


Thoughts or writings


Disclaimer - I do not own Final Fantasy Tactics or any of its characters etc.

"Reports have wagered the validity of what is known to us for over a hundred years time. But they however do not contain in whole the full veracity of our ancestors...Once a kingdom built upon war and bloodshed thrived. A vast corrosive sea that hid much from our assailing eyes slumbered no more, divulging ancient knowledge long forgotten. So to the story that was left untold has yet to end...The heart can change and most of what is known is also mostly distorted. For the truth remains obscure. Now we must reopen the gates of time. We must open our luminous, naïve eyes. To see a new age dawning and,the legitimacy of history's most colossal love story. The Ancient, Zodiac Brave story."

Excerpt from the revised Durai report...

My study is littered with papers, books, sketches, papyrus and so much more. Ink accidentally spilled upon much of my thrown away tattered works. Candles with wax dripping lighting up the wooden walls, all made of thick oak woods, with pale-green molding shaped like tree branches. A small water basin to one side of my sizable desk. Cashmere carpets the color of storm clouds beneath my feet. All around myself were murals of landscapes, townsfolk, and far more ancient icons. Such as forgotten idols, runes and more.

Soft patter of footsteps echoed as I turned the page of a work I was currently writing. My ink well nearly dry, I paused mid-sentence.

"Magister Arazlam?" I knew that timid voice well-enough, inclining my head in its' direction so that the source may enter.

The boy in question that entered wore a blue tunic and pale ivory breeches with black battle boots, and white turtle-neck for an undershirt. His hands were glove-less and his hair was a dirty blond, eyes as brilliant as a morning cloudless sky. He was no more than seventeen years of age. Pale skinned and somewhat toned. A stupendous apprentice! If I do say so myself. Always pursuing more knowledge. Always asking questions and solving incredulous puzzles.

My weary aged, dark eyes wandered to the documents splayed out before me. "you have come at a most opportune time my pupil." Merriment danced in his eyes. "Come young one, sit with me awhile."

"What is it Magister? You rarely look through these venerable dossiers." he was joking with myself, however his eyes skimmed over a page I had worked on tirelessly. A theory of mine more or less per-say. "Ramza Beoulve: A man or god?" he laughed, unable to conceal his mirth. "Magister truly such a text will be of much speculation and delusional fantasies?"

I scratched my beard acknowledging his words. "Some would be speculation but...I have wind of a peculiar novel...One that was hidden and, written by Orran Durai."

"Though you be related Magister, I see no reason your forefather would ensconce the life of Ramza Beoulve! It may not have ended in Necrohols of Mullonde...Still there are few reasons to believe, the apparitions Orran claims to have witnessed, were indeed the Beoulve children. They most certainly could have been specters. Created from his own grief and guilt? "

It was my turn to grin. A sound like small wind-swept chimes resounded. In the direction it had come from there was a small safe, I had stowed away. Its' magi ck seal was broken and out slipped a beautifully made book. Bound in silver it had a stunningly, radiant Sun and Moon upon its cover, all twelve Zodiac signs etched into it as well. I saw his eyes widen and mouth drop open. Yes I indeed knew more than any had foreseen. More than I had dared to let on.

Its' gold pages shimmered as it opened beyond the war of the lions, and Necrohols of Mullonde to a new chapter. Written words left untouched for many an age.

"Magister is this... is this palpable?" he gawked.

I nodded, my soul filing with levity "yes my apprentice, it indeed is genuine. The Book of Serpentarius, more commonly called The lost Durai report, or last testament of Orran Durai. Many cognomens it has held over the passing years. I have read and re-read its' contents. You my apprentice would be surprised as to what occurred after the Necrohols of Mullonde."

he smirked ready to play this game of mine. "The Golden Era of Heiral, of course! Many years of peace before his rule came to an abrupt close."

I shook my head., smoke from snuffed out candles filling my nostrils. They flared slightly. "That my dear friend is much less accurate. That is what our church's history wants us to believe."

He blinked several times uncertain of what to say or do next. "Magister, I feel quite befuddled. Ramza is not heard of again in any page nor text of history. He did not survive the Necrohols. No man ever has. Even the history of Ivalice, before Beoulve existed speaks nothing of their lineage nor when they originated. Delita Heiral may not have been the man nor King many thought he was, however he had successors. Be that as it may they were not his own seed."

I guffawed loudly! He was just as clueless now as he was when I began instructing him. "Even much of Ivalice's history has been altered, changed by those with power. The life of Ramza Beoulve did not end then, as it has not ended now."

That in all its' mystery puzzled my friend further, so I stretched a hand over the book and all it was and, has been came to life! My apprentice gasped and jumped a few paces back. I smirked. That to was once my reaction. A silhouette entered behind my apprentice, dressed in dark blue robes and scarves to hide their face. I nodded as they so did and turned my attention back to the lad beside me.

"My friend this book is both written and, not written by Orran Durai. You see by the time the other half came to be, Orran had been sentenced to death by the Church. Resulting in Orran being burnt at the stake... At some point Delita was very set in his... whom claim power they are not worthy of do so fall into delirium. Ramza had been wiped clean from history's pages. It would eventually not be entirely so...this book is a testament to his life and much, much more. The last relic ." My voice was smoother than a baby's bottom. It was time the world knew what was fact, and what was fiction.

"Magister I believe Ramza Beoulve was the true hero but, if the story did not end and you claim it has not ended now...What happened? Where is the Beoulve man now? How does Ramza yet live?"

"Demetri, when you first glanced my way I was both honored and touched." My silk robes felt tight. All blues and silvers is what I had worn since, I read this book. "Magi ck rules our world as it did then and long ago. You were so struck by my wisdom I took ye as apprentice. Passing my wisdom on to you. But, I am old and not as lively as ye. This novel speaks more truth than any other in our world." I paused and touched its' pages welcoming it to me once again. For the very last time. "I have mentioned before, continents surrounding Ivalice?" Demetri shook his head as a map glittered like a dozen diamond facets before our eyes. "Far to the South is a mirror image of Ivalice. None save select few knows of its' existence. Tis known as the great Star Continent. A drifting masterpiece called Orlania!"

So it was to be. This will be the last time that I tell Ramza Beoulve's story.


Beautiful golden rays of sunlight, rained down upon the pastel colored city far from known worlds. A world protected by deep-rooted magic-ks, long since forgotten. Large apartment complexes, inns, stores, schools and churches of all kinds colored the same soft greens, blues, purples and pinks. From the pastel colored skies cascaded down petals of cherry blossoms and sakura trees. Waterways carved into the shiny blue streets, and waterfalls covered in green vines fell over many of the buildings. It was a city to remember. Lights strewn across vast-open areas. Gardens flourishing with fresh life. Many races intermingling with one another. There were Elvaan, people with long pointed ears and astounding dexterity; gifted speed. Moogles small skittish creatures with fluffy bodies and, large colored balls atop their heads, smaller bat-like wings on their backs. Bangaa a large breed of reptiles capable of great battle strategies, strength and intelligence. Seeq a race of mercenaries resembling the swine that were both powerful and slow. Nu Mou a race of gentle priests and chemists, with long droopy ears and sullen eyes, known best for their knack in alchemy. And of course the humes. Humans in all senses of the word, unique in appearance and sizes. Then lastly there was the Viera; a race of bunny eared women of the wood with gray to brown furred bodies and pointed feet. They were bred accordingly, and capable of great hunts since they were skilled with the bow. Known as well for great beauty.

Floats passed by one by one. All strewn with silver tapestries and laces of soft winter-snow. People swarmed into the main square to frolic and play. To see with their own eyes one of their country's most regal and adored figures. Priests and Priestesses of various races bowed low, their hands folded into their long habit sleeves of white and silvers. A particularly large float carried on it a most sublime looking gentleman with auburn hair to his ears, an elegant fitting black and white tunic with gold shoulder pads and ribbons. His boots as well were the familiar black-leather riding boots, his gloves white. Several scrolls placed delicately in his belt's holster. He turned while in the midst of waving toward his fellow passenger and smiled respectfully. What smiled back at him was a petite young woman, with dark ebony hair strewn up in a braided messy bun. Butterfly clips decor in sapphires and pearls placed leisurely throughout her hair! A long white and pink veil atop a golden tiara. Her eyes were a very light crystalline blue, her skin like cream but still so soft and radiant from youth. Her lips a soft rosy pink. The dress cut low on to her bosom with silver trimmings, and laced up the back like a corset. The lower skirts flowed like a flaring river and were shaded pink in some sections; trimmed as well with silver, a crescent moon almost clear on the center of the dress' fabric. The sleeves were long and wide much like the skirts hiding her dainty hands and manicured nails.

She smiled back at her companion, turning slightly to face the guard behind her. A tall Viera woman wearing a skimpy silver outfit that almost blended in with her body, and stiletto shoes laced up to her thighs a cloth hanging over her slim-hips and buttocks. Hr countenance had a somewhat quizzical mask to it, but it suited her race. Even her coal colored eyes, soft and innocent like a doe's. She inclined her head toward the woman. Sternly with pride in her actions and stature. Horns blew and flutes resounded! Trumpets blasted as they finally docked at the stairs to a large cathedral looking palace that must have stood more than fifteen hundred feet tall, and almost a small sea in width and length with many floors and waterfalls, a garden to one side and a tower that resembled a conch shell in the distance. The gentleman took the girl's hand and led her to a podium before all the city and its' inhabitants. People cheered and tossed rice into the air for luck. The woman smiled up at her companions and bowed respectively toward her people.

"Today is a bright and shining day for us thy people of the stars! For today we shall send the most beloved icon of our peoples across the Star Seas into the land of our brethren... of our past!" The people hailed and cheered at his smooth but strong voice and words.

"Today we shall send the first of us across the waters and we shall sweep away the terror at our doorsteps! To forever be united as one free heart! So says the goddess!" They yelled his name and that of royal family members. Chanting in honor of their beloved deity. He smirked and bowed to the woman beside him before they resumed their entry into the palace throne room.

The throne room must have been 600 paces by 10 hundred paces side to side and front to back, but opened up on all sides by tall marble pillars of soft pink color, and at least 800 feet tall in its height. The ceiling held a mural of stars and symbols of the brave zodiac signs, all dancing and changing as did the constellations during the seasons. The large throne was white marble with a silver silken blanket to sit upon. Of course the king himself was sitting upon the throne, looking quite fit and joyous. He wore a long silver robe with light-blue over coats and silver boots, along with silver gloves and a tall silver crown encrusted with diamonds, pearls and quartzite. His eyes were a smoky-blue, his hair a dark brownish-blonde. His beard was trimmed yet somewhat stubbly, but his smile was soft like it had always been. The king stood up and bowed his head to them. The woman curtsied as did the gentleman. They both smiled at their king.

"Today is a pleasant day. Today you my dear will make history by sailing further than any other has in a thousand years. All for the sake of an alliance. An alliance that shall secure our country's safety. It will be a long journey but worth the while." She smiled sweetly and bowed her head low again. Silence swept over the dais, disrupted by loud, rumbling gunfire!

All eyes turned toward the northwest. It seemed the enemy knew they were plotting. It mattered not for they could move as swiftly and as silently as the wind across the seas. "Go now my dear! Go to our brethren and meet with their king. Persuade him to ensure our people's' safety. Persuade for an alliance, accept any terms given. You are our only hope" She nodded and as fast as she could walk her and the silent Viera were off toward the harbor where they would sail away toward the northern coast. They snuck around bends and down allies to make it there unhindered, unseen. When they reached the dock they breathed in the salty sea air and sighed heavily. A large dark red Bangaa waltzed up to them in silent greeting.

"Across the seass to the Warjilis port city I take thee? They are waiting there for you my ladyss" it hissed. "It will be a short trip with our craft. Any other would take several dayss possibly even weeksss." They duo nodded and boarded the massive ship, with great cerulean sails. Quietly they slipped away below deck so none would know the secrets they were taking across the ocean. The Bangaa walked toward the helm and signaled to his crew. All deck-hands began moving about, raising anchor and setting sail across the seas. He faced the man in charge of sailing the boat and hissed sternly "To Warjilis port city! Make haste!"

They sailed for hours and, and hours but soon they found the Bangaa had been quite honest in his words. In almost less than a days time they had docked at Warjilis port city within the Lionel regions. The Viera was awed by what she could see through the port holes. Taking her lady's hand gently she led them above deck. The Bangaa gave a lizard-like smile and waved his hand to the open horizon painted in darker colors than she had ever been use to. Now she wore a deep silver cloak with hood to hide her beautiful face.

"Welcome malady! To the grandiose Kingdom of Ivalice." The woman gasped as he said this and smiled softly feeling a strange pull deep in her blood. "Long hasss it been the gem of my heart, but I will alwayss love my home twice as much if not more!" He chided. She nodded in reply.

"Ivalice" She breathed the wind catching her soft sweet voice.

Final Fantasy Tactics II: Dawning of the Gods

StarBorn: I decided to change the beginning, explain how the story is and change it up a bit. Read review again lol