera show. I hurried in the kitchen and prepared the items I'm going to use. I was into making pasta with broccoli. I am very good in kitchen; Charlie enjoys every dish I made. Charlie always brag me especially the menu I cook to his co-worker from the station and that is the thing that I don't like. But what can I do, Charlie appreciates everything I did for him.

I was steaming the broccoli then I look out the window. I was wondering if Edward is still spying on me. Spying, what really the difference between spying and watching. I wish he is not outside spying at me from our kitchen window and I wish he will not do it for real. I guess he is a good friend after all. He jokes a lot and I feel comfortable when I was with him earlier. If he is really for real then it could be the start of our friendship. My wish of having a brother will soon come true. I was almost done fixing dinner when Charlie got home. I ready the table and was excited for my dad's reaction to my new recipe.

"Dinner time." I call them to the table. "Dad, it's my new recipe. I made a healthy dinner tonight. I was worried about that belly you got there." I joke Charlie and he buy it.

"This belly is my partner for all years." He continues laughing. Claudette only stare at him with blank. "But now that I have Claudette I guess I have two partners in life; my belly and my dear Claudette." He laughed again till he choked himself.

Claudette handed my dad his glass of water. My dad reaches out and hurried drink the content. "Both of you should stop joking around at the front of the food. And you Bella stop your act. Do you want your dad to choke to death?" Claudette glare furiously at me.

"Actually dad I was worried about your health. It's not all the time I will be here cooking this for you." I pause a little while. "I don't know what and with whom do you eat when you are at work. A lot of fast food, i might say." I start to be silent and I just look Charlie and he was smiling at me, and I smiled back at him.

"I know Bella, that's why I always hurry home to taste your cook. It does not only feeds my stomach" he hold his belly and pat it gently "but also my heart." Charlie really jokes around during dinner. It is the only time he spent his time with us together. For him it is the only time he has to have a family bonding. He is always busy in the station, patrolling and stuff. After dinner Charlie helped me with all the cleaning. He loves kidding around his daughter. Me..

A/N: I have to ask you guys what you think about the difference about watching and spying in the story. What's the intention of Edward to Bella. Think about it and give me you opinion. And don't forget.. REVIEW PLEASE. THANK YOU! MWAHUGZ!