I do not own anything from Star Wars universe besides my own characters and storyline that is not from the Star Wars Episode III script. Now Please enjoy my first Star Wars fan fic.

Star Wars



The Clone Wars are coming to an end as the Republic begins to finish the remaining CIS reinforcements. The Jedi have been struggling to locate the exact location of the Count Dooku, General Grievous, and their unknown master. Then a surprise attack on Courscant to kidnap the Chancellor was in effect which succeeded on land; however the Republic won the battle in space. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi retrieved the Chancellor and eliminated Count Dooku while also made General Grievous flee in fear. The Chancellor slowly began to have constant conversations with Anakin Skywalker. However when the Chancellor made him his personal eyes and ears on the council the Jedi expected the Jedi Master rank. The council did not however give this to him. Anakin's rage was sparking and began to show his angry side.

Then Anakin was asked to spy on the Chancellor which made him feel uneasy. He told him of the Council's assignment. Finally it was time for war once more, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi left his friend to hunt down General Grievous on Utapau and Master Yoda went to Kashyyyk. General Grievous however was too much for the Jedi Master to handle as he perished. Meanwhile Anakin found a great discovery…the Chancellor is actually the Sith Lord that the Jedi have been searching for. Anakin rushed to Master Windu and told him of the horrific news. Now as Anakin is told to wait for Mace Windu to return from confronting the Sith Lord he is faced with a huge decision…

----Chapter I: A New Life----

The Jedi Knight known as Anakin Skywalker sits in the Jedi Council Chamber.

Disturbed at the truth and the discovery of the one he was most comfortable around. Many voices going through his head and the nightmare of his wife's death haunt him. He closes his eyes to try and clear his head just long enough to make a decision. Earn the trust of the one who has always had an unsecured feeling just being around him. Or have the powers to save his wife from death. Anakin opens his eyes as the voice of Chancellor Palpatine goes through his head. "If the Jedi destroy me, any chance of saving her will be lost…" He ponders for a moment and closes them once more.

He opens them as he stands from the seat and walks over to a large glass window that has a very beautiful view of Courscant. As sunset approaches the ships fly through the city just as they would have yesterday…however he still felt as if this was different. At the same moment he felt like Padmé was in his mind. Through that he asked her what he should do. "Padmé…please help me decide what I must do…" he said in his head. His answer was just like what she probably would have said. "Your heart will tell you the right decision. Just remember you are a good person…" her voice trailed off and he shook his head in agreement. A tear appeared on his pupil and ran down his face. He was still torn between what he should do.

Suddenly he rushes to the Jedi Temple's hanger. Anakin opens the hanger and jumps into a civilian transport which he flies to the Chancellor's office. His entire ride to the Chancellor's office he continued to think about what he was going to do when he arrived. Deep down he wanted to just him alive overpass the fact that he was a sith. Still though it killed him to think he might help the man he has wanted to kill and at the same time wanted to keep alive to know how to save Padmé. He arrived and landed the transport just out side. The sky was now turned to night. As soon as the cockpit opened he jumped out and raced to the office. As he was walking he heard the shatter of glass which indicated he was still putting up a fit. As Anakin turned the corner he slowed down and began to walk fast and saw Master Windu pointing his lightsaver to the Chancellor's face.

"You are under arrest, my lord." Were the words that came from Mace Windu's mouth. As Anakin finally stopped just a few feet away Palpatine began to speak in a scared voice. "An-Anakin, I told you it would come to this…the Jedi are taking over!" "The oppresion of the Sith will never return. You have lost." Finished Mace Windu in a strong voice.

"Nooo, Noo, NO!! YOU WILL DIE!! The chancellor raised his hands as he made that statement. Then a bright purple light transpired from his fingers that made a lighting shape. It struck Mace's lightsaber and caused Anakin to look away from the bright purple. "Hes..a Traitor…" spoke a struggling voice. "HE IS THE TRAITOR!!" shouted Mace in the same kind of struggling voice. Anakin finally turned back to the battle between the force and the lightsaber. As Mace lowered his lightsaber closer it started to affect the Chancellor. "I have the power to save the one you love…" Anakin's facial expression showed he was still confused on who to help. "you must choose." Spoke the same voice of the Chancellor. "DON"T LISTEN TO HIM ANAKIN!!" shouted Mace Windu as he moved his lightsaber closer to Palpatine.

"Don't let him kill me…" said a man in pain. Anakin's eyes began to hurt and he had to block the bright light still emitting from Palpatine's hands. "I can't hold it any longer…I..I..I..I..Can..I..I'm weak..I..I'm too weak…ANAKIN! Help me, HELP ME! Please…" Finally Mace Windu used a lot of his strength to cause the lighting to stop and thursted his lightsaber forward a little. Chancellor Palpatine cleared his throat and began to speak again. "I..I..I..Can't hold any longer…"

"I am going to end this once and for all" said Mace Windu in a strong voice. "Your death will bring victory to the Republic and the Sith will no longer be a threat." The chancellor looked up at Anakin and managed to say one last thing. "If…If you don't save me…your hope…of saving your wife…is at…an end…" Finally Mace Windu struck the Chancellor down ending the threat of Sith. Anakin still stunned at his decision stared at the motionless man that he once considered as a mentor of life. "Anakin you have done a great thing not only to the Republic, but to the Jedi Council. For that you have earned my trust." Mace Windu gave a small smile however Anakin did not show any sign of emotion. The thought of maybe losing his wife was still at hand. Until the day of his child's birth she would be safe.

The two Jedi walked from the office of the dead Sith Lord who once seemed to be no threat. As they left the office Anakin decided to ask a question. "Master Windu if the Chancellor is dead does that mean the war is over?" Mace Windu stopped. "You haven't heard the information we received about the Battle of Utapau?" Anakin shook his head still stuck up on his wife's life and the events that suddenly seem to make him uncertain. "The CIS have won the battle. It was a victory we needed…" "What about Obi-Wan?" Mace Windu shook his head. "A battalion of troopers led by Commander Cody reported that he was thrown from a platform. They also reported that General Grievous fled from Utapau…I'm sorry Anakin."

Anakin stood there as if time just froze. Now this was going through his head. His best friend, his mentor, his…brother, dead? No he knew it couldn't be true. Obi-Wan has taught him everything he knew. He wanted to think he was alive somehow. However no theories came to mind. "Master Windu, excuse me…" Anakin walked fast and then began to run to the transport he used to get there. "ANAKIN!"