A/N: Title might change, depending. First chapter was really rushed to get in before the end of this month; it might seem a bit choppy so I might edit it later. Takes place sometime before the ducklings all left.


It was a slow day for the diagnostics department at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. The staff hadn't had a real case in a few days and the ducklings were sitting around doing crosswords and checking their boss's email.

"Hey did you guys see the latest memo?" Cameron asked, from in front of the computer monitor.

"Nope," Chase replied. "What's a four letter word for 'Kangaroo kid'?"

"It's Joey," Cameron answered and for a second Chase contemplated it. "I thought you were Australian, Chase. Aren't you supposed to know that?" Cameron teased. "Or are you British?"

Chase rolled his eyes. "Very funny," he mumbled.

Foreman cleared his throat, "The memo?"

"Right, the memo says that there's going to be an oncology benefit on Halloween. Wear a costume."

Foreman frowned, "We have to dress up? What are we ten?"

"You never know. It could be fun," Cameron argued. "I'm going to go. What about you Chase?"

Glancing up from his crossword, Chase faltered, "I uh. I-- don't have a costume." Foreman buried his head deeper into his newspaper to keep from exposing the smirk he had on his face.

"Neither do I, yet anyway, but there's still time to get one," she pointed out simply.

"Yeah, I guess there is," he admitted. "I'll find a costume then." He then returned to his crossword and Cameron returned to checking and replying to House's emails.

Foreman bent forward in and spoke quietly, "That sex must be great because she has got you whipped."

Chase scoffed loudly but quickly lowered his voice, "I am not."

- - -

House limped into the hospital, late as usual. As he was walking by the clinic he saw Cuddy, in a fitting skirt, leaning over the counter, trying to find some folders. Quickly, he made his way into the clinic and 'accidentally' brushed up against Cuddy, which made her gasp in surprise. This wasn't unusual behavior for House. He would constantly 'brush up' against her, make cracks and remarks about her chest and ass. Honestly Cuddy was used to it, and she would have found it unusual if House didn't do those things once in a while; it didn't even really bother her that much anymore. "Here, let me help you with that." His arm snaked around her and grabbed the items Cuddy was reaching for.

"Gee. Thanks you're a real help," she snatched the folders out of House's hands. "You are such an ass."

"Fine that's the last time I do you any favors," he replied crossing his arms and holding his head up high.

Rolling her eyes Cuddy started walking to her office, following her was House. Without acknowledging House, she sat down at her desk and started to go through some papers, she figured House would get bored in a few minutes and leave on his own. Instead he sat down across from her, making himself comfortable by propping his feet up on her desk and popping a vicodin pill in his mouth. He then started to spin his cane and whistle.

Cuddy sighed, "Don't you have work to do?"

House put his index finger on his chin, wrinkled his brow. "Nope."

"Porn to download? Wilson to bother? Clinic hours to do?"

"Yes, yes, and no. But Wilson and porn can wait. Wait. That didn't sound right," he stated, still spinning his cane.

Cuddy was almost afraid to ask but she humored him. "What could be so important that you'd hold off on porn?"

"You," House emphasized by pointed his cane at her. "Had a date."

"House! Get out of here," Cuddy stood up and slapped the bottom of House's shoes with some folders.

House ignored Cuddy's bad attempt to shoo him away. "So, you did have a date," He said in an accusatory tone.

Now towering above him Cuddy replied "Not that it's any of your business, yes I did, now go away."

House yet again ignored Cuddy and continued his questioning, "What's he like?" Glaring eyes were laid upon House as he took his feet off the desk and stood up to his full stature so that he was now looking down upon Cuddy.

"He's big."

House sneered. "Oh you mean like…" he said while puffing out his cheeks.

"And he's tall and muscular," Cuddy replied with a smug look on her face, and walked out of her office into the clinic. The only thing House could do was stare after her. He couldn't tell if what Cuddy said was meant to get him off her back or if she was really serious. There was only one way to find out.

- - -

Feeling a slight breeze, Wilson looked up and saw that House came into his office. "Did you know Cuddy had a date?"

Wilson nodded, "Yeah she's going out with this guy she met at lunch today."

His head jerked to face Wilson, "What?"

Wilson made a mistake; he had wrongly assumed that House, being… well House, already knew that information. This was not good, Cuddy will not be happy with him. "Nothing. I forgot her date was yesterday."

A devious smile spread across the older doctor's face. A plan formulated in his head, he would put it into motion later. "Cuddy tells you about her dates?"

"Yes she does."

"And why doesn't this information get to me?"

Wilson sighed, "Because Cuddy trusts me and I don't betray friends."

"I thought we were best friends, aren't we supposed to share everything with each other?"

"Boss trumps best friend."

"Fine, see if I ever buy you lunch again," House replied with mock hurt as he left Wilson's office. As a response, Wilson could only roll his eyes.

- - -

The ducklings were still lounging around when House came bursting in the room, making them all jump, "Cameron! Wanna go have lunch?" House bellowed.

Still recovering from House's unexpected arrival, his question caught her by surprise, "Sure. No, wait why?"

"There's this little café near here and I wanted to go check it out. See if the foods good."

"Um. Okay then."

House motioned impatiently for her to get going, "Well come on. Let's go. I don't have all day."

"Yes you do," Cameron replied as she got her coat.

House and Cameron walked silently side by side as the fallen leaves crinkled beneath their feet. "Is this a date?" Cameron asked suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence.

"You think this is a date?" House asked, clearly amused.

"No. I was just asking if you thought it was," she replied defensively.

"No. It's a casual lunch, between two doctors."

"Then why didn't you invite Foreman or Chase, they're doctors too."

"They didn't ask."

"Neither did I," Cameron realized that this argument was going nowhere. "Forget it."

"I know how much you want it to be but it's not a date."

They entered the café and they took the table in the corner.

- - -

Wilson, at his desk felt another breeze as the door to his office opened. "House, I am not telling you where Cuddy's having her date."

"Too late, he figured it out. How did he find out about my date anyway?" Cuddy asked, however she already knew the answer.

"I may have accidentally let it slip." Cuddy raised a brow. "Wait, what did he do?"

Cuddy sighed, "Well he was at the café I was at with my date at exactly the same time. He sat in the corner where I didn't see him and then embarrassed me in front of my date."

"I am so sorry. I thought he already knew. It's hard to tell what House knows or pretends to know."

Their attention was turned to the banging noise behind them. "Speak of the Devil." It was House; he had climbed over the wall of the outside deck connecting his office with Wilson's and was stuck because of the locked door.

The two doctors inside did nothing, but simply continued on with their conversation. "He does those things because he likes you." Wilson said.

Cuddy scoffed, "That's ridiculous."

"Think about it. House is like a child. Children don't express their feelings like normal people do. They pull your hair, push you around, and throw paper airplanes at you."

"Or he's just a…" Cuddy started.

House shrugged and merely pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the door. The conversation ceased. "Talking about me?" House asked while settling down on Wilson's couch. "Don't mind me, I'm not even here."

"You two probably have a lot to talk about," Cuddy got up and moved to Wilson's side of the table. She leaned in and whispered. "Oh and try and get House to come to benefit." Wilson nodded and Cuddy left the room.

"What did she say?" House asked eagerly.

"Nothing. Are you going to the oncology benefi…"

Before Wilson could finish his sentence House replied, "And miss out on handing little children candy and bringing them joy?"

"Would a simple yes or no from you be so hard?"


"Well you're going to miss out," Wilson claimed. "All the doctors are wearing costumes. You would really enjoy what Cuddy is going to wear."

This got House's attention. "And what will she be wearing? Not that I haven't seen it all already."

"You'll have to find out for yourself."


- - -

A/N: Next chapter soon.