Ranting Author (Hooohohooo Report): Part II of the Sasuke Version of the Flashback. I don't really have much to say except that this chapter covers the part where Sasuke witnesses Itachi's true nature and the little part afterwards—but only a little. The massacre won't happen until some other chapter.

Nefarious Successor
Chapter II


My brother the prodigy.

How little I truly knew him back then, unsuspecting of his next move with the three men. After they had sent their hateful warnings and secret threats to arrest him, they pretended to be leaving when suddenly a simple sentence was uttered that completely turned the situation around.

The day had been peaceful until they came, suggesting that Itachi had killed Shisui the night before and forged his suicide note. For some answers, he only said 'You shouldn't judge others by their appearances and your preconceptions'. Then, the three men began digging deep into the matter, setting up themselves for the unavoidable fall.

"For now, we'll leave that memorandum with you," the third member stated again, his arms crossed and eyes giving off dual vibes of what he meant. He was too sure of himself in a way that even angered me, yet I continued to watch on from the fake safety behind the main doorway of our home. Then, he began speaking again, barking out an order to my brother. "Take that to the ANBU and demand they investigate as well."

"Understood." My brother said no more, keeping his aggrieved vision directed on them.

My distant kinsmen turned and began exiting through the front doors of our home with reluctance, but when the eldest reached the threshold, he stopped and remarked something that began yet another inconvenience to them all, "I hope they'll be other clues." I was beginning to think it was unfair for them to be ganging up on Itachi.

The brown haired shinobi of our clan glanced towards my brother, a serious expression on his face, "We have many more ways then ANBU, as well." His words then became callous and slow as he carefully stated the last line; ending the silent true Itachi had been upholding from the beginning concerning his mysterious potency, "If you try to conceal anything…we'll know right away."

Though I did not have to see him, I could tell Itachi was beyond anger as he began speaking with bitterness in his tone, clenching his fist as a sudden rise of fury surfaced. The paper within his hand was damaged within his tightening grasp.

"How about being more direct?" There was nothing polite about him anymore.

Their gazes turned and fell upon him, murderous intent growing from the constant tension.

"You're doubtful of my clarification, right?" Itachi asked.

"Yeah. That's right." The brown haired man spoke up, seeming as if he wanted a battle. "Damned brat."

Knowing that the situation would lead to bloodshed if not stopped now, I sought to stall until Father returned home. Once he was here, everything would be fine.

I stepped forward from behind the wall, revealing myself entirely as I opened my mouth to say something. I paused, nervous more than ever. "Brother didn't do anything. Even if he wasn't at the meeting last night, whatever he was doing was probably important. He betters himself, so he can better the clan." That last line did not seem too coherent after I reflected on it, but it would have to due.

"That so?" The elder man stated, vision resting on me with a softened touch. Perhaps it was my young age that kept him from pushing his revulsion full force when speaking to me also. "Well maybe you'd like to join him in interrogation. We're not afraid to question two children."

"You won't find anything though. Brother has his reasons for leaving, but I'm sure it was not to kill Shisui-Kun. He would never do that. Shisui was our cousin…"

"And you think too highly of the boy, Sasuke." The elder smiled wickedly. I was surprised he knew my name considering that I had never truly met him before. "Don't be deceived by his façade. Itachi may be your brother, but you still can't say that you believe he is innocent. Tell me, what do you think he was doing last night?"

I thought for a few seconds, and then answered what came to mind. "Training. He's always training."

"Sasuke…" Itachi warned. I thought I was helping, but what was I supposed to do when they were trying to take my elder brother? Then I realized what he was warning me about.

"Really?" The brunette stated, seeing that there might be some sort of evidence in my confessions, but for once, I knew what was going on. "Training for what?"

Choosing my words wisely was everything.

"To help the clan," I stated plainly.

"Yes, yes. You said that. Anything else," the third asked, sounding annoyed with me.

Feeling a bit cocky, I replied with: "To assist the village and provide a safe future for our nation."

I could tell that they were no longer giving me the special treatment of a child, the full force of their disgust burning the tension, giving it life.

"Now isn't the time to put something like this before your clan, child. Speak on this honestly or interrogation will soon become torture for someone," the elder spoke calmly, keeping his collecting and pseudo-composed attitude when addressing children, though he stood attentively, almost like he was going to assault my brother and myself.

I knew it was a scare tactic, but I was too afraid to respond.

"I…" There was nothing I could say. His comment caught me off guard, no matter how soft he tried to make it.

Itachi saw that I was done with defending him and that now it was his turn.

"I won't have you threatening my little brother. Don't frighten him."

He was standing to defend me.

"Or what?" The brunette inquired. "I figure that we have to get information from anyone concerning this murder of our own blood, even if it was only one person who was killed. Whose to say it won't happen again?"

"I am aware that there is a possibility this may happen once more and endanger the lives of many people, but that does not justify your intimidating Sasuke." His voice was slowly returning normal and I began to see a little bit of his previous nature transforming into the brother I knew. "Cross-examine everyone in the region, but know that we are innocent. If you feel a need to request something of me to help, then be my guest. Although the one term you must mind is to leave my younger brother out of the investigation. That is all I ask."

"I see. That's how you feel? You'd insist that we leave the child alone."

"I won't say it a third time. I won't have you burdening him." Itachi's voice was menacing again.

"I don't think that's really your reason for protecting him," the elder alleged.

There was a moment of silence as they reflected on his words, from what I assumed. I was so flattered. Itachi had stood up for my sake, declaring that I not be questioned by the ANBU or the Konoha Police.

Though I too wondered why he would only say me.

Maybe I was missing a key clue that might bring about something terrible on his behalf.

"Listen up, Itachi!" demanded the leader, "If you try to deceive the clan you won't get off effortlessly!"

"Don't go beyond the threshold," my brother warned me silently without glancing in my direction, and then he vanished along with the three men, leaving only a light breeze. I rushed to the doors leading to the yard and stared at the damage he did in his wake, following his orders by not venturing beyond the set point.

The three trespassers had received their punishment.

With indignant strikes and unrivaled swiftness, Uchiha Itachi inflicted his personal judgment upon those who challenged his tolerance for their impertinence, demonstrating his definite supremacy.

They were beaten into the street, seeming unconscious while laying in the dirt.

When my eyes adjusted to the scene, I was relieved, yet a sensation of confusion ran through me.

Who was the one who was controlling my brother's body now? Was it the one I learned to call 'Big Brother' when younger, always tagging behind him in hopes of catching some of his superiority.

Of course not.

It was the heir to the Uchiha Clan who had resurfaced, revealing himself and all of his immoral brilliance.

His wicked magnificence.

The sinister radiance of my notorious elder brother was rare, so uncommon that I had never witnessed it before in its entirety.

"It's just as I said earlier," he began in a cocky yet serene tone, glancing over the three bodies on the ground. It was the victor who stood, towering over the defeated. "You shouldn't just others by their appearances and your preconceptions. You thought I would be patient." He turned to face the symbol that loomed feet from him, positioned directly across from the entrance of our home.

I could only see his back as he continued with malice in his voice. "The clan…The clan…All of you without measuring your own capacity had no idea of mine. And now, you lay here, defeated."

"Brother…" I was sure he was possessed.

The older man struggled but reached his feet first, determined to answer. "Shisui…had been watching over you lately. Just half a year after you joined ANBU, your gestures and words became eccentric." He winced, looking at my brother. I could not tell what expression he held on his face. They were too far away. "What the hell are you thinking?"

"You focus on your group, and focus on your clan, and focus on your name. Don't scrutinize me. These kinds of things should be done away with, as it restrains our capabilities." The older man turned his gaze to see the other two, who were now rising to their feet as well. I wondered what was going to happen. I did not want to put Itachi in another awkward position. "Also, things we have not seen yet and this we do not know yet…It is foolish to fear them."

He seemed to be getting to something, trying to tell us the hidden message within his actions. It was only deepening his already dug grave.

"Stop it, Itachi!" Father had arrived. My hero—well, my sincerely behind schedule hero. He was supposed to have arrived when I needed him minutes ago. "What in the world are you saying?" His angered gaze was focused on Itachi, but everyone else's on him. "You've been a bit bizarre lately."

Brother turned to face father, then his attention drifted to the sides of the walkway. "There's nothing strange. I'm carrying out my obligations. That's all."

"Then why didn't you go to the gathering last night?"

"To achieve the height…" He trailed; leaving me to question what tree he climbed. Or did it mean something else?

"What are you talking about?" Father's voice was cruel on the ears as he pondered my brother's words.

I did not see when it happened but Itachi had drawn a kunai from somewhere and thrown it at the wall with our family crest on it; on contact it lodged itself into the center point of our insignia and little by little things began to fall in place for me.

Father glanced at the kunai, then back to my brother. His expression did not change.

"My capacity," Itachi continued while facing them once more, "I've lost all hope for this pathetic clan."

A violent aura surrounded them all, giving off the impression that there would be a showdown between beliefs.

My brother was beginning to cross the limits of everyone. "You forgot what is most important to you because you're not letting go of a lesser thing: the clan. There is no room for change if rules and regulations…expectations and wishes, prevent it from happening."

The older man dropped to one knee and my father grabbed him by the arm, preventing him from collapsing entirely. "Such overconfidence," he condemned in two words. He steadied himself and regained his composure. "Enough! If you keep sprouting garbage, we'll have you detained. Well, what are you going to do?"

"We can't permit this any longer," the brunette commanded, "Captain! Please issue the order for to apprehend him!"

I panicked.

"No! Brother! Stop it!" I screamed and ordered, distress in my voice. I did not care if it was an observably desperate act.

Itachi was my brother. I did not want them to take him away and I was sure that my actions awakened his senses.

He turned to look at me with dulling fierceness, reverting to his original form. It was then I noticed the sharingan was activated in his eyes, fully mastered. His vision rested on me until it was tender and empty, like it used to be.

I could tell that in his own way he was thanking me.

He lowered until he was on his knees and bowing to the men not far from himself, giving a sincere apology in silence. "The one who killed Shisui wasn't me. For all I have said, I humbly ask for forgiveness. Please pardon my disrespect."

Father was hesitating to say something. His face was twisted with mixed emotions as he stared down at his son. "Recently, he's been worked to death by ANBU and is exhausted."

The eldest trespasser stared at our father in disbelief, most likely surprised that Father would even speak up for Itachi now. I was glad he did. "Captain!"

"ANBU is a unit under the direct order of the Hokage. Even we, the police force, can't arrest someone without a warrant." He hesitated. "About Itachi…I will take responsibility for surveillance over him. Please…"

Sighing, the older man uttered, "I understand," before he and his accomplices turned, defeated, retreating to another location and beginning to leave our home finally.

Father had finished the battle and changed course, heading towards me and about to come inside. The attention of everyone was upon him as he casually strolled away from the scene, seeming unruffled.

It was then that I saw something in my brother's eyes as he watched father withdraw to the house. The look of his sharingan had changed, revealing a strange pattern within our usual bloodline's appearance.

The ill-omened half of him had leaked out for that split second and I had witnessed it.

I could not find the time to sleep that night, awake in my bed wondering what had brought on such violent behavior from my brother. I knew it was not a normal sharingan and I wanted to know why Itachi had it.

When morning came and I was on my way to breakfast in the kitchen, I saw brother coming towards me and I assumed he was on his way to his room. I smiled sheepishly as he neared, thinking that he might react to seeing me.

But he did nothing. He just walked past without a word.

I was beginning to think that maybe I had done something wrong too.

I turned to watch him go before I heard rustling behind me as if someone was approaching. Turning, I saw father heading towards me as well. I thought I might have overslept because everyone was leaving the kitchen as if breakfast was over. I hoped mother had saved me something.

Father looked up from his daze to look at Itachi who was walking further ahead. He had not noticed me as I glanced away in awkwardness and stopped. "G-Good morning, Father…" Maybe he could stop to talk to me if he had time. He was always watching Itachi.

Let me have my way—just this once.

His eyes wandered down to me upon hearing my greeting. "Oh, good morning." He stopped and looked down at me. "How's school going lately?"

I was thoroughly surprised. I had not expected him to answer me.

I smiled and answered him. "I'm bored with classes at school—'cause I'm always the best."

We talked for a while longer and he generally seemed interested in listening to my stories and recollections of the past week. Then without warning, he asked me to join him on the pier around noon and for me not to be late.

Father would teach me a new jutsu.

Ranting Author (Hoocha-Loocha-Bebe Version): I don't know why I didn't release this sooner. I've had it done for some time now. Silly me.

Anyways, here you go.

Part III shall be out someday.
Yeah. I know. This chapter wasn't that great, but I think this is about five chapters or so in the making. The next one I plan to lean away from the series story a little to get a little more bonding time between Sasuke and Itachi in it.

-Lazy Vincentre