"Where I End and You Begin"

"I Know We Can Make It If We Take It Slow"

By: singyourmelody

Disclaimer: Don't own it. Never have. Never will. Title for story belongs to Radiohead.

A/N: I guess this is the start of a sequel story. What can I say? Your reviews have inspired me!


"Okay, so what was William Wordsworth's famous work about childhood?" Phoebe asked, laying on her bed.

"Which one? Aren't they all about childhood?" Will stated as he reclined in Phoebe's desk chair.

"Ah, very clever. Okay, so which one was his most famous?" Phoebe questioned, looking intently at her boyfriend sitting across the room. Will had his English Literature final coming up and Phoebe had volunteered to help him with the poetry aspect.

"I know this one. Hang on." He paused for a moment, deep in thought. "Oh, it's 'Ode: Intimations of Immortality!'" Will said proudly.

"Full title please," Phoebe demanded, trying to feign seriousness.

"Full title please," Will said in a feminine voice, mocking Phoebe. "'Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Childhood,'" he finally stated.

"'Recollections of Early Childhood,'" Phoebe corrected.

"'Early Childhood,' huh?" Will said as he got up from his chair, moving towards Phoebe.

"Yes, 'Early Childhood,'" Phoebe replied as Will tackled her onto the bed, kissing her gently.

He pulled back and looked at her, stroking her hair.

"What?" she asked. But when he just smiled at her, she reached up and kissed him again, her hands moving down to the bottom of his shirt. Slowly, she started pulling it up. Will sat up and moved away from her for a moment as she pulled the shirt over his head. Phoebe then spun the two of them around so that she was lying on top of Will.

"Oh, is it my turn now?" Will asked playfully and smiling as he reached for the bottom of Phoebe's shirt.

Phoebe followed Will's example and moved a little to help him remove her shirt to reveal a lacy camisole underneath.

Will reached up and touched Phoebe's shoulder, ever so lightly, fingertips barely grazing her skin. The touch made Phoebe shiver.

"I love you," Will said.

"I love you too," Phoebe responded before she leaned back down and started kissing Will's neck.

"You know, it seems like most of our study sessions are ending like this," Will said, trying very hard to not give himself completely over to the moment. But when Phoebe was kissing him like this. . .

"I know," Phoebe whispered in between kisses. "So what are we going to do?"

"Well, that is up to you," Will said, sitting up. Phoebe sat next to him and rested her chin on his shoulder. Will could feel her breath tickling his ear.

"What do you mean, it's up to me?" Phoebe asked.

"I don't want you to ever do anything you're not comfortable with. Ever. Okay, Phoebe?" Will looked at her straight in the eyes. "You mean too much to me to just throw it all away because I was pressuring you or made you feel like I expected something from you. That's not part of a good relationship and that's not part of this relationship."

"Okay," Phoebe said softly. They sat in silence for a while, before Phoebe finally said, "I'm nervous, I'll admit that. It's just, it's not something I've ever done before. And I don't know if I would even know what I was doing and I definitely don't know if I am ready for all the emotional ties that come with it."

"I know. I feel the same way," Will stated, simply.

"You've never done it before?" Phoebe questioned. "I guess I just assumed that you had."

Will smiled sheepishly. "Nope, it'd definitely be a first for me," he said.

"Well then, when the time is right," Phoebe said, lacing her fingers through Will's, "it will be the first time for both of us." She laid back down, pulling Will next to her.

As the two found a comfortable position, Will said, "When the time is right."


"We have a problem," Phoebe said as she set, well more like slammed her tray down on the Dining Hall table next to Will's.

"What is it?" Will asked, a look of worry passing over his features.

"Dylan's coming for a visit," Phoebe stated blankly.

"Who's Dylan?" Will's roommate Steven asked from his position across the table. Phoebe turned to look at Steven and Will's friends Bucky and Jon who were sitting next to him. She hadn't even noticed they were there when she began talking.

Will and Phoebe exchanged glances.

"My brother," Will and Phoebe both said at the same time.

Steven, Bucky, and Jon looked at Will and Phoebe in utter confusion.

Phoebe froze and looked at Will. How were they going explain this to a group of guys who only knew Phoebe and Will as boyfriend and girlfriend, not as step-siblings?

Finally Will gave a small laugh, reached over and touched Phoebe's arm, and said, "Her brother, of course. I just know him really well. We go way back so it almost seems like we're brothers. Right, Phoebes?"

Phoebe laughed and turned to Steve, Bucky, and Jon. "Oh he is so right. Whenever Will comes over, it's like they have this little 'bromance' going on with video games, paintball guns, magazines with dirty pictures, the works, and I barely get to see him!"

"I love paintball," Bucky said. "Did you see my new gun, Phoebe?" Will smiled to himself. He had always suspected Bucky of having a small crush on Phoebe.

"Um, no. You'll have to show it to me sometime, Bucky," Phoebe smiled. "What kind it is?" she said, directing the conversation away from Dylan or any evidence of their combined, mixed-up family. Will relaxed a bit and picking up his fork, went back to eating his salad. He knew the situation was settled. For now at least.


"Bromance?" Will whispered as he and Phoebe discarded their trays and left the Dining Hall.

"Hey, it was the best I could come up under the circumstances." Phoebe defended. They turned down the hallway that led to their classrooms.

"And magazines with dirty pictures? What was that about?" Will asked.

"Well I know for a fact that Steven is into that stuff. I found a magazine when I was in your room once, so I figured it would make him believe the excuse," Phoebe replied.

"Oh and how are you so sure that that magazine didn't belong to me?" Will teased as he grabbed Phoebe's hand and pulled her towards a classroom. Checking to make sure it was empty, he pulled the two of them inside the door and shut it quietly.

"Hmm. . . maybe because I know you. You're not the type," Phoebe said.

"Oh really?" Will questioned. "Not the type huh?" Will pushed Phoebe up against the wall and kissed her hard. The two stood there for a while, quietly kissing, before Will finally pulled back, set his forehead on hers and said, "What were you going to tell me earlier about Dylan?"

"I almost forgot!" Phoebe said. "Dylan's coming next week."

"But we're gonna be going home at the end of next week. Why is he coming now?" Will asked.

"I don't know. It's strange. But we need to figure out how we are going to handle this, especially him meeting our friends and telling them everything he knows. Because you know he'll do that," Phoebe finished.

"Well, yeah he probably would do something like that. But how about we think about that later?" Will said as he leaned down to kiss Phoebe again.

Phoebe smiled into his kiss. "Later is good," she said as his lips covered hers.


Phoebe was just finishing up her final Ethics paper when he entered the room. Ever so quietly he tiptoed to her position at her desk, before slowly placing his hands over her eyes from behind.

"Will," she said softly, smiling to herself and reaching up to cover his hands with hers.

"Will, huh?" The voice said from behind her. Phoebe quickly removed her hands and turned around to see Dylan staring at her expectantly, a smirk on his face.

"Dylan!" Phoebe screeched before running to throw her arms around him. "What are you doing here now?"

"Checking up on you, of course," Dylan said as he gave a little bow. "Although I think I should've come earlier. Who knows what kind of trouble that stepbrother of mine has gotten you into?" Dylan laughed.

"Ha ha," Phoebe said. "And what do you know about the trouble Will gets into? You have enough of your own."

"Touche. Anyway, where is Will? I would've thought that since he transferred here for you, he'd be with you twenty-four seven. Doesn't seem like he's acting like a very good boyfriend now does it, Phoebes?"

"Boyfriend? What are you talking about Dylan? Will and I are just friends. You know that," Phoebe stated, as she turned back to her computer to finish printing her assignment.

"What I know, is pretty much everything, Phoebe. In fact, I am the most clued in person in this entire family and you know it. For example, in this latest bizarre twist of fate—"

A knock at the door stopped Dylan from finishing his sentence as Will entered Phoebe's dorm room, trying to balance several brown paper bags.

"Okay, so in celebration of the end of Ethics and Poetry, I have brought Chinese, Mexican, and Indian because I just couldn't deci—Dylan!" Will finally noticed Dylan standing in the corner of the room and quickly glanced at Phoebe who was looking rather nervous. "You're here early."

The three stood in silence as the rich aromas of the food mixed together around them.

Finally Will held up the bags and spoke. "Food?"

Well there's the end of the first chapter of this sequel. In case you were wondering, Phoebe and Will are ending their first year of college and the family doesn't know about them yet. I hope this is realistic while still being interesting. I hate when couples get together only to fight all the time and be annoyed with each other. I like to see happy couples who are actually trying to make it work. But that can be boring . . . so we'll see. Oh, and don't worry. The news that Dylan has should shake things up a bit! As always, please please please review!