Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

AN: This is the last chapter; don't expect any more. And sorry if it's really bad. Again, I wrote it to complete the series.





James Potter's Bloody Awesome Notebook- Entry 3

I honestly think that we should be awarded a prize.

I so agree.

Who wouldn't? We just made a match in an all time record of two days.

And we didn't even mean too.

Wait, what?

We meant to get together Teddy and Victoire.

Although, if Teddy hurts Victoire, then-

Teddy hurt Victoire?



Wow. I didn't know he could run so fast.

Neither did I.

Second years. They're idiots.

Hey! I'm a second year too, you know!

Oh. Sorry.

I think what he meant to say was that boys are idiots.

I'll drink to that.

You drink?

You just proved my point, Jimmy-boy.

What I meant was, I agree.

What are we agreeing on? Whatever. I'll agree.


Cough cough.

What's going on?

Um… We're sick?


What's up?

You called me Jimmy-boy!



Every thing he does proves my point, Piper.

You're one smart chick.

Why I thank you. You're pretty smart yourself.

Let's just say that Aunt Hermione took a liking to me.

Meaning intelligent conversations?

Yep. Plus lots of learning.

Stupid-Jimmy-boy. I. Hate. That. Flipping. NAME!


I just realized!

What, pretty boy?

Ooh, you like my looks? I can arrange for you to get an up-close and personal meeting with them.

As grandmum says, this one's got a lot of his granddad in him.

Pervert. What did you realize?


Oh, yeah, that. What's it to you?

Is this like mock James day?

Oh no.

Phew. That was a close one.

You see, every day is mock James day.

I hate you all.

Except for me. You know you love me.

I know…

Okay, you can stop staring at her dreamily.


Again. He's got a lot of his granddad in him.

Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you!

Forgot to tell me what?

I talked to my granddad today.

What the hell?!

Oh, hi guys.



I'm back from chasing Teddy.

You do know that he never hurt Victoire, right?

Kinda found that out.

That's how you got the black eye? Teddy punched you?

No. He wouldn't punch a family member of Victoire's.

Then what happened to you?


You can stop hugging me now.


How did you get it anyway?

Let's just say that Victoire can throw a good punch.

Whoa. I did not know that.

Neither did I, cous, neither did I.

Serves you right.

No girl likes her man dissed.

But, Teddy didn't punch Fabian, 'cause he was Victoire's cousin.

That was sooo sweet!

I thought you were never going to be girly, Becky.

There are times when you must be girly.

Like when discussing Rupert Grint.


I just want to take him, and cover him in-

This is not really something that Fabian and I really want to talk about.

Got that right.

I thought you loved me!

Stop sobbing, Jimmy.

Well, anyway, you said that you talked to your granddad in the room of requirement, James. ARE YOU FLIPPING INSANE?!


Yeah, sure.

This time, I have to agree with the girls.


Just tell us what happened.

So we can assess how sane you are.

Right, well, I thinking, that if the room of requirement gives you anything you want, tha tit might give me a way to talk to my granddad.

You want to talk to some old, wrinkly, relative of yours?

Shut up! He never met his granddad, cause he's, uh… DEAD!

Right, sorry, James.

So, I decided to go there. When I was there, I wished for a way to talk to my granddad. A small hand mirror appeared in my hand.

Wow. The room of requirement must be getting clumsy in it's old age.

I didn't know what it was for, so I looked it over. On the back, there was a small note. It said 'Say my name to the mirror.'

Whose name?

I turned it back over, and decided to say my granddad's name, 'cause he's the one I wanted to talk to.

I said 'James Potter'

That's you, numbskull.

You are an IDIOT. Everyone knows that James was named after his grandfather.

I bet that not everyone knows that.

Oh yeah? Prove it.

Hey! Piper! Did you know that James was named after his granddad?

Yeah, who doesn't?


She was obviously lying, because she doesn't want to look like she doesn't know something.

You are a horrible loser. You know that?


Just shut up and listen.

A face, exactly like mine, and my dad's showed up in the mirror. The face also had hazel eyes.

I thought it was just my reflection, but it started to talk.

Wha- But that's like magic!

Real nice. We are magical.

The face said, 'Hullo? Who called me?'

Naturally, I said, 'Me.'

The face said, 'Yeah, I know that, but who are you?'

'James Potter.'

'Ha-ha, very funny. I'm James Potter.'

'No, I'm serious.'

'No, Sirius is Sirius.'

This dude cracks me up!

Shut up!

Ten I explained to him that I was Harry Potter's son. He looked at me with a weird expression, and said, 'I thought that Harry was one.'

I then had to go through the details that it had been 34 years since that had happened. He went into a state of shock, and as soon as he recovered, I had to recount to him every detail of Dad's life. Very hard to do. After that, I got to describe my own life.

'And now I have this notebook, that has Plan S.I.R.I.U.S. written all over it.'

Here my granddad started cracking up, and when I asked him why, he said, 'My best friend, Sirius Black, wrote that Notebook, along with me and two other friends. He did it to get me together with your grandmum.'

'What does Plan S.I.R.I.U.S. stand for?'

He started cracking up even more, before saying, 'Seriously, Irksome Red Iguanas, Unattended, Sleep.'

Apparently I had made a weird face, so he said, 'That's what it stands for.' I made another confused face. 'Let's just say that Sirius was on a sugar high.'

So we just went on talking for a while, before I left to come here.


I know!

That mirror must have been a portal, to talk to the afterworld!

Sweet! I talked to the afterworld!

Right, anyway, Becky.


Jeez, you don't have to be so hostile.

What's it to you?

It's just that-

What's wrong with him?

Are you blind? He's crying!

Yeah, fake crying.

Why do you always have to be so hurtful?


I'm disappointed in you!


Jeez, Becky-

You are all idiots. Piper, James, you should really start taking a leaf from Becky's book.

Fine. But, what were you going to ask Becky?

Oh. Yeah. Who were you talking about getting together, Becky?


When we came in, we said that we got together someone, and you said we didn't mean too.

And we definitely meant to get Teddy and Victoire together.

Oh, right. But would you tell me who you got together, first?

Easy, Teddy and Victoire, numbskull (I've always wanted to be the one to call you that, Becky).

Thanks, really.

I know!

How did it happen?

Well, they were admitting their love for each other, but, after that, they both got really embarrassed.


So, Piper here had the idea to play truth or dare.

Fabian could only come up with the idea to put Veritaserum into their pumpkin juice.

Hey! It's a good idea.

Except, it's no use to us now.

Well, they both agreed to play.

We all picked dare, that's the fun one, you know!

Not to mention the wuss one.

So, Piper ended up singing 'I Love You' at the top of her lungs in the common room.

Ten people sang along!

Fabian had to run around in the oyster suits.

Best. Dare. EVER!!


Well, James had to kiss you.

He hasn't done that.

Oh right!

Are they going to stop anytime soon?

I don't know. This could be quite a show.

POTTER! You are such a pervert!


You were trying to get your tongue into my mouth!

I wish I could.

Me too.

What was that?


Me either!

Whatever. Anyways, then James dared Victoire to give Teddy a full kiss, tongues and everything.

They did it.

And it took them a full ten minutes until they realized we were still there!


And then Teddy was dared to ask out Victoire.

And Victoire said yes!

Not surprised. I heard Teddy's a good kisser.

He is!

May I go kill Teddy now?

Idiot. Victoire told me.

Well, she wouldn't exactly be kissing him for ten minutes if he wasn't a good kiss, would she?

well, who else did we get together?

Fred and Professor Johnson!

Oh yeah.


Well, I snuck after Professor McGonagall, and was there when she was explaining to Professor Johnson.

Afterwards, I followed Professor Johnson.


Shut up!

Well, she snuck up on Fred, and jumped on him, hugging him.

He looked positively happy, and reproposed.

For a second, Professor Johnson looked at him like he was an idiot, then she shouted out, 'Yes!'

Then they started kissing, and I won't get into the gory details.

Why? What happened?

Let's just say the gory details should be rated R.


C'mon! Let's go celebrate Professor Johnson's engagement! Or should I say, Professor Weasley?

C'mon, you buffoon.

So, who do we get together next?

James and Becky.


What should we do first?



It's simple. A little Veritaserum in their tea, and they'll be admitting their love for each other left and right. James Potter and Becky Wood are meant to be.

You really do have a one-track mind.



I know, I have that affect on people.


Well, I'm going to go get pudding! YAY! PUDDING!


Now let's talk about how hot Rupert Grint is!

AN: The end! Now, about Rupert Grint! He is sooooooo adorable! I love him! He will one day marry me! MUA-HA-HA-HA-AH-AH-HA!! YAAAYYY!! I LOVE YOU RUPERT!!