I do not own any of the Hellboy characters but the little girl Neko is my own.


It all started on a usual Friday night for the lone star wonder demon. He was up in his room, listening to oldies music and watching bugs bunny reruns. Hellboy sighed as he sat back further back on his bed and grabbed another handful of popcorn. It just wasn't the same with Bugs running around tricking Elmer fudd with out some one else watching it with him.

"Hey Clay. Get in here."

A tall man in a black suite came in and Hellboy lit up a cigar. He pointed to the chair that was two feet away from him and the man came over and sat down.

"Another boring Friday night eh Red?"

"You said it Clay."

The red demon said through drags. As both men sat back to watch cartoons the alarm sounded. Hellboy looked at Clay with the look of "its Friday. What's going on here", and got up.

"Well let's see what the professor's got for us tonight."

Clay nodded and walked out with Hellboy. They walked down to the library to see Abe and Pro. Broom having concerned faces. Abe looked over to Hellboy and then looked away.

"Ok what do I have to kill today?"

"It's not what you have to kill Red, it's what you have to save. Now no one is knowing about this so…"

The professor started to say. Red just smiled and crossed his arms.

"So what your saying is…that I get to go out. By myself, and save some one?"

"Not just any one…a little girl. About the age of 6. Her name is Neko. Here's a picture of her."

Abe gave a little photo of a girl. She looked cute and sweet what she also had the features of a cat. Little cat ears, claws, eyes and a tail. She was smiling and was wearing a black hoody. Also carrying a little doll. It looked very worn out. Red looked back up and sighed.

"What kinda trouble is she in?"

Clay asked. Abe looked over to the pro. And he nodded.

"Well she has no family, she is on her own, and well…I have decided that she is going to stay here. Hellboy. She is just like you, and I do believe that just you go alone and talk to her will be the best thing for her. Be back before dawn."

After that Broom left the room and Red turned to his friend Abe.

"Here is the location of where she is. Good luck."

Clay and Abe left the room and Red was alone. He sat down and read the location.

"Great. If this is where she lives, then I got to get her out of their now."

He looked at the picture again and smiled. She looked like a sweet little kid. But she did have a lot of cuts, and scares on her. He looked up and smiled.

"Kid…I'm coming to save you."

Ohhh… exciting stuff eh? You want more? I can give you more…