SUMMARY: an ugly man is wooing Cuddy and she doesn't know how to get him out of her sight. Her only hope is House…Huddy!!


A/N : this is my first fic ever! I'm not english so I'm sure I've made ( and I'll make) lots of mistakes. So please be good to me! Thanks & Review! ;)

House M.D. belongs to David Shore and Fox. Unfortunaly I don't own the show!


Her phone was ringing…again..

This was one of the most stressful week of the year. Lisa Cuddy had been working very hard, too much, without a break and her phone just wouldn't stop ringing!

"Hello?"- she answered very harshly.

"Lisa Cuddy?" a male voice asked .

"It's me. Who's talking?"

" Hi! It's Jeffrey Pitt. Do you remember me? We met last month at the medical convention in New York."

" Jeffrey Pitt! Sure! How can I help you?" Of course Cuddy couldn't remember this man. That convention had been so boring and men seemed to be so busy looking down at her clevelage. Even House was getting annoyed by this kind of behavior. Well, actually he seemed to be almost jealous. Oh no, Lisa! You're starting this again! He's not interested in you! Just as you are not interested in him!...because you are not interested in him…right?

And then, why does House always have to be in my mind? She thought.

"I was thinking…"

Oh no! Dangerous waters! "yes?"

"I have this reunion this Tuesday in Princeton and I thought we could meet again and discuss about your hospital...I don't know…maybe, at dinner..." he suggested.

The way he was speaking was …curious. For a moment his voice sounded higher than the normal...almost feminine. He reminded her of a thirteen- year-old whose voice is in a permanent transformation.


She suppressed laughter with a cough and then it hit her.

Jeffry Pitt was a fat, disgusting, bald man in his late fifties. At the medical convention he just couldn't keep his eyes off of her breasts, even when he talked to her.

"Mr. Pitt, I actually am very busy this week..." she answered politely.

"Oh no! Too bad! I thought we could talk about the 300.000 dollars I wanted to give to your hospital..."

300.000 dollars???? Well, this was new! The woman in her was screaming to let her dignity win over that repellent man, but the Dean of Medicine in her couldn't help but think about her PPTH and its well being.

"Mr. Pitt are you sure you want to offer me that amount of dollars?"

"As sure as I've never been!" he was so self confident. "So I'm coming tomorrow afternoon at 4.00. See you."

"Bye". NO!! Tuesday is tomorrow!!!BLEAH! You have to do this Lisa! It's for your baby. House is costing you too much this year. And here he comes again…Lisa stop!!

Damn the man!
