It was a week after Ryan and Massie moved in together. She had finally moved all her stuff into his and spent the time he was at work unpacking. He was thankful for the week off to clear his head and get advice from Massie and his friends. Calleigh and Eric had come to him the day he was lugging boxes into his apartment and asked him if he would swap next week off with Delko so he and Calleigh could spend a whole week together, uninterrupted. He quickly agreed.

Ryan was in the break room finishing off paperwork. He and Horatio hadn't worked together that day but Ryan had to see him and talk to him. He felt very nervous. Horatio hadn't spoken to Ryan in a week and hadn't even tried to contact him or visit him or " bump into" him. Ryan hoped the whole day that he hadn't missed his window.

He finished his paperwork and Natalia's which he offered to do. He looked at the clock: eight thirty. He ran to the locker room to grab his jacket and backpack. He ran down to Horatio's office and slowed down when he neared. He knocked lightly on the door. Horatio didn't even look up. " Yeah," he said through the door.

Ryan opened the door and stuck his head in. " Hey." Horatio looked up, shocked; this was the friendliest thing Ryan had done since both men found out about their relationship. " I told Natalia I'd bring these down when I was finished," he said handing the files to Horatio. " Speed was bugging her to go to a movie , so I decided to help them out!" he continued, smiling. " I've been helping a lot of people out lately, com to think of it."

Horatio took the file from Ryan. " Thank you."

" Eh, anything for love!" Ryan said, shrugging his jacket on.

" Speaking of, shouldn't you be going to meet your girlfriend or something?"

" Um no, she's gone out with friends tonight... She said she'd stop by here if I hadn't gone home but I'll probably just meet up with her." Ryan. just stood there looking at his feet

" Anything else?"

" Um, actually yeah."

Horatio looked at him.

" I wanted to apologise for the way I've been acting for the last few weeks. It was out of line and uncalled for and you didn't deserve it."

" It was understandable!"

" Oh yeah... you dealt with it! Anyway, I was, um, I was wondering, if um, maybe... I don't know... if you wanted to grab a coffee or something sometime!" Horatio made no movement. " I'd, um, I'd like, if, um, you met Massie sometime too. She was the one who talked me into being civil, so..."

" Coffee sounds good!" Horatio said. " Breakroom now ok for you?" Ryan nodded. " Alright, just a second." He turned out all the lights in his office and they headed for the breakroom.

They stayed there for hours and talked. Horatio told him about Ray, Ray Jr. and his parents. Ryan told him every little detail of his childhood: how he spent his summers, his favourite teddy bear when he was a child and how he still has it. He talked about his teenage years and Horatio started again telling him about the bomb squad and working in New York. When they finished talking it was nearly two am. The two men walked outside. Ryan began telling Horatio about Massie until they arrived outside and stood on the steps.

" Thank you," Horatio said.

" For what?" Ryan asked.

" You didn't have to do this. Can I ask you something?"

" Sure."

" Why did you ask to have coffee with me? I thought you didn't want me to be a part of personal life and barely of your professional."

" I don't know, I guess I need my Dad in life and to be honest, there were times part of me wanted you to be my dad and for a spit second there was a feeling that you were. I mean I didn't really feel at home anywhere until I joined the lab!"

" Ryan... I never knew... you have to believe me, I didn't even know she was pregnant again until I realised you were her son and my personal feelings never led to my judgement. As far as I was concerned you are an exceptional and eager kid who wanted something from his life and his career!"

" Yeah I know that now."

Both men stood there for a few seconds until they heard footsteps and heard a female voice. " Hey."

Ryan turned at smiled at the figure standing at the bottom of the steps. " Hey," he replied.

" Am I interrupting anything?" Massie asked, embarrassment crossing her face as she bit her bottom lip.

" No," he said holding out his hand for her. She hesitantly took it and climbed the steps. He wrapped his arm around her waist. He turned to Horatio. " This is Massie, my girlfriend. Mace this is Horatio... my dad." All three smiled at that.

Massie held out her hand. " It's nice meeting you!" she said. He took her hand and shook.

" It's nice meeting you too. Ryan was just telling me so much about you."

"He ends to exaggerate a bit!"

Horatio chuckled. " Well it's getting kinda cold. You two should head away. Have a nice weekend ma'am." He turned to Ryan and smiled. " See you tomorrow!"

The couple left for his car. Horatio stood there until they were out of sight then cast his eyes up to the sky and went back inside.


A:N: I was so tempted to have Horatio put his shades on at the end there.

Please review. I was thinking of a sequel based on Massie. Tell me what you think of her and if you want me to delve into her past. I have a few ideas