I know I keep posting short chapters, but the only internet I have now is at school, so I have only a limited time to type.

The once dark sky shifted to an orange hue, alarming the young albino boy. He took a glance at Lyn, who was clutching tightly to the chain that held her to the swing set while she slept. He decided to give her a push on the shoulder.

Lyn, Otis called. She woke up in a daze. For a moment, she forgot where she even was before seeing Devil Boy beside her.

Lyn stretched out her arms lazily, almost falling off the swing ser, and greeted, Morning, sunshine.

Otis mumbled, Mornin While staring at the ground. Lyn stood up finally.

I think we better go, Devil boy. If anyone finds us here this early, well get in big trouble.

Otis said nothing. He only stared at the sand, counting each little spec. He did this all night, but would loose count. Then, he would start over, not paying much attention to Lyn.

Otis? She waved her hand over his face, Are you ok?

His face was blank. He didnt even look up. Lyn grew worried over the boys behavior.

You know, Devil Boy, you dont have to go back. You can stay with us. My foster mother will take you in, I know it.

He didnt reply. Without even taking her words into question, he turned around and began walking away.

About six in the morning, Lyn returned to her home. She carefully climbed up to her bedroom window and clinched for her life. Inside, Lyn could see all the other children fast asleep, wrapped in their covers like cocoons. Trying not to wake them, Lyn creaked open the window, enough to let her slip through.

As she tiptoed to her bed, Lyn noticed a little girl in her place. At times, some kids would get scared at night and sneak into bed with her. She tried her best not to wake her while climbing into the bed.

Even as tired as she was, Lyn found it hard to go to sleep.

I wonder what that boys up to She thought, as her arm wrapped around the little kid beside her. With each passing second, Lyn grew worried over her troubled friend. Eventually, her eyes grew heavier, and she drifted off to sleep.

You know how people post lyrics that are kind of sappy for the story? Well, heres lyrics totally unrelated to this story. Now Imagine Spaulding and otis when listening to this...:

I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
I want to know right now
What will it be
I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be

(Rights to Paula cole, I DON'T WANT TO WAIT, thats right, I researched it)

haha, happy 4-20 -like 2 days ago-

I had to put something else up. And all those years of momma making me watch dawsons creak caught up with me :(