This it it! The end!

No copyright infringement intended

Another month passed and it was time for the marriage between Aragorn, King of Gondor, and Arwen, fairest of all the elves. However, something was not right. Aragorn began to found his wife-to-be increasingly annoying. All she would talk about was the wedding, the guest lists, the music, the food. On and on it went. Aragorn started to go out in the early mornings on his beautiful white mare, before Arwen awoke, just to get away. It was in these solitary times that he suddenly realised what he would have to do… but was it too late?

The next day was the wedding. Aragorn got dressed in his new elven clothes and stepped outside. Admittedly Arwen had done an amazing job. The main gardens where the wedding was going to be held looked like a paradise on earth. Every tree shimmered with silver and gold. The day was a beautiful blue and made everything look fresh and new. But Aragorn didn't notice any of this. His mind was turning over what he was going to do later on.

The wedding started and Arwen appeared in a cloud of white. Every male sighed in the vicinity… except one. Aragorn was standing before the alter, scanning the crowds for that one face, the one person who would change his fate. Arwen stepped out and the music started. She walked down and took Aragorn's hand. The formal ceremony, directed by the MC. On and on it went, just like Arwen's endless prattle. Eventually it was time for the two to make their vows. Arwen looked at Aragorn expectantly. He sent one last look around the crowd…

And saw him, his blond hair flowing, his eyes full of sadness. Aragorn looked down at Arwen and heard the words, "Do you, Aragorn, son of Arathorn, take Arwen of the Elves to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Aragorn looked deep into Arwen's eyes. "No. I don't."


"What?" That was Arwen.

Aragorn looked up and saw a flicker of joy in another pair of eyes.

"I said no. I can't. Arwen, I don't love you any more. I love someone else."

"What?!" Arwen screamed, slapping him across the face. Aragorn reeled, then backed away before the next blow could land. "I don't love you."

Then he ran over and swept the blond elf up in his arms. "You were right," he murmured, "I have learnt to love you."

As Legolas' eyes filled with joy, he bent down and kissed the one true love of his life. He heard Arwen scream "NO!" but it didn't matter. She would get over it. There was uproar. Elrond was screaming but it didn't matter. All that mattered was this moment. The moment where all the jigsaw pieces fell into place.

What did you think??? Please review and tell me if you liked (or not) You Will Learn To Love Me. Thanks for reading anyway!!

Limea Delta