Summary: What if Naruto had been hiding his skills the entire time, right up until his graduation from the academy? What if he was given scrolls on countless techniques in secret? What if the Shinigami made a deal with the Yondaime? AU Naruhina


Yondaime thinking

'Yondaime talking'




Disclaimer: I own nothing!!

Chapter 3 : time passes

And so, as the title says, time passed. After two years of Naruto's training, Naruto had learned enough from Arashi and Kyuubi to be able to take on just about anyone who underestimated him, save anyone above mid-chunin level. Which of course, was the idea.

He was still wearing his orange jumsuit. Although, he did have an alternative wardrobe planned out for after he graduated. He had created a fake crush. Sure Ino was kinda pretty, but he didn't really like her. At all. His grades were also horrible. All faked. Kyuubi tutored him in the written subjects. He had spent months getting his aim to about low chuunin level. Arashi had taught him the the basics of his taijutsu(fighting style) style. The only thing he hadn't worked on was any ninjutsu(ninja techniques) other than the Kawarimi(replacement), and Henge(Transformation). He had also learned how to hide his chakra(already demonstrated), stealh, espionage(pranks), and escape methods(for when he was caught).

On the other hand, the number of people who new about his skill level amounted to four people. (Ahem.) Oh right, sorry. Five people, Sandaime looks through his crystal ball.

After another four years, naruto was special jounin level. He specialized in fuuton jutsus(wind style techniques), stealth (I mean come on he breaks into the Hyuuga compound wearing 'kill me' orange), Rasengan, and Kage Bunshin(Shadow Clone).

Wait up world. INCOMING!!

A.N.: if you don't like it, don't read it. Plz review. It could provide new inspirational ideas. although I will be responding to the reviews individually(unless they are just compliments or flames in which case I won't be responding). I hate it when people waste entire chapters on responding to reviews.

I know it's short, but I will update eventually.