Okay, I had this posted and it was good but I think someone reported it and it was taken down. I got an email saying that it was taken down. So I have changed it a little, not that much. But if you read this before please read it again, I am trying to make it different and if you haven't please read it.

Disclaimer: I don't own HSM, only the plot.

All the girls love him

Shows a bunch of screaming girls throwing themselves at Troy while he tries to get through.

Except for her

Shows Gabriella watching TV with her two best friends. "I don't get what the big deal is," Gabriella says. She rolls her eyes at the girls on the screen in front of her.

When her friends brings her to meet him what will happen?

"I won the sing with Troy Bolton contest!" Sharpay yells. All of them start jumping around, well Taylor and Sharpay do.

"That's great!" Gabriella says.

"I get to bring two friends out to LA with me. Will you two come?" Sharpay asks. They both nod their heads.

He thinks she is the most interesting thing ever.

Shows Troy looking At Gabriella who was messing around on stage singing one of her song. "Wow," He whispered.

They walk up to the girls.

"You're Sharpay," his manager asks Gabriella. She laughs and points to Sharpay.

"I'm Gabriella. This is Taylor." Gabriella says sitting back down in one of the many seats

"This is Chad and Ryan," Troy says. They all say hi to each other.

She doesn't want to even look at him.

Show's them standing in a room together not saying anything. Five minutes later, right when he was about to say something, she walks out leaving him confused.

Their friends start going out.

Shows Sharpay and Ryan kissing and Chad and Taylor doing the same thing. Troy and Gabriella just stand around and watch.

But when she can't sing, who'll take her place?

The doctor says that I can't do the show," Sharpay said. She was lying in bed. "Will you take my place V?" She asked.

"I'm not so sure," Gabriella says looking at Troy who was staring at her.

"Please we don't have time to find a replacement," Kyle, Troy's manager says. She finally gives in and nods.

She won't let him in

"What do you want to know? There is nothing else," Gabriella yelled at him.

"There has to be more. Why don't you like me so much?" Troy asked. She sighed and turns around.

He blows up

"Fine, I'm done with you. You van just go back to being the cold hearted bitch you were," Troy yelled at her. Gabriella's tears start to fall down her face. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it," Before he could get anything else out she turns around and runs away from him.

When she leaves how will things turn out.

"Bye guy," Gabriella says before leaving with all of her bags and a plane ticket back to her hometown.

She comes back at the last minute.

Gabriella walks out onto the stage ignoring everyone.

Will they get together?

Show's Troy and Gabriella kissing

Or will it all fall apart?

Shows them ignoring each other and then yelling at each other even more.

Be There.

Coming soon.

Please tell me if I should even bother posting it. I did spend a lot of time changing everything, including all of the names which can get very confusing. I changed all of the chapter around so they may be a little longer with different things in each of them.

The trailer hasn't changed but some parts have. I've added bit here and there. Please review, I really want to try and get up to the number of reviews that I had before on this story which was somewhere around 110, I think, maybe even more than that. It would mean a lot to me if you would review again or just review if you haven't read it already.

Please check out my other story, 'A Kissing Book'. Not many people are reading it and I'm not going to update it until I get four reviews which I only have three right now. Please read it along with some of my other stories. At least tell me it's horrible if it is.
