First I do not own Code Lyoko and if I did I would make Yumi and Ulrich kiss!

Oh and this just something I came up with so yea…….it's most likely bad…..



Ulrich: 17\

And Xana is no more and William is free

"There so beautiful aren't they, Ulrich." She said laying down on the soft grass in the park. Ulrich really wasn't looking at the stars he was just looking at the beauty who was right next to him. Her name was Yumi Ishiyamia and he loved her so but she never know it because he was too shy, Yumi had silky black hair that stopped at her shoulders and she had curves but still had a well built body. She could do moves you would think were impossible ,she could make any man or boy drool but for Ulrich Stern he has been drooling for these beauty since the day he saw her…..But one thing Ulrich Stern didn't know was she loved him as well and would do anything for him just like he would for her…………

"Yea they are but I see something more beautiful then the stars." He said simply looking at her. She then turned her eyes towards him and raised a brow. "Yea and what would that be?" She asked.

He then realized what he had said and looked at the stars. Yumi just shrugged knowing Ulrich wasn't going to say anything.

"So….Yumi how is your 'friendship' with William going." He asked wanting to know if she liked Dunbar.

"What are you jealous." She asked slyly.

"No…." He said not looking at her and then saw the stars forming into Yumi's face. 'Even the stars want me to tell her!' Urich thought

She sighed. "No nothing like that I just feel bad about him being Xana fined and being on Lyoko.So Ulrich how's your 'friendship with Emily going?"

"Um….what do you mean I don't even have a friendship with Emily and I so…do not like Emily…I…I…already love someone." He said blushing.

Yumi just looked down. 'Great he already loves someone…..' Yumi sighed but then put a smile on. "Well….I love someone too but I don't think he likes me…."

"You…do? Do I know him?"

"First you have to tell me. Who's the lucky girl." Ulrich smirked a little at her question.

"Well…she's this girl that I used to fight side with in Lyoko…" He said looking at her eyes.

"Oh my god you love Aelita?!" Yumi said not knowing he was talking about her.

"No!!! And any ways Jeremine would kill me! Well try too." Both of them laughed.

"Then who the only other is me and ……" Before she could finish she felt strong hands around her waist and seeing him in front of her and breathing heavily.

"………." Yumi didn't know what to say she was just blushing like mad. And she was also fighting not to his kiss his soft lips well at least they looked soft….

"Yumi…..I…I…love you." Yumi could not fight it she put her hands on his cheeks and then kissed him passionately….But before she did she said….."Dido Ulrich, I love you too."

Ulrich eyes were wide but quickly pulled her closer to him……………

"Who would have ever thought looking at the stars would bring us together." Yumi said putting her head on his strong chest. After kissing and having a tongue war.

"I didn't that's for sure." He said kissing her forehand

OK this is my first one shot so yea…..NO FLAMES PLEASE! And if it sucks sorry I just wrote it because I had it in my mind for like a week.