A Gift

Yami no Matsuei


Author: Irish Kaoru

Disclaimer: I do not own Yami no Matsuei, the characters, or it's story line.

A/N: So yeah I am not all that successful in this category but I thought that I would take another stab at it, after all I am one of those people who get so many ideas that will not let go in my head until it's written that I will not be able to finish my work if it doesn't get out to paper. Yoroshiku!

Fragile and calm, strong and chaotic, complete opposites and yet so much alike that dare they deny that they were meant happiness within one another? Their past trauma is what makes them who they are, binding them together like the red string of fate. Though they know that peace and total happiness will not last forever, and though they are made aware of the fact that the happiness that they bring to one another may vanish in an instant, they continue to draw closer to one another. They bring hope, comfort, and a sense of stability that nothing else in their uncertain life after life can.

After the incident in Kyoto their bond only grew by leaps and bounds. Where there was one there was the other. Continually supporting the each other through whatever trials and tribulations they faced be it Muraki or the inner demons that plagued their dreams at night. They stood strong, hand in hand, heart to heart, and soul wrapped within soul. They together formed the ultimate bond by making the ultimate sacrifices.

Both have suffered, both have toiled, both have hurt; and slowly yet surely both have begun to heal the wounds of one another.

Late nights were like this one. Pale skin on stark white sheets sweat's strong sent filling the air as they showed one another the love and depth of ultimate trust that they had. Sigh, moan, sigh, the music of pleasure rose.

Tsuzuki's fingers lightly brush up Hisoka's chest, his lips caress the youth's neck and Hisoka releases another pleasurable sigh into the heated air. Tsuzuki moans deep at the purr adding to the melody as he nips lightly the sensitive skin.

Hisoka's hands twine with the sheets making them as one. Chestnut hair matted to his forehead, drenched in the sweet sweat that was physical proof of their actions. His body arches into Tsuzuki's touch and the dance begins.

The sounds rise, the movements heated. Tsuzuki's hand caresses Hisoka's thighs as his tongue now grazes Hisoka's navel drawing light intangible patterns on the bare canvas provided. One of Hisoka's hands beds down into Tsuzuki's hair pulling gently in a silent plea to continue. Tsuzuki's fingertips rake lightly the inside of the thigh and finds it's goal.

Hisoka's voice hitches, his body once again arching skyward at the sudden touch. He lets a sudden cry of passion as a fervent yet manageable pace is set. Arch, sag, squirm, sigh, moan purr, music and dance fall into place hand in hand.

The hand is taken away and a sigh of dissonance is added to the composition which is soon followed by a chorus of harmonious 'ahs' as Tsuzuki's mouth replaces it. The tempo is recovered and quickening.

A shudder, a cry, a plea for god to help him and Hisoka is silent once more. Breathe ragged and harsh, heart keeping beat to it's own rhythm. Another sigh another moan as Tsuzuki's lips once again find their home at Hisoka's neck, jaw line, and mouth. Their tongues dancing as the music fades into the after glow. Dominance is not what is important here, it is the mutual understanding of warmth and welcome that is.

A/N Ok so not so pleased with this one but eh oh well… Tell me what you think and give me some help at making my writing better. I know it's short and not a full lemon but I am really bad at writing sex in general so I am lucky that this didn't turn out like complete crap. I hope you enjoyed!