Arbeit Zusaman: It's not just the power of three by Bandgeek252

AN: This is super short, but I only have an hour before I have to leave and I wanted to get this updated. This story has been hanging in the rafters for too long. I tried to maintain characters voice and their normal speak, but I am only one person and I am not the creator. So enough with my babbling please enjoy and review!

Disclaimer: I am not making any money off of this… don't sue!

Chapter 4: Bad meets the One eyed Chicklet

After Mittwoch witnessed the Charmed sisters joining forces with the Slayer, he figured it would be safer to halt his attack for the moment and strategize a better plan. He didn't fear the Slayer, but he smelled power surrounding them. He silently cursed his misfortune of the now double teamed White Hats. He would have to split them up somehow. Mittwoch inhaled deeply trying to sense the biggest bad around. He knew they would be most interested in his assistance at taking the Slayer down. The air was crisp and dripping with evil, he loved visiting the hellmouth, but one scent was coming in older and badder than anything else. He turned north and crept quietly out of the cemetery as not to alert the Slayer en company of his presence. "I wonder how the all powerful Glorificus found herself to be stuck here." He said quietly to himself.

He had reached Glorificus' humble abode in no time. The giant condo was pretty ostentatious for the area even if it was still Southern California. Mittwoch knew he shouldn't go in empty handed, not to a God like Glorificus. He sniffed the air for the perfect offering to announce his presence. He smiled when he sensed a young girl with pink hair and baggy black clothes. Her innocence was so inviting. He turned to his left and smiled so politely the goth teenager could do nothing but smile back.


The mole looking minions paced the foyer with worry nipping at their heels hastening their pace.

"Your pacing is getting on my nerves. Where is my key? And why haven't you ugly rats found it yet?" The stunning blond in a knock 'em dead red dress and tussled curls snapped. She remained lounging on her very red chaise waiting to be served.

"We have looked and looked. We have searched high and low for your beloved key oh great and mighty Glorificus," one of the humbling mole minions answered groveling. The blond fumed with anger.

"How many times do I have to remind you peons its Glory now?" The group of minions bowed uttering reverence to her name Glory.

"Well now Glory, I am surprised to see you in a human state. It doesn't suit you," Mittwoch said with the pink haired girl under his right arm.

Glory chuckled, "Who are you and why am I not squishing your head in?" She stood and approached him. Mittwoch showed little fear only respect.

"I am no one of consequence, but I may be of some assistance. I have brought you a treat, an offering." He threw the young girl to the floor. She let out a whimper as she tried to get up. Glory laughed lightly.

She picked up the girl, "I love a snack," she then noticed something unusual, "What happened to her eyes?"

Mittwoch smiled, "Ah you see that is how I feed. I take the sight from the innocent. It was the perfect way to trap her."

"I guess I can hear what you to say after I drain her," Glory replied and quickly sucked out the girl's brains, "Yeah that hit the spot. Explain." Glory commanded.

"You want the key," Mittwoch started.

"How do you know that?" Glory interrupted.

"I am Mittwoch, a dimension traveler, if you will, with my Port du Mach I can enter any dimension and I have heard of you Glorificus now glory. The only way for you to get back home is by this mystical key. I am offering to assist in your search if you would help distract a few mice for me."

"Why don't I just take your Mach thing and kill you and then I can go back without the key?" Mittwoch shook his head.

"Glory, you are powerful. Too powerful to fit through a tiny portal. Gods don't travel light," he reminded her. She nodded in agreement.

"You got that right. Who are the mice?"

"The Slayer and her little friends. I need them out of my way so I can take care of these Charmed sisters."

"The Charmed ones are here? With the Slayer?" Glory asked. Mittwoch nodded. "Could this place get any more sugary with all these little do gooders? What will you do to help me?"

"I can smell out the forces of good and evil. It's how I feed."

"But the key is neutral."

"Yes, but nothing else is. No person or demon is neutral. A simple process of elimination," Mittwoch concluded.

"Where do we begin?" Glory asked tousling her curls out of her face to reveal her evil intent.


AN: I told you… short, but updated. I really like this story. It won't be that long. I have another story, "A Curse for Two" which is going to be my longer story. Well I am seriously tired and with the day ending soon it's finally time to go home.