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Summary: Teachers aren't supposed to develop feelings for their students. Deidara knew. He knew and yet he fell in love. And now both he and Hyuuga Hinata have to pay a heavy price for it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. For me sad but true, and it's lucky for you.

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Lesson nr. I

He stared at the phone.

Maybe it would go away if he just glared long enough at it.


The damn thing would disappear into thin air, and then he would be good for a little while longer. Just until she would be standing in front of his door, demanding to open it and asking why the fuck he didn't answer her calls.

He sighed. 'Deidara, you are in deep shit.' And with that he slowly leaned forward, snitched his cell phone from the table and after hesitating he dialed the number. It ringed a few times before someone answered.


Hearing only her voice was enough to send him into the deepest bottom of Hell again. A sweatdrop traveled down the side of his head and he gulped before he spoke.

"Tayuya. It's me, hmm."

"Deidara? Why the hell are you calling?! You know I'm working right now, asshole!"

Another gulp. "I know, but I have something... important to say."

He could clearly hear her cynical laugh throughout the earpiece. "It better be important, yeah. Or you can expect a kick under your fuckin' ass soon enough."

He was used to the profanities she always shouted. But it was about to get a whole lot worse. "I... have taken up the offer."


"Errr... Tayuya. Are you still there, hmm?"

"What the fuck did you just say?!"

"...I said I..."

"No fuckwad, I heard you! But why? Why did you take that goddamn offer, Deidara?!"

He sighed again before running a hand through his blonde hair. No use trying to calm her. "Because I wanted to."

It sounded childish, even to him. And maybe it had kind of been the wrong thing to say. Out of precaution the hand that was holding his cell phone went a little further away from his ear. The voice that was Tayuya sounded strangely calm. Not a good sign.

"Because you wanted to. You. Wanted. To."

Before he could say anything else (mainly apologizing or at least trying to), his girlfriend continued in that icily chilling voice: "You know what, mister I-have-my-head-shoved-so-deep-up-my-ass-I-can-smell-the-pyrosis, you just fucking go and take that fucking job all the way in fuckin' Tokyo! But you won't see me no more. Good-bye. BEEP-BEEP-BEEP..."

He stared at the phone. She had hung up.

She had hung up on him.

And she was gone.

He groaned loudly before letting himself fall back again, phone clattering onto the floor with a thud. He didn't bother to pick it up.

It had to be done. He knew. He knew but it still hurt.



* * *

"Hinata." The voice that called for her sounded serious. He was worried for her. Again.

Lavender eyes looked up shyly. "Y-Yes?" Inwardly she smacked herself. The stutter was still there. She had practiced so hard, but it hadn't disappeared. Maybe it had something to do with...

"Sasuke-teme bothered you again? Be honest with me." Her childhood friend Inuzuka Kiba looked intently at her, dark eyes boring into hers to force an honest answer out of her.

At the mention of the name of the person that she feared so much her eyes were cast down again, staring to the floor as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. Kiba thought that he heard a soft sigh. His hand reached up slowly, hovering above her head before he suddenly ruffled the raven locks, messing up her perfectly combed hair. She gave a yelp and shot up, small hands attempting to get his larger one away. "K-Kiba-kun..!"

A small grin appeared on his lips. "Sorry Hina, but I won't let you get away that easily."

She smiled swiftly before it faded as soon as it had came. An almost invisible frown appeared. Kiba saw it, though. He listened to her lies, desperate attempts to let him stop worry about her.

"No, S-Sas-Sasuke-san didn't d-do anything...Please d-don't worry, okay?" Her face was straight, but inwardly she felt the old twist returning once again. She hated lying, especially to her friends. But she hated it even more when she made people worried. They shouldn't. Not for her.

Kiba didn't mention the fact that with the name Sasuke her stutter had worsened ten-volt, even more than she used to do around her old crush Uzumaki Naruto. He knew her. He knew that she was lying. His fist clenched.

That damn bastard.

Why couldn't he leave her alone? Why couldn't he hunt down some other woman? That Haruno girl seemed willingly enough.

If only he could do something. He wanted to beat that Uchiha up so badly, but Hinata wouldn't let him. She was afraid he would get into trouble since Uchiha Itachi, the even-more famous brother of Sasuke, held a highly important rank at the police.

But if it continued like this, he was going to take action. Fuck Uchiha Itachi. Hinata was far more important to him than his own record.

His train of thoughts was interrupted by the source of his worries who was currently glancing up at him, curious why he was so far away. He grinned again.

"Sorry Hina-chan. I was just thinking." She didn't ask about what. She knew that he knew. Neither continued their conversation from before. He didn't dare. She didn't want to.

Kiba shot a look at his watch, mainly to escape from the tense silence. "Oi. Let's go." He reached his hand out to her. "Class is starting soon and Shino and the rest are probably already waiting for us."

The girl smiled genuinely for the first time. "All right, Kiba-kun." She took his hand and was pulled up from the bench she was sitting on. "Ah...What c-class do we have right now?" she thought aloud.

Face scrunched up in disgust, he answered sourly for her. "Our favorite subject."

"You don't mean Maths, right?" Looking pleadingly at him, Hinata prayed that he was joking. However, Kiba nodded. "Yeah. Sadly enough, I'm not kidding."

Her face fell. "C-Crap."

Upon hearing the muttered profanity, Kiba's look of abhorrence was replaced by one of surprise. "I'm not sure I heard that right. Did you just swear, Hina?"

As he saw her slapping her hand for her mouth and becoming as red as a tomatoe, he smirked widely. "C'mon, let's get going. Anko-sensei doesn't like it when you're late. You of all people should know."

She nodded and immediately sped up, not wanting to be tardy. Mitarashi Anko could be quite… harsh when a student came in too late. Kiba walked behind her, deciding he wouldn't press the Uchiha-issue any further today.

For now.

* * *

He stared around.

The apartment seemed no longer his.

Technically speaking that was the actual truth since he hadn't paid his rent for a few months, but now it was just an empty space, void of any human touch. Most of his stuff was already on their way to Tokyo, and soon he would follow.

But the only thing that was on his mind right now, was the woman he had left so cruelly. A tired sigh escaped his lips.

It was true.

The love had never been there. He had known it all along, deep down. But he had been content with the way they were. She was there and so was he, and that was enough.


It felt safe at first, but after a while it became... boring. Just an every-day happening.

Boredom is something an artist hates with a passion.

So he had looked. Had searched for something different. He had asked around. And then that invitation came. From a high school in Tokyo. They had difficulty in finding a new Chemistry teacher after their last one had suddenly become sick and bed-ridden. Somehow, it had sounded right. He accepted. He went for a meeting, to get a job interview with the principal.

They had offered him the job.

He had taken it.

One look on his watch told him the taxi would be there soon. He closed the door and walked away, carelessly tossing the keys in the mailbox of his lessor in the process.

He hadn't left a note behind for Tayuya. He felt like a bastard.

He was a bastard. A cowardly one at that.

But he was out of here. Finally. Somehow Tayuya seemed far away now.

He walked over to the cab; the driver flashed a professional taxi-driver's smile at him and asked if he was the one that had ordered a taxi. The blonde just nodded and got in.

Deidara didn't look behind to see the fading city for the last time. Although it wasn't that far from Tokyo, he already knew he wouldn't come back.

Not willingly, at least.

The drive was silent, safe for the driver asking him random things every now and then, and muttered answers from the artist.

In two days he would begin on Konoha High school. As a teacher in Chemistry.

A smirk broke through. Deidara wondered how it would be. He had never taught a class full of horny teenagers the fine rules of substances and their many characteristics, let alone get them to work. From what he still knew of his high school days, being a teacher is an ungrateful job. Especially in Chemistry. Most people just didn't understand the concept of it all. He took it that most teenagers didn't, either. Let alone wanted to.

But it would be fine. He could handle himself.

No problemo.

* * *

She let out a small giggle before poking him once again.

He yawned loudly before turning his head from whatever dared to bother him in his well-needed nap and continued sleeping, every now and then mumbling something incoherent.

He truly reminded her of another lazy person that thought that sleeping was the only remedy for the dull monologue of their History teacher. She slightly prodded her head to the right and saw that the afore-mentioned person, Nara Shikamaru, was also sleeping soundly, much to the annoyance of his girlfriend Yamanaka Ino. Her blue eyes were currently boring a hole in his head and she was shaking his shoulder, but either he didn't notice, or more likely, he ignored her.

Hinata turned her head back to the teacher and gasped when she saw that the man was staring right at Kiba. She shuddered slightly. Hatake Kakashi was a mellow person, but if someone dared to sleep, eat, talk or doing something else that he as a teacher couldn't tolerate, he could be quite harsh. She reached out an arm and shook her friend another time, whispering his name in a panicked tone.


As expected, he didn't respond. Others seemed to notice their classmate now, snorting silently as they waited for a small riot to break out. She felt the eyes of her teacher resting on her now and knew that if she didn't do something quick, Kiba would have detention for the second time that week. Something that his mother wouldn't appreciate.


He shot up, dazedly looking around before he realized he was still in class and that his teacher was currently staring at him with a look that clearly told that he wouldn't get off without a scratch this time.


"Ohh, you're screwed now, dude!" Uzumaki Naruto whispered not-so-softly from behind. He grinned widely as Kiba glared dangerously at him before turning back and sighing loudly. "Yeah yeah, I know. 'Stay after class because I want to speak a word or to with you', right?"

Kakashi put on a feigned surprised face. "Well Inuzuka, I've never known that you were a psychic! Maybe if you could tell me if I will finally get that promotion I've been waiting for, I'll consider letting this pass."

Laughter erupted as Kiba blushed slightly from embarrassment before firing back a cocky answer. "I'm not sure about that, Sir. But the spirits do have unraveled to me that the date that you're having soon won't have a happy ending."

The laughter went even louder but died down abruptly as soon as the ominous aura of their teacher was suddenly felt in the entire room. Hinata winced. This wasn't going to end very well…

End of Lesson nr. I

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A/N: All right… Well, that was chapter one. I really wanted to make a DeiXHina for a change since it is my utmost fave crack pairing. n.n There's nothing much going on right now, but I promise that'll change soon. I rated it 'M' for a reason… -grins- Anyway, uhmm… Please review? Of course constructive criticism is okay (very appreciated actually), but please, no flames to tell me how much you hate this pairing and that Hinata's destined to be with Naruto or something like that. I'm a fragile person, un! n.n